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School of Education

Saima Nomaan

Postgraduate Researcher
School of Education

About me:

My educational background includes an MA degree in English Language & Literature from Fatima Jinnah Women's University, Rawalpindi, Pakistan, and another MA degree in TESOL Studies from Aston University, Birmingham, UK. I also have two postgraduate diplomas (PGD Applied Linguistics-TEFL and PGD College Management) along with the UK TEFL Certification. I am also a Fellow of The Higher Education Academy, UK (FHEA) and have the Harvard's Higher Education Teaching Certification. Currently I am engaged in my Ed.D. in Education in TESOL from the University of Exeter, UK and working as a Teaching Fellow (English for Academic Purposes) in University of Birmingham Dubai (UoBD) in the UAE.

My literary research for the MA in Language & Literature consisted of the discussion of John Steinbeck as a proletarian writer and an analysis of the allusions and imagery in his four major novels. Then, a shift in my research interests occurred when I studied linguistics further and did my PGD in TEFL and, later, MA in TESOL Studies. Therefore, my subsequent research was more linguistic, and I discussed language pedagogy in Pakistan and evaluated the secondary level ELT textbooks for oral communication skills materials in Pakistan.

As an ESL/TESOL practitioner for more than 16 years and as a Microsoft Faculty Fellow, I love to impart my knowledge and skills vis-a-vis instructional technology and cascade it to other faculty. My primary interests include educational research, the practical application of technological tools to facilitate active learning, the development of interactive curricula and training teachers. My research interests include critical issues in ELT, teacher professional development, workplace/educational policies, professional identity and issues involving race, gender, and ethnicity concerning the power and imperialism of the English language around the world.

Research Unit:
CRPL-Centre for Research and Professional Learning
Research Project:


In this linguistic research study, I explored and evaluated the oral communication skills materials/activities in two prominent ELT coursebooks taught in the state and private schools at the secondary level (10th Grade) in Pakistan. I included an overview of the status of English language learning with reference to oral communication skills at the secondary level in Pakistan and highlighted the problems faced by Pakistani students and teachers in the particular environment of the classroom.

I presented an overview of the prevalent situation and atmosphere of the classrooms along with the norms and practices in the teaching/learning process and reviewed the relevant literature of research studies in the field. I also highlighted a number of reasons and factors contributing to these norms and practices (e.g. obsolete teaching methods, untrained teachers, lack of/inadequate audio-visual aids, constraints of time and space, examination system, education policy and national curriculum, lack of oral communication skills practice (especially listening skill), school cultures and minimal exposure to L2 etc.). Moreover, I drew a comparison of the teaching and learning practices of the private and state schools, highlighting the differences in language pedagogy in both the systems of education. Thus, outlining the critical status of learning the English language at the secondary level in Pakistan. Additionally, using the methods of the first-glance and in-depth evaluation/analyses of the textbooks I highlighted the imbalance of four language skills materials and activities presented in these books and discussed the suitability and effectiveness of these coursebooks for selection for ELT at the secondary level in Pakistan. The data was collected, analyzed and compared numerically and graphically to highlight the differences of the two textbooks. The analyses indicated that coursebook used in private school was much better in terms of the definition and specifications of its aims and objectives, content and inclusion and presentation of oral communication skills activities/materials. I concluded the paper with some suggestions and remedial measures (e.g. new approaches to language teaching with emphasis on oral communication skills, provision of teaching aids, improved examination system and textbooks with inclusion and integration of materials/activities for the development of oral communication skills etc.) which aimed to improve the critical situation of learning English as a second language at secondary level in Pakistan.


This literary research study was conducted in order to determine, to prove and establish a link between the proletarian attitude and themes of John Steinbeck with reference to his three specific novels; Of Mice and Men, The Pearl, and The Grapes of Wrath. It was also the objective of this research to investigate how the author’s use of allusions and imagery is linked and works together to create an overall design that established John Steinbeck as a proletarian writer. The three novels were thoroughly analyzed, interpreted and searched for allusions (literary, religious, mythical, social, and historical etc.) and imagery (especially animal and religious imagery) that contributed to a greater extent in creating the overall design and the effect of the novels. For this reason, the complete background information about the author and the times in which he was present, and which must have inspired and shaped his thoughts and ideas was included in the study.

