Office hours
Please contact me through email, and I will arrange a meeting at our earliest convenience.
Dr Oliver Bridge
School of Education
University of Exeter
Baring Court
St Luke's Campus Heavitree Road
Exeter EX1 2LU
About me:
I am an interdisciplinary researcher and educator specialising in morality studies. During my PhD studies I focused on the intersection of the philosophy and psychology of education and morality. Since then my research interests have evolved to include machine ethics, where I aim to apply lessons learnt from the sociological and psychological studies of morality in the context of AI. I am also interested in systems theory as a perspective for understanding morality and moral development.
Research Interests:
- Moral psychology: developmental, evolutionary, personality & social
- Moral education: implicit education & hidden curriculum, character education, positive education
- Moral philosophy: virtue ethics, pragmatism, naturalism, deep ecology
- Systems theory: complex adaptive systems, multiagent systems, cybernetics
- Machine ethics: alignment, artificial moral agents
- AIEd (Educational AI tools)
Teaching Summary:
Throughout my teaching career I have taught a wide range of modules in the School of Education at Exeter (since December 2023), Department of Psychology at Exeter (2021-23), and the School of Education at Oxford Brookes (2017-21). I have also taught langauge and character education in Türkiye from early years to secondary settings (2014-16).
I am currently lecturing on the MSc in PSychology Conversion Programme, and lead the Research Methods and Conceptual Issues in Psychology module, and the Personality and Individual Differences module.
Office Hours:
Please contact me through email, and I will arrange a meeting at our earliest convenience.