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School of Education

Emeritus Professor Brahm Norwich

Emeritus Professor Brahm Norwich

Emeritus Professor of Educational Psychology and Special Educational Needs



Brahm Norwich is Emeritus Professor of Educational Psychology and Special Educational Needs at the School of Education, University of Exeter . He was previously Professor of Special Needs Education, Institute of Education, London University. He has worked as a school teacher, professional educational psychologist and university teacher and researcher.

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Research interests

My broad areas of interest are special needs and inclusive education: for example, policy and practice issues, concepts and values, emotional and behaviour difficulties, moderate learning difficulties,  inclusive targetted interventions, pedagogic issues and professional learning. My research interests include applying psychology to education, including psychology applied to special needs and inclusive education.

Research projects

Over the recent years I have been involved in funded projects about:
1. professional learning about SEN and inclusion for initial teacher education

2. using Lesson Study to develop teaching approaches for pupils with special educational needs / disabilitie and as a strategy for assessment by response to teaching.

3. Inclusive targetted early literacy interventions

4. experiencing special educational needs; parent, child and teacher perspectives

5. policy and theoretical analyses about tensions and dilemmas in the special needs and inclusive education field.

6. School mental health 

7. Silver Stories, a programme of intergenerational communication between young children and older people to improve wellbeing for both groups

8. Deliberative public dialogue in policy making in the special needs and incluisve education field.

Research networks

Lesson Study network

Education Theory network

SEN Policy Research Forum:    web link:

Research grants

  • 2022 UKRI (ESRC)
    This is UKRI-RSA project on using deliberative dialogue methods to set up a citizen panel to consider how to make schools more inclusive for children and young people with SEN/disabilities.
  • 2021 ESRC IAA Project
    The study aimed to 1. evaluate the Silver Stories programme with regards to its potential outcomes for social wellbeing and literacy. and 2. to explore participants’ experiences, and understand the processes underpinning the programme.
  • 2016 ESRC
    This ESRC funded project analysed data from the National Pupil Database (NPD) about pupils vulnerable to exclusion from ordinary schools in England, both those with Special Educational Needs (SEN) that enter secondary schools at year 7 and all pupils permanently excluded from secondary schools. It examined entry and exit since 2003 (when NPD records began) for these pupils in relation to the increasing autonomy of secondary schools from local authorities (LAs). The specific aim is to examine whether greater school autonomy from LAs is related to lower placements in ordinary secondary schools and thus greater separate special school and alternative provision placements.This study will be the first to examine the relationships between changes in the SEN system in its relation to changes in the wider school organisation and policy system using national data trends in England.
  • 2015 Nuffield
    The project aims to evaluate a novel early literacy intervention for pupils in Years 2 and 3 who are struggling to learn early literacy skills (�291,000, starting from September 2015 for two years). The evaluation will take place in four local areas nationally. The IGR programme was designed and piloted by Jan Stebbing, a member of the research team, to meet the needs of the 7-18% of children nationally who are either non-starters or delayed in reading as they move from Key Stage (KS) 1 to 2. This early intervention is novel in its research informed programme design and its use in a general class context where all children learn in small groups.
  • 2014 ESRC
    Using Lesson Study to bridge between neuro-psychology and mathematics education: trialling a novel approach.
  • 2010 Esmée Fairbairn Foundation
    The general aim is to examine how and what PGCE trainee teachers learn about teaching pupils with special educational needs in their placement schools. The findings will be used to identify practical principles and procedures about how to design and support planned school based activities relevant to learning to teach pupils with SEN. Specifically it will examine the school based learning and outcomes of PGCE trainees in primary and secondary programmes that use different approaches to preparing teachers for the special needs aspects of their future teaching.
  • 2010 Esmée Fairbairn Foundation
    A team from the Graduate School of Education at the University of Exeter are embarking on exciting and innovative development and research in ways of raising the levels of achievement of pupils with moderate learning difficulties (MLD). While pupils with moderate learning difficulties (MLD) represent the largest proportion of those identified as having special educational needs, they have been neglected as a focus for educational initiatives. This project aims to improve the learning experiences and opportunities of pupils with MLD to enhance their educational achievements. This will be done through a programme of professional development using Lesson Study methodology (see reverse side for more details), a high profile international method of in-school professional development. The project will have two wings: a Development and an Evaluation wing