The study primarily dealt with the author’s life, works, and the times, which influenced him as a writer and because of which he was critically acclaimed as a proletarian writer. It also explored the history of Proletarianism and dealt with the criticism made on the writer by various critics by reviewing the relevant literature. The analysis and interpretation of the chosen novels in terms of themes, allusions, and imagery was included and the reasons for how and why the author came to be known as a proletarian writer were searched for.


No discrimination and equal opportunity for all in the corporate and public sectors is lauded and implemented ubiquitously in numerous contexts around the world and is considered an integral part of professionalism. The governments, the laws and the institutional policies in several countries in the world including the Middle East, also proclaim the provision and implementation of discrimination or differentiation-free work environment to their employees and its importance cannot be denied. This type of environment is particularly important in the educational workplace setups because it is crucial that students and faculty are treated equally without any discrimination based on gender, caste, creed, ethnicity or religion and that there is no or minimal practice of preferentialism, nepotism or cronyism to maximise the student and teacher potentials and productivity. However, contrary to these proclamations, it has been observed and reported that differential treatment of employees exists in many institutions and affects the workforce in several ways.

Thus, in my research study, I explored and evaluated the impact of differential treatment employed on the faculty members by managers or administrators at the workplace in a major higher educational setup in a Middle Eastern country and how it affects faculty’s perceptions of their professionalism and their performance. For this purpose, using the qualitative research design, the data was collected by means of interviews and the relevant government and institutional policy documents review. The data analyses indicated that contrary to governmental and institutional policies, favouritism was the most common form of differential treatment exercised in this educational institution by the managers. Consequently, it negatively affected employees’ perceptions of their professionalism and motivation and subsequently, their performance.


Faculty evaluation by students and appraisals by managers have been in practice and implemented ubiquitously in numerous educational contexts around the world for decades and are considered an integral part of the assessment systems of teacher effectiveness. Similarly, teacher tenure and promotions are also a hot topic for discussion in academic circles. While several studies have established the students’ faculty evaluations (SFEs) and managerial appraisals (MAs) as effective tools for determining teacher efficacy, others have expressed dissatisfaction with the existing methods of teacher evaluation and outlined their ineffectiveness. Hence, several frameworks and strategies for improved appraisal systems have been proposed and proclaimed as successfully implemented by HR in several organisations. However, contrary to these proclamations, it has been observed and reported that the appraisals scores and students’ evaluation ratings affect faculty in several ways. These tools of teacher evaluation create disaffection, insecurity, a sense of futility, powerlessness and disillusionment among teachers. Therefore, the purpose of this small-scale exploratory critical study is to problematise the faculty evaluation system and gauge the perception of faculty members about their appraisal and promotion systems in higher education in the Middle Eastern milieu and critically explore how these affect faculty’s perceptions of their professionalism and their motivation. Another purpose of the study is to critically explore the faculty evaluation system which is presumably tied to their promotions in higher education institutions in a Gulf country and to create awareness concerning the issue.

Using the critical paradigmatic research design, the data is collected by means of interviews. The data analyses indicated that contrary to institutional policies and proclamations, preferentialism as a form of discrimination was exercised in these educational institutions by the managers and coordinators who had the power to recommend a faculty member’s contract renewal or promotion. Similarly, students also emerged as a powerful entity in the educational context and teachers, as holders of knowledge, were rendered powerless in the decisions concerning their future in the organisations. Consequently, it negatively affected employees’ perceptions of their professionalism and motivation. In an endeavour to avoid hopelessness and sterile silence (Freire, 1972) and to intertwine hope with action, the study makes a few recommendations to diminish organisational injustice, inequality and bias, and promote fairness and a just evaluation system that benefits all stakeholders, i.e. the students, the faculty and the administration.


