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School of Education

Professor David Hall

Professor David Hall

Professor of Education


 +44 (0) 1392 724932

 Baring Court BC216


Baring Court, University of Exeter St Luke's Campus, Heavitree Road, Exeter, EX1 2LU, UK


David Hall is an education researcher with a particular interest in large scale educational reform programmes and their effects upon educational institutions and those who work and study within them. This interest is reflected in research he has undertaken in the school, FE and university sectors in a variety of contexts both across Europe and the Global South.  His research has been funded by agencies including the Economic and Social Research Council, the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, the European Union, the Educational Endowment Foundation and the Department for International Development.  

Professor Hall’s teaching mainly focuses upon education policy and leadership. He has been responsible for developing a series of large and successful MA programmes and modules targeted at both UK and international education professionals. His doctoral students have completed theses on topics including the rise of consultants in English schools, the classed identities of teachers, changing teacher professionalism, leadership and cultural change in Indonesian universities and mediating policy change in the English FE sector.  

Prior to joining the university sector Professor Hall spent twelve years as a teacher of Economics, Politics and Business Studies in a variety of schools, VI Form Colleges and FE colleges both in the UK and overseas. Most of this time was devoted to teaching, but he also assumed a range of leadership and management responsibilities, wrote a best selling textbook series and participated actively in a number of national curriculum development projects.

Professor Hall was Head of the Graduate School of Education at the University of Exeter from 2017-2020 and was previously the founding Head of the Manchester Institute of Education at the University of Manchester.

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Research projects

Date: October 2014-September 2015
Funder: ESRC
Title:  Accelerating impact through the Manchester Education Debates
Funding: £19,617
Role: Principal Investigator

Spreading the impact of education research activities via a series of young people’s, community and practitioner debates in the run-up to the 2016 General Election. Principal Investigator with Prof. Ruth Lupton (Co-Investigator) and Dr Carl Emery (Co-investigator).

Date: September 2013-June 2014
Funder: British Academy
Title: Consultancy and Knowledge Production in Education
Funding: £9000
Role: Co-Investigator

A study of the rise of consultancy and consultants within the field of education set in the wider context of school reform. Co-investigator with Prof. Helen Gunter (Principal Investigator) and Colin Mills (Co-investigator).

Date: Sept 2009-Jan 2011
Funder: Economic and Social Research Council
Title: Distributed Leadership and the Social Practices of School Organisation in England (RES 000-22-3610)
Funding: £100,000
Role: Director and Principal Investigator

The project sought to critically examine education policy through a conceptual analysis of leadership linked discourses and practices in schools. Members of the Project Steering Committee included Prof. Sharon Gewirtz, Prof Peter Gronn, Prof. David Hartley, Prof. Gemma Moss, and Prof. Jim Spillane; all foremost scholars in the field of educational policy and leadership.  Outputs include a report, conference papers, four journal articles and a book. Research conducted with co-investigators Prof. Helen Gunter and Joanna Bragg.

This research project was graded as ‘very good’ by the ESRC. Rapporteur evaluation comments included the following:

‘The significance of the findings lies in the way the data provide empirically grounded insights into how dominant policy on leadership impacts upon practitioners in schools.’

‘The report gives a convincing and authentic account of how educational practitioners understand distributed leadership and are able to use the concept to explain their own contexts.’

‘The findings clearly contribute and add to knowledge about distributed leadership in general and its relationship to teacher and school leader identity.’

‘It raises important questions about the nature of leadership in schools and the ability of organisations such as NCSL to influence knowledge and practice.’

This project has been instrumental in the establishment of the Manchester Critical Educational Policy and Leadership Research Interest Group of which I co-lead. 

Date: September 2005 – April 2006
Funder: Joseph Rowntree Foundation
Title: Education and Poverty: conceptualising the evidence base
Funding: £40,000
Role: Co-applicant and co-investigator

The project consisted of a multi-disciplinary literature review on the links between education and poverty. Outputs included a report, an edited book, journal article and conference papers. The research was conducted with Prof. Carlo Raffo (Principal Investigator), Prof Alan Dyson, Prof. Helen Gunter.

