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School of Education

Antonio Iodice

Honorary Appointment

About me:

Antonio Iodice is a PhD student within the ERC project directed by Maria Fusaro AveTransRisk. He will be based jointly in the Exeter university and the university of Genoa, under the supervision of Luisa Piccinno. He will study General Averages in Genoa during the Early Modern period.
Antonio Iodice has achieved his Master’s double degree at the University of Rome “La Sapienza” in partnership with the University of Grenoble “Pierre Mendès-France”. He just finished his PhD studies in Modern History at the University of Naples “Federico II” with a thesis called The free port, spreading of an economic model: politics, actors, ideologies, myth. Two compared realities: Genoa and Marseille (1590-1817). He has started his new PhD on the General Averages Transaction Risk Project, coordinated by Maria Fusaro, under the guidance of Luisa Piccinno, at the University of Exeter in partnership with the department of Economics in the University of Genoa. He has published: L’istituzione del porto franco in un Mediterraneo senza frontiere, in «Politics. Rivista di studi politici», n. 5/1: 19-33; Politiche di accoglienza e spazi per i mercanti stranieri nel porto franco di Marsiglia, which is being published on the review «Dimensioni e problemi della ricerca storica»; Il porto franco di Marsiglia, Palladium de prosperité (1669-1794), which is being published in the acts of conference Les règles des lieux, held at the Ecole française de Rome in September 2016; La presenza musulmana a Marsiglia tra XVII e XVIII secolo, Master’s thesis published by Il Terebinto, Avellino, 2017.

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