As the basis of all communication, vocabulary is of paramount importance and retains a central role in teaching and learning a second language. Adequate vocabulary acquisition is considered crucial for the enhancement of all language skills. Similarly, the use and application of educational technology and digital linguistic resources have been lauded globally for the enhancement of second language skills in general and vocabulary enhancement in particular. The governments and the educational institutions in numerous countries around the world have largely invested in the provision of these resources and teacher training for the purpose. Despite the universal importance of vocabulary in learning English as a second language and provision of ample digital linguistic resources to aid the process, research has established a considerable lack of motivation related to learning vocabulary when it comes to Arab learners. Thus, the present study endeavours to establish the effectiveness of two digital applications (Kahoot and Quizziz) and how they contribute to augmented learner motivation related to vocabulary gains. Adopting the pre and post-test and observation checklists, quasi-experimental quantitative study approach, tertiary-level ESL Arab students of 3 intact classes were tested using task/activity-based, vocabulary-enhancing activities by means of the above-mentioned digital applications and results were compared. The results demonstrated a noticeable increase in learner vocabulary gains and motivation with the use of these applications. The results also indicated a significant difference between learners’ vocabulary scores comparing the no-application test scores and the scores when these applications were used. Moreover, Kahoot proved to be a better option for learner vocabulary gains as compared to Quizziz albeit the effectiveness and positive impact of both applications.

Research Supervisory team:

1. Ed.D. TESOL (University of Exeter, UK) Doctoral Thesis: Supervisory Team

  • Dr Gabriela Meier (Senior Lecturer in Language Education, School of Education, University of Exeter, UK).
  • Dr Judith Klien-Staarman (Senior Lecturer in Education, School of Education, University of Exeter, UK).

2. MA in TESOL Studies (Aston Unversity, Birmingham, UK) Thesis: 2 Supervised by:

  • Prof. Ann Burns. (School of Education at UNSW, Sydney, Australia).
  • Dr. Nur Kortuglu Hooton. (Lecturer, Director of Undergraduate Programmes and Lecturer in English Language Aston University, Birmingham, UK).
  • Dr. Sue Garton. (Associate Dean External Relations / Reader in Applied Linguistics. Aston University, Birmingham, UK).

3. MA English Language & Literature (Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi Pakistan) Thesis:1 Supervised by:

  • Prof. Dr. Saeeda Assadullah. (Vice Chancellor Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi, Pakistan).
  • Mrs. Shaheera Jaffer. (Lecturer Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi, Pakistan).

4. Doctoral Research Paper Ed.D. in TESOL (University of Exeter, Exeter, UK).

  • Dr. Susan Riley. Module leader and Lecturer in TESOL. (University of Exeter, UK)

5. Doctoral Research Paper Ed.D. in TESOL (University of Exeter, Exeter, UK).

  • Dr. Salah Troudi. Associate Professor in TESOL Education. Programme Director TESOL/Dubai EdD. International Development Coordinator

6. Doctoral Research Paper Ed.D. in TESOL (University of Exeter, Exeter, UK).

  • Dr. Phillip Durrant. Senior Lecturer in Lamguage Education. Director of Doctoral Studies, University of Exeter.

Research Wider Research Interests:

My research interests include areas related to critical issues in ELT, teacher professional development, workplace/educational policies, professional identity and issues involving race, gender, and ethnicity with respect to the power and imperialism of the English language around the world.

Professional/research experience:

September 2011 September 2012

Aston University, Birmingham, UK.

MA THESIS: “Language Pedagogy: An Evaluation of Oral Communication Skills Materials in ELT Books at Secondary Level in Pakistan.”

February 2002 June 2004

Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi, Pakistan.

MA THESIS: “John Steinbeck as a Proletarian Writer: A Study of the Allusions and Imagery in `Of Mice and Men’, `The Pearl’, and `The Grapes of Wrath'.”


January 2021 January 9999

Harvard Derek BOK Centre for Teaching & Learning, USA

HarvardX Higher Education Teaching Certificate

January 2017 January 9999

University of Exeter, Exeter, UK.


January 2013 January 2013

UK TEFL, Birmingham, UK.

NCFE (UK) Certificate in TEFL (Applied Linguistics)

January 2011 January 2012

Aston University, Birmingham, UK.

MA in TESOL Studies. (Applied Linguistics).

January 2009 January 2010

Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad, Pakistan.

PGD TEFL (Applied Linguistics)

January 2008 January 2009

Pakistan Institute of Modern Studies, Peshawar, Pakistan.

PGD in College Management.

January 2002 January 2004

Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi, Pakistan.

MA in English Language & Literature.

January 1991 January 1993

Punjab University, Lahore, Pakistan.

BA (English Literature, Statistics)

Professional Development:


Conferences/Symposiums-6th Applied Linguistics & Languae Teaching International Conference & Exhibition, Zayed University, Dubai, UAE.


Conferences/Symposiums-8th Annual Scholarship of Teaching & Learning Conference, Zayed University, Dubai, UAE.