This research project has enabled my participation in an international Education and Poverty Network of academics and researchers who are leaders in their field

Date: October 2005 – March 2006
Funder: Teach First
Title: Retaining Teach First participants in Greater Manchester schools facing challenging circumstances
Funding: £8,000
Role: Co-investigator

The project examined the career trajectories of teachers working in socio-economically disadvantaged urban schools. Outputs included a report and a conference paper. The research was conducted with Dr Lisa Jones (Principal Investigator) and Prof. Olwen McNamara (Co-investigator)  

Date: October 2005-September 2006
Funder: Teacher Training Agency
Title: Urban Initial Teacher Education Project 2 – Working in Urban Schools in ‘Challenging Contexts’
Funding: £15,000
Role: Principal Investigator 

This research and development project investigated the experiences of new teachers in their first post-QTS year working in schools designated as being in ‘challenging circumstances’. Outputs included a report, a journal article and conference papers. The research was conducted with Co-Director (Andy Ash) and co-investigators Dr Sophie Diamontopolou, Dr Lisa Jones and Prof. Carlo Raffo

Date: October 2003-September 2004
Funder: Teacher Training Agency
Title: Urban Initial Teacher Education project 1 – Training teachers to work in urban schools
Funding: £15,000
Role: Principal Investigator 

This research and development project investigated the characteristics and dispositions of new teachers wanting to work in urban schools (2003 -04). Outputs included a report and conference papers. The research was conducted with co-investigators Prof. Carlo Raffo, Andy Ash, Dr Lisa Jones and Dr Sophie Diamontopolou

Date: Sept 2002-Sept 2004
Funder: Higher Education Funding Council
Title: Excellence Fellowships
Funding: £60,000
Role: Co-investigator

This research and development project involved collaborating with teachers on school based widening participation projects. Outputs included a report. Research conducted with Prof. Carlo Raffo (Principal Investigator).

Date:  January 01 – November 01
Funder: Department for International Development
Title: Links between education and the workplace in Malawi
Funding: £51,000
Role: Principal Investigator

Funded through the Department for International Development’s ‘Skills for Development’ strand, this project focused upon the development of links between FE/HE and workplaces and the recognition of qualifications by Malawian employers. It was carried out in collaboration with the University of Bath, School of Management. Outputs included conference papers and a journal article.

Date: Jan – June 2000
Funder: Northern Consortium of Universities
Title: Establishing the feasibility of providing university modules in the Sixth Form of English and Welsh Schools and Colleges
Funding: £22,500
Role: Director and Principal Investigator

The research examined emerging changes in the boundaries between schools and universities and curriculum based partnerships between these institutions. Outputs included a report and three journal articles. The research was conducted with Prof. Carlo Raffo, Dr Harold Thomas and Helen Notman (Co-investigators) 

Date: Sept 98 – Dec 2000
Funder: Department for Education and Employment/Manchester Training and Enterprise Council Title: The work-related curriculum at KS$
Funding: £101,000
Role: Principal Investigator

This project was an evaluation of the Manchester TEC Mpower KS4 work related curriculum project in over 40 schools across four LEAs. One RA was employed full-time on the project and the research was conducted with Prof. Carlo Raffo as joint Project Director. Outputs included a project report, conference papers and journal articles.

Key findings from this research were disseminated via a London School of Economics ESRC seminar series focusing on disaffection and the work-related curriculum

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Gunter HM, Hall D, Apple MW (2017). Corporate elites and the reform of public education. Abstract.
Gunter HM, Grimaldi E, Hall D, Serpieri R (2016). New Public Management and the Reform of Education European lessons for policy and practice., Routledge. Abstract.
Gunter HM, Hall D, Mills C (2014). Education Policy Research Design and Practice at a Time of Rapid Reform., Bloomsbury Publishing. Abstract.
Hall DJ, Raffo C, Dyson A, Gunter H, Jones L, Kalambouka A (eds)(2010). Education and Poverty in Affluent Countries., Routledge.

