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School of Education

Mr Luke Graham

Mr Luke Graham

Senior Lecturer
School of Education

University of Exeter
North Cloisters
St Luke's Campus
Exeter EX1 2LU

About me:

Luke has spent over 20 years as a teacher, head of department and deputy head in a number of rural and coastal schools. He worked for several years as the head of STEM strategy for the DfE, and a ministerial appointment on the Teaching Regulation Agency. He is working on widening participation to STEM careers and how policy influences school practice.


My research interests lie within science and social justice, and particularly how place and space influence pupils view of and participation in science. I've worked on projects with Home Educationed pupils and pupils outside the conventional educatoin setting. My current research looks at rural education.

Recent publications

Hetherington, L., Graham, L., & Moore, D. (eds) (forthcoming in 2024) Learning to Teach Science in the Secondary School: A companion to school experience. 5th Edition. Abingdon: Routledge

Graham, L. (2024) The Grass Ceiling: Hidden Educational Barriers in Rural England. Educ. Sci, 14, 165.

Banerjee P, Graham, L. & Given, G. (2024) A systematic literature review identifying inconsistencies in the inclusion of subjects in research reports on STEM workforce skills in the UK, Cogent Education, 11:1, DOI: 10.1080/2331186X.2023.2288736

Banerjee, P. and Graham, L. (2023), "STEM education in England: questioning the “leaky pipeline” metaphor", Education + Training, Vol. 65 No. 8/9, pp. 957-971.

British Educational Research Association (BERA): Graham, L.(2023) The grass ceiling: Contextualising English rural/urban educational outcomes


BSc Hons, PGCE, PG Cert, MEd

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