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School of Education

Dr Bijan Omrani

Honorary Appointment

My current research work is focused on the development of religion in the ancient world. In 2020 I completed a PhD at Exeter, originally under the supervision of Professor Richard Seaford, and later under Professor Matthew Wright and Dr Gabriele Galluzzo. The thesis, which is currently being prepared for publication, looks at the influence of Presocratic philosophy on the depiction of the gods in the plays of Euripides. I am now also working on a book commissioned by Lexington Books in the US which revisits the vexed question of the connection between ancient mystery cults and early Christian texts.

I also maintain a wide range of other research interests. My most recent book, Caesar's Footprints: Journeys to Roman Gaul (2017), which looks at the long-term impact of the Roman conquest on Gaul, was shortlisted for the American Library in Paris Book Award (2018) for most prestigious book of the year in the English Language on France. I was interviewed about my book on the BBC Radio 4 Today Programme, have written on the subject for the popular press, and also recently spoke as an expert on Caesar for a television documentary. I am also interested in neo-Latin verse and Latin verse composition. I previously taught Classics at Eton College, Westminster School, and Winchester College. I currently do voluntary outreach work on Classics for a number of local Devon schools.

I have also published various books, chapters, and articles on the history of Afghanistan and the Silk Road. I am the editor of the Asian Affairs Journal, and am also a trustee of the Royal Society for Asian Affairs. I am a fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, the Royal Asiatic Society, the Royal Geographical Society, and the Royal Society of Arts. I am also a barrister (not currently in practice). I am also a co-director of the Devon-based Shute Festival.

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