Journal articles

Norwich B, Moore D, Stentiford L, Hall D (2022). A critical consideration of ‘mental health and wellbeing’ in education: thinking about school aims in terms of wellbeing. British Educational Research Journal Abstract.
Koutsouris G, Stentiford L, Benham-Clarke S, Hall D (2021). Agonism in education: a systematic scoping review and discussion of its educational potential. Educational Review
Jones S, Hall D, Bragg J (2019). “If they’ve had a middle class upbringing that’s not their fault”: the professional practices and personal identities of admissions staff at selective universities in England. Higher Education, 77(5), 931-947. Abstract.
Hall DJ (2017). From New Public Management to Privatisation: Leadership and the reform of education in England. Leadership in Education, 1, 9-23.
Hall D (2016). Flip the system: changing education from the ground up. JOURNAL OF EDUCATION FOR TEACHING, 42(1), 115-117.  Author URL.
Hall D, McGinity R (2015). Conceptualizing teacher professional identity in neoliberal times: Resistance, compliance and reform. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 23 Abstract.
Hall D, Grimaldi E, Gunter HM, Møller J, Serpieri R, Skedsmo G (2015). Educational reform and modernisation in Europe: the role of national contexts in mediating the new public management. European Educational Research Journal, 14(6), 487-507. Abstract.
Gaus N, Hall D (2015). Neoliberal governance in Indonesian universities: the impact upon academic identity. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 35(9-10), 666-682. Abstract.
Hall D, Gunter HM (2015). New public management in england: the permanent instability of neo-liberal reform. Educacao e Sociedade, 36(132), 743-758. Abstract.
Gaus N, Hall D (2015). Weapon of the weak: the hidden transcripts of academics’ resistance to policy imperatives in Indonesian universities. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 35(9-10), 683-698. Abstract.
Gunter HM, Hall D, Mills C (2014). Consultants, consultancy and consultocracy in education policymaking in England. Journal of Education Policy, 30(4), 518-539. Abstract.
Gunter H, Hall D, Bragg J (2013). Distributed Leadership: a Study in Knowledge Production. EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT ADMINISTRATION & LEADERSHIP, 41(5), 555-580.  Author URL.
Hall D (2013). Drawing a veil over managerialism: Leadership and the discursive disguise of the New Public Management. Journal of Educational Administration and History, 45(3), 267-282. Abstract.
Hall D, Gunter H, Bragg J (2013). Leadership, New Public Management and the re-modelling and regulation of teacher identities. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 16(2), 173-190. Abstract.
Hall D, Jones L (2013). Social class (in)visibility and the professional experiences of middle-class novice teachers. JOURNAL OF EDUCATION FOR TEACHING, 39(4), 416-428.  Author URL.
Hall DJ, Gunter H, Bragg J (2013). The strange case of the emergence of distributed leadership in schools in England. EDUCATIONAL REVIEW, 65(4), 467-487.  Author URL.
Hall D, Gunter HM, Bragg J (2011). The discursive performance of leadership in schools. Management in Education, 25(1), 32-36. Abstract.
Raffo C, Dyson A, Gunter H, Hall D, Jones L, Kalambouka A (2009). Education and poverty: mapping the terrain and making the links to educational policy. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INCLUSIVE EDUCATION, 13(4), 341-358.  Author URL.
Hall D, Gunter HM (2009). Tony Blair's big prize? a reply to Furlong. OXFORD REVIEW OF EDUCATION, 35(6), 765-770.  Author URL.
Raffo C, Hall D (2006). Transitions to becoming a teacher on an initial teacher education and training programme. BRITISH JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION, 27(1), 53-66.  Author URL.
Hall D, Thomas H (2005). Collaborative activity between school and college sixth forms and higher education institutions. Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 10(2), 183-198. Abstract.
Hall D, Thomas H (2005). Links between higher education and employers in Malawi: the need for a dialogue?. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 27(1), 67-79. Abstract.
Hall DJ, Notman H, Raffo C, Thomas H (2005). The provision of university modules in sixth forms: case study evidence and emerging issues. Journal of Access Policy and Practice, 2(2), 161-175.
Hall D, Thomas H (2004). Diversifying higher education into sixth forms: Another divide to be breached?. Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education, 8(3), 81-85.
Hall D, Raffo C (2004). Re-engaging 14-16-year-olds with their schooling through work-related learning. Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 56(1), 69-80. Abstract.
Hall D, Thomas H (2004). Teaching university modules in sixth forms: the shifting boundaries of post-compulsory education?. JOURNAL OF EDUCATION POLICY, 19(2), 179-193.  Author URL.
Hall D, Thomas H (2003). Higher education policy change and institutional development in Mongolia. Higher Education Policy, 16(4), 389-402. Abstract.
Hall DJ, Lizunov N, Thomas H (2002). Approaches to Reform at the School of Economic Studies in Mongolia: a Synopsis. Journal of Institutional Research, 11, 38-46.
Hall D, Thomas H (1999). Higher education reform in a transitional economy: a case study from the School of Economic Studies in Mongolia. HIGHER EDUCATION, 38(4), 441-460.  Author URL.
Walters B, Hall D, Nixson F, Stubbs P (1999). Institutional change in a transitional economy: the reform of economics higher education in Mongolia. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, 19(6), 423-439.  Author URL.
Hall DJ, Raffo C (1999). Mentoring urban youth in the post-industrial city: Some guiding principles based on developed notions of situated learning and a cognitive mentoring model. Mentoring and Tutoring, 6(3), 61-75.