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Norwich B (2023). Addressing Tensions and Dilemmas in Inclusive Education, Resolving Democratically., Taylor & Francis.
Goie SL, Dudley P, Norwich B (2021). Lesson Study in Inclusive Educational Settings.
Norwich B (2017). Experiencing special educational needs: lessons for practice. Maidenhead, Open University Press.
Norwich B (2017). Foreword.
Norwich B (2017). Preface.
Norwich B (eds)(2014). Lesson study: Making a difference to teaching pupils with learning difficulties.  London, Contimuum Publishers.
Norwich B (2013). Addressing tensions and dilemmas in inclusive education - Living with uncertainty. London, Routledge.
Norwich B (2013). Addressing tensions and dilemmas in inclusive education: Living with uncertainty. Abstract.
Creese A, Daniels H, Norwich B (2013). Teacher support teams in primary and secondary schools: Resource materials for teachers.
Norwich B (2012). Foreword.
Warnock M, Norwich B, Terzi L (2010). Special educational needs: a new look. London, Continuum.
Norwich B (2007). Dilemmas of Difference, Inclusion and Disability: International Perspectives and Future Directions., Routledge.
Norwich B, Kelly N (2005). Moderate learning difficulties and the future of inclusion. , Falmer/Routledge.
Lewis A, Norwich B (2004). Special teaching for special children? Pedagogies for inclusion. Maidenhead, Open University Press.
Norwich B (2002). Education and Psychology in Interaction, Working with Uncertainty in Interconnected Fields., Taylor & Francis.
Norwich B (1998). Research methods in educational psychology: Traditional and new paradigm. Abstract.