Conferences/Symposiums-IATEFL International Conference 2023

Ed-Tech, E-learning and ELT: PD perspectives from Pakistan


Conferences/Symposiums-TESOL 2023 Convention & English Language Expo

E-PD Perspectives of Higher Education ELT Faculty in Pakistan


Conferences/Symposiums-26th TESOL Arabia International Conference & Exhibition

Dilemmas of Arab Readers: Charming the Unwilling


Conferences/Symposiums-1st HCT International Conference on Emotional Intelligence, Happiness and Well Being in Higher Education

Sustainable Education in a Pandemic-ridden Era and Faculty Professional Development


Conferences/Symposiums-The IAFOR International Conference on Education Hawaii (IICEHawaii2021)


Conferences/Symposiums-The 8th Asian Conference on Education (ACE2020), Tokyo, Japan.

Differential Treatment at the Workplace: Effects on Faculty and Their Perceptions of Professionalism


Conferences/Symposiums-(ECE 2020)12th European Conference on Education, London, UK

The Trojan Horse Tamed! Arab Learner Motivation and Vocabulary Gains


Conferences/Symposiums-AGU Forum on Language and Education (AFLE), Dubai, UAE

Classroom Management at the Tertiary Level: An Action Research Study


Conferences/Symposiums-5th Annual Conference of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Dubai, UAE.


Conferences/Symposiums-ECLL 7th International European Conference on Education and Language Learning 2019 (London, UK)

Learner Motivation: Taming the Trojan Horse with Tech-tools-Pains or Gains?


Conferences/Symposiums-HCT General Academic Requirements Division (GARD) 2nd Annual Conference 2019

A Tale of Tasks-Based Learner Motivation


Conferences/Symposiums-TESOL Arabia 24th International Conference & Exhibition 2019. Dubai, UAE.

To Use or Not to Use: A Tale of Digital Tools.


Conferences/Symposiums-2nd Applied Linguistics and Language Teaching International Conference and Exhibition, Zayed University, Dubai, UAE.

Digital Tools, Language Skills and Learner Empowerment: Pains or Gains?


Conferences/Symposiums-1st International Conference on English Literature, Linguistics and Teaching Interactions in English: Cross-cultural Awareness and Communication (ICELLT) 2018

Digital Tools, Language Skills and Learner Empowerment: Pains or Gains?


Workshop-34TH SPELT CONFERENCE 2018. Engaging the 21st Century Learner. Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi. Pakistan.

SOS! Digi-Tools for Educators.


Conferences/Symposiums-4th International Conference of The Linguistic Association of Pakistan (ICLAP 2018). Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi. Pakistan.

Empowering Students with Digital Tools: A Case of Tertiary Level Struggling Readers.


Conferences/Symposiums-HCT GARD Conference 2018. HCT Dubai Mens College, Dubai. UAE.

Topic 1: Read to Succeed with Readtheory!

Topic 2: Empowering Students with Peergrade!


Conferences/Symposiums-ALLT Conference 2018. Zayed University, Dubai. UAE.

Read to Succeed with READTHEORY!


Conferences/Symposiums-23nd TESOL Arabia International Conference 2017.Advancing the ELT Profession. Dubai, UAE. March 2017.

Going Green! Tech Tools for Paperless Classrooms.


Workshop-32nd SPELT International Conference 2016. Expanding ELT Horizons. Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi. Pakistan.

Going Green: Tech-Tools for a Paperless Classroom.


Workshop-Faculty Training Workshop, Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad, Pakistan

Quit Paper--Go Green! Tech-Tools for a Paperless Classroom


Graduate School Skills Workshops-Teacher Training Workshop, Air University, Islamabad, Pakistan

Quit Paper-Go Green! Tech Tools for a Paperless Classroom


Workshop-Microsoft TEI Workshop

Microsoft TEI Workshop. Higher Colleges of Technology, Sharjah Men’s College, Sharjah. UAE.


Workshop-IELTS Workshop (Cambridge University). Higher Colleges of Technology, Dubai Mens College, Dubai. UAE.

IELTS Workshop (Cambridge University). Higher Colleges of Technology, Dubai Men’s College, Dubai. UAE.


Workshop-Cambridge University Workshop in m-Learning with Kevin Dudeney.

Cambridge University Workshop in m-Learning with Kevin Dudeney. Bell International, The British Council. Cambridge, UK.

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