Hall D (2024). Resistance and the permanent instability of educational neoliberalism: ‘Up, down, turn around, please don’t let me hit the ground’. In  (Ed) Resistance in Educational Leadership, Management, and Administration, 95-108. Abstract.
Hall D (2023). England: Neo-Liberalism, Regulation and Populism in the Educational Reform Laboratory. In  (Ed) Educational Governance Research, 47-69. Abstract.
Hall D (2023). Exclusion and neoliberal public sector management. In  (Ed) International Perspectives on Exclusionary Pressures in Education: How Inclusion becomes Exclusion, 65-83. Abstract.
Gunter HM, Hall D, Mills C (2019). Consultants, consultancy and consultocracy in education policymaking in England. In  (Ed) Policy Actors, Taylor & Francis, 52-73.
Gaus N, Hall D (2017). Corporate elites and higher education reform: the corporatisation of academic life in Indonesia. In  (Ed) Corporate Elites and the Reform of Public Education, 75-87.
Hall DJ, Moller J, Scratz M, Serpieri R (2017). From welfarism to neo-liberalism: Conceptualising the diversity of leadership models in Europe. In Waite D, Bogotch I (Eds.) The International Handbook of Educational Leadership, Wiley-Blackwell.
Gunter HM, Apple MW, Hall D (2017). Introduction: Scoping corporate elites and public education. In  (Ed) , 1-16.
Hall DJ, Gunter HM, Courtney SJ, McGinity R (2017). School principals in neoliberal times: a case of luxury leadership?. In Means AJ, Saltman KJ (Eds.) Handbook of Global Education Reform, New York: Wiley-Blackwell.
Gunter HM, Apple MW, Hall D (2017). The challenge of corporate elites and public education. In  (Ed) Corporate Elites and the Reform of Public Education, 233-247.
Gunter HM, Grimaldi E, Hall D, Serpieri R (2016). Conclusion: NPM and the dynamics of education policy and practice in Europe. In  (Ed) New Public Management and the Reform of Education: European lessons for policy and practice, 171-185. Abstract.
Hall DJ, Gunter H (2016). England: Permanent instability in the European educational NPM 'laboratory'. In Gunter H, Grimaldi E, Hall D, Serpieri R (Eds.) New Public Management and the Reform of Education: European Lessons for Policy and Practice, London: Routledge, 21-35.
Hall DJ, Gunter HM, Grimaldi E, Serpieri R (2016). NPM and educational reform in Europe. In Gunter HM, Grimaldi E, Hall D, Serpieri R (Eds.) New Public Management and the Reform of Education: European Lessons for Policy and Practice, London: Routledge, 3-17.
Hall DJ, Gunter HM, Grimaldi E, Serpieri R (2016). NPM and the dynamics of education policy and practice in Europe. In Gunter HM, Grimaldi E, Hall D, Serpieri R (Eds.) New Public Management and the Reform of Education: European Lessons for Policy and Practice, London: Routledge, 173-185.
Hall DJ, Gunter HM, Mills C (2014). Conclusion: Critical research as 'Pearl Diving'. In Gunter HM, Hall D, Mills C (Eds.) Education policy research: design and practice at a time of rapid reform, London: Bloomsbury, 155-168.
Hall DJ, Gunter HM, Mills C (2014). Introduction: Working towards critical research. In Gunter HM, Hall D, Mills C (Eds.) Education policy research: design and practice at a time of rapid reform, London: Bloomsbury, 1-13.
Hall DJ, Gunter H, Mills C (2014). Thinking and Theorizing at a Time of Rapid Reform. In Gunter H, Hall D, Mills C (Eds.) Education Policy Research: design and practice at a time of rapid reform, London: Bloomsbury.
Hall DJ, Gunter H, Mills C (2014). Working Towards Critical Research. In Gunter H, Hall D, Mills C (Eds.) Education Policy Research: design and practice at a time of rapid reform, London: Bloomsbury.
Greasley S (2013). Trust in Local Government, performance information and democracy. In Brookes S, Mahon A, Llwellyn S (Eds.) Trust and Confidence in Government and Public Services, London: Routledge.
Hall DJ, Raffo C, Dyson A, Gunter H, Jones L, Kalambouka A (2010). Education and Poverty in Affuent Countries in Affluent Countries: an Introduction to the Book and the Mapping Framework. In Raffo C, Dyson A, Gunter H, Hall D, Jones L, Kalambouka A (Eds.) Education and Poverty in Affluent Countries, Routledge, 3-17.
Gunter H, Raffo C, Hall D, Dyson A, Jones L, Kalambouka A (2010). Policy and the Policy Process. In Raffo C, Dyson A, Gunter H, Hall D, Jones L (Eds.) Education and Poverty in Affluent Countries, Routledge, 163-176.
Gunter H, Raffo C, Hall D, Dyson A, Jones L, Kalambouka A (2010). Policy and the Policy Process. In Raffo C, Dyson A, Gunter H, Hall D, Jones L (Eds.) Education and Poverty in Affluent Countries, Routledge, 163-176.
Hall DJ, Raffo C, Dyson A, Gunter H, Jones L, Kalambouka A (2010). Poverty and Educational Policy Initiatives: a Review. In Raffo C, Dyson A, Gunter H, Hall D, Jones L, Kalambouka A (Eds.) Education and Poverty in Affluent Countries, Routledge, 177-194.
Hall DJ, Raffo C, Dyson A, Gunter H, Jones L, Kalambouka A (2010). The Mapping Framework, Research Literature, and Policy Implications Within a Functionalist Perspective. In Raffo C, Dyson A, Gunter H, Hall D, Jones L, Mills C (Eds.) Education and Poverty in Affluent Countries, Routledge, 18-40.
Hall DJ, Raffo C, Dyson A, Gunter H, Jones L, Kalambouka A (2010). The Mapping Framework, Research Literature, and Policy Implications Within a Socially Critical Perspective. In Raffo C, Dyson A, Gunter H, Hall D, Jones L, Kalambouka A (Eds.) Education and Poverty in Affluent Countries, Routledge, 41-58.
Raffo C, Dyson A, Gunter H, Hall D, Jones L, Kalambouka A (2009). Poverty and educational policy initiatives: a review. In  (Ed) Education and Poverty in Affluent Countries, 177-194.
Dyson A, Gunter H, Hall D, Raffo C, Jones L, Kalambouka A (2009). What is to be Done? Implications for Policy Makers. In  (Ed) Education and Poverty in Affluent Countries, 195-215. Abstract.
Hall D, Raffo C (2008). New Labour and breaking the education and poverty link: a conceptual account of its educational policies. In  (Ed) Radical Reforms: Perspectives on an era of Educational Change, 155-168.

