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School of Education

Mrs Ruth Flanagan

Senior Lecturer
School of Education

University of Exeter
Baring Court
St Luke's Campus Heavitree Road
Exeter EX1 2LU

About me:

I have taught at primary, secondary, adult education, undergraduate and post graduate levels. Having lived and worked in India, Russia and Ethiopia my research interests are in intercultural communication, the origins and evolution of worldviews and the significance of these on education throughout the world.

Recent publications:

Flanagan, R. (2018) 'Mission Impossible: training the next generation of RE teachers in 4 hours', RE: Today. 35:2

Flanagan, R. (2019) 'Worldviews: what are they and how can we teach them as well as religions?', RE Today, 37:1.

Flanagan, R (2019) ‘Changing the name to ‘Religion and Worldviews’: a dilution or salvation of RE’. RE: ONLINE. Blog

Flanagan, R. (2019) 'Implementing a Ricoeurian lens to examine the impact of individuals' worldviews on subject content knowledge in RE in England: a theoretical proposition.' British Journal of Religious Education. Available at

Wright, K., Whitworth, L. , Lyal, J. , Clinton, C., Flanagan, R and Love, R. (2019) 'Teach: RE Primary - An Introduction'. Oxford: Culham St Gabriel. available on line at

Wright, K., Whitworth, L. , Lyal, J. , Clinton, C., Flanagan, R and Love, R. (2019) 'Toolkit for Primary Religious Education ITT Providers'. Oxford: Culham St Gabriel. Available on line at

Taro Fujita, Jonathan Doney, Ruth Flanagan & Rupert Wegerif (2019) Collaborative group work in mathematics in the UK and Japan: use of group thinking measure tests, Education 3-13, DOI: 10.1080/03004279.2019.1701513

Flanagan, R (2020) Worldviews from a primary perspective: self detectives. BLOG on RE:Online

Flanagan, R (2020) ‘Teachers' personal worldviews and RE in England: A way forward?’, British Journal of Religious Education, DOI: 10.1080/01416200.2020.1826404

Flanagan, R. (2020) 'Worldviews: overarching concept, discrete body of knowledge or paradigmatic tool?' Journal of Religious Education. DOI: 10.1007/s40839-020-00113-7

Flanagan, R., Wilson, A and Wood, A. ‘Chapter 13: Protecting Our Oceans: Using visual art to inspire children’s learning’ in Pavlou, V. (ed) (2022). Enhancing Visual Arts Education with Education for Sustainable Development; A Handbook for Teachers. Frederick University, Cyprus. CARE_IO6.pdf (

Flanagan, R. Mountford-Zimdars, A. & Channon, M. (2022) #Mypathtolaw: understanding access to the legal profession through a Ricoeurian analysis, Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 27:3, 478-499, DOI: 10.1080/13596748.2022.2076058


Worldviews and Religious Education

Intercultural communication and education

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