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External Engagement and Impact

Professional Consultancy, Advisory work, Policy Reports/Papers and Media Reports

British Council, Sri Lanka
My research on global aspects of educational reform including the exporting of aspects of the New Public Management informed a Leadership and Management conference and subsequent dialogue with HE and school leaders in this context.

National Headteacher Steering Committee
My research on distributed leadership has led to my involvement with the National Headteacher Steering Committee, disseminating research findings and implications for professional practice to serving headteachers.

Management and leadership in further education
Responsible for the development and implementation of one of the first university accredited courses for managers working in F.E. sector colleges. This work was undertaken within a consortium of four universities (the Universities of Brighton, Hull, Manchester and Warwick) working closely with the F.E. sector employers bodies, the Association of Colleges and the Association of Principals of VI Form Colleges. I acted as Chair of this Consortium.

Teacher Training Resource Bank (TTRB)
Linked to my work on urban teaching I have been a regular contributor to this web based resource. This has involved writing articles, reviewing books and curriculum materials and creating podcasts for an audience of teachers, beginning teachers and teacher educators. 

Qualifications and Curriculum Authority
Commissioned by the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) to act as Lead Writer in the development of the Advanced Business GNVQ  course specifications. I was also a member of the 'A' level Business Studies Subject Criteria Committee and the GCSE Economics Accreditation Committee at QCA and was engaged in reviewing specifications for the vocational GCSE in Business. At the time this work placed me at the forefront of national developments in the economics and business education curriculum.

Reform of Higher Education in Mongolia
I acted as co-director of this project and as a curriculum development consultant undertaking work both in the UK and Mongolia. The focus was on working with academic counterparts and administrators to reform the curriculum and curriculum support structures at the National University of Mongolia. This involved working with Mongolian counterparts and business administration and economics academics from the UK and abroad to develop a new undergraduate curriculum in accounting, business and economics. As part of this I chaired the Curriculum Development Working Party and was instrumental in the development of an independent study centre and materials production centre. The project was funded by the EU Technical Assistance for the Commonwealth of Independent States (TACIS). 

Further Education Development Association (FEDA)
Consultant to the Further Education Development Association (FEDA) on the training and support for GNVQ teachers and lecturers, September, 1996 – February, 1997

Economics and Business Education Association
Consultant to the Economics and Business Education Association on the future focus of its journal, October 1996

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