Journal articles

Koutsouris G, Nash P, Norwich B (In Press). Conducting school-based research during Covid: evaluating the Silver Stories programme. Cambridge Journal of Education Abstract.
Norwich B (In Press). From the Warnock Report (1978) to an Education Framework Commission: a novel contemporary approach to educational policy making for pupils with special educational needs /disabilities. Frontiers in Special Educational Needs
Baumfield V, Bethel A, Boyle C, Katene W, Knowler H, Koutsouris G, Norwich B (In Press). How lesson study is used in initial teacher education: an international review of literature. Teacher Development
Black A, Lawson HA, Norwich B (In Press). Lesson planning for diversity. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs
Norwich, B. Ylonen A, Gwernan-Jones R (In Press). Moderate Learning Difficulties – searching for clarity and understanding. Research Papers in Education
Allen K, Hansford L, Hayes R, Longdon B, Price A, Byford S, Norwich B, Ford T (In Press). Teachers’ views on the acceptability and implementation of the Incredible Years ® Teacher Classroom Management programme in English (UK) primary schools from the STARS trial. British Journal of Educational Psychology Abstract.
Norwich B, Lindsay GA (2024). Editorial: Insights in special educational needs: 2022. FRONTIERS IN EDUCATION, 9  Author URL.
Marsh AJ, Gray P, Norwich B (2024). Fair funding for pupils with special educational needs and disability in England?. BRITISH EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH JOURNAL  Author URL.
Norwich B (2024). International perspectives on inclusive education: in the light of educational justice. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SPECIAL NEEDS EDUCATION  Author URL.
Mintz J, Norwich B (2023). Editorial: the role of evidence in developing effective educational inclusion. FRONTIERS IN EDUCATION, 8  Author URL.
Norwich B, Lindsay G (2023). Klaus Wedell – Tribute. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 38(1), 151-153.
Webster DR, Echeita PG, Weiss PDS, Thompson DI, Norwich PB (2023). The Inclusion Illusion. How children with special educational needs experience mainstream schools. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 38(4), 588-597.
Norwich B, Moore D, Stentiford L, Hall D (2022). A critical consideration of ‘mental health and wellbeing’ in education: thinking about school aims in terms of wellbeing. British Educational Research Journal Abstract.
Koutsouris G, Stentiford L, Norwich B (2022). A critical exploration of inclusion policies of elite UK universities. British Educational Research Journal
Norwich B (2022). Research about inclusive education: Are the scope, reach and limits empirical and methodological and/or conceptual and evaluative?. Frontiers in Education, 7
Dimitrellou E, Macmillan P, Norwich B (2022). Using <scp>OVIP</scp> online: a teacher‐mediated computer‐assisted programme for pupils with reading difficulties. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 23(1), 12-23. Abstract.
Satherley D, Norwich B (2021). Parents’ experiences of choosing a special school for their children. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 37(6), 950-964.
Norwich B (2021). Transitions for students with special educational needs: implications for inclusion policy and practice. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SPECIAL NEEDS EDUCATION, 36(3), 478-484.  Author URL.
Poulou M, Norwich B (2020). Psychological needs, mixed self-perceptions, well-being and emotional, and behavioral difficulties: adolescent students’ perceptions. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 35(4), 775-793. Abstract.
Norwich B, Benham-Clarke S, Goei. SL (2020). Review of research literature about the use of lesson study and lesson study-related practices relevant to the field of special needs and inclusive education. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 33(3), 309-328. Abstract.
Liu Y, Bessudnov A, Black A, Norwich B (2020). School autonomy and educational inclusion of children with special needs: Evidence from England. British Educational Research Journal, 46(3), 532-552. Abstract.
Black A, Bessudnov A, Liu Y, Norwich B (2019). Academisation of Schools in England and Placements of Pupils with Special Educational Needs: an Analysis of Trends, 2011–2017. Frontiers in Education, 4(4).
Poulou MS, Norwich B (2019). Adolescent students’ psychological needs: Development of an existence, relatedness, and growth needs scale. International Journal of School and Educational Psychology, 7(sup1), 75-83. Abstract.
Norwich B (2019). Context and Implications Document for: Thinking about the nature of educational research: going beyond superficial theoretical scripts. Review of Education, 8(1), 263-265. Abstract.
Koutsouris G, Norwich B, Bessudnov A (2019). Interpreting RCT, process evaluation and case study evidence in evaluating the Integrated Group Reading (IGR) programme: a teacher-led, classroom-based intervention for Year 2 and 3 pupils struggling to read. Educational Review, TBC(TBC), 1-28. Abstract.
Norwich B (2019). Peter Lloyd Bennett interviews Professor Brahm Norwich. DECP Debate, 1(172), 14-15.
Norwich B, Koutsouris G (2019). Putting RCTs in their place: implications from an RCT of the integrated group reading approach. International Journal of Research and Method in Education, 43(2), 113-126. Abstract.
Hayes RA, Titheradge D, Allen K, Allwood M, Byford S, Edwards V, Hansford L, Longdon B, Norman S, Norwich B, et al (2019). The Incredible Years® Teacher Classroom Management programme and its impact on teachers’ professional self-efficacy, work related stress and general well-being: results from the STARS randomised controlled trial. Journal of Educational Psychology Abstract.
Norwich B (2019). Thinking about the nature of educational research: Going beyond superficial theoretical scripts. Review of Education, 8(1), 242-262. Abstract.
Ford T, Hayes RA, Edwards V, Logan GS, Norwich B, Allen KL, Hansford L, Longdon BM, Norman S, Price A, et al (2019). Training teachers in classroom management to improve mental health in primary school children: the STARS cluster RCT. Public Health Research, 7
Ryder D, Norwich B (2019). UK higher education lecturers’ perspectives of dyslexia, dyslexic students and related disability provision. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 19(3), 161-172. Abstract.
Gwernan-Jones RC, Macmillan P, Norwich B (2018). A pilot evaluation of the reading intervention ‘Own-voice Intensive Phonics’. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs Abstract.
Stentiford LJ, Koutsouris G, Norwich B (2018). A systematic literature review of the organisational arrangements of primary school-based reading interventions for struggling readers. Journal of Research in Reading, 41(S1), 197-225.
Liu Y, Bessudnov A, Norwich B, Black A (2018). Estimating the causal effects of academisation of English schools with the data from the National Pupil Database. International Journal for Population Data Science, 3(2).
Norwich B, Fujita T, Adlam A, Milton F, Edwards-Jones A (2018). Lesson study: an inter-professional approach for Educational Psychologists to improve teaching and learning. Educational Psychology in Practice, 34, 370-385.
Norwich B (2018). Making sense of international variations in lesson study and lesson study-like practices: an exploratory and conceptual perspective. International Journal of Lesson and Learning studies, 7(3), 201-216. Abstract.
Titheradge D, Hayes R, Longdon B, Allen K, Price A, Hansford L, Nye E, Ukoumunne O, Byford S, Norwich B, et al (2018). Psychological distress amongst primary school teachers: a comparison with clinical and population samples. Public Health, 166, 53-56.
Ford T, Hayes RA, Byford S, Edwards V, Fletcher M, Logan G, Norwich B, Pritchard W, Allen K, Allwood M, et al (2018). The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the Incredible Years® Teacher Classroom Management programme in primary school children: results of the STARS cluster randomised controlled trial. Psychological Medicine Abstract.
Koutsouris G, Norwich B, Stebbing J (2018). The significance of a process evaluation in interpreting the validity of an RCT evaluation of a complex teaching intervention: the case of Integrated Group Reading (IGR) as a targeted intervention for delayed Year 2 and 3 pupils. Cambridge Journal of Education, 49(1), 15-33. Abstract.
Koutsouris G, Norwich B (2018). What exactly do RCT findings tell us in education research?. British Educational Research Journal, 44(6), 939-959. Abstract.
Ryder D, Norwich B (2018). What's in a name? Perspectives of dyslexia assessors working with students in the UK higher education sector. Dyslexia, 24(2), 109-127. Abstract.  Author URL.
Tan AGP, Ware J, Norwich B (2017). Pedagogy for ethnic minority pupils with special educational needs in England: common yet different?. Oxford Review of Education, 43(4), 447-461. Abstract.
Koutsouris G, Norwich B, Fujita T, Ralph T, Adlam A, Milton F (2017). Piloting a dispersed and inter-professional Lesson Study using technology to link team members at a distance. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 26, 587-599.
Norwich B (2016). Conceptualizing Special Educational Needs Using a Biopsychosocial Model in England: the Prospects and Challenges of Using the International Classification of Functioning Framework. Frontiers in Education, 1
Norwich B, Koutsouris G, Fujita T, Ralph T, Adlam A, Milton F (2016). Exploring knowledge bridging and translation in Lesson Study using an inter-professional team. International Journal of Lesson and Learning Studies, 5(3), 180-195. Abstract.
Arnold C, Bagley C, Baker M, Boys A, Bullman W, Cline T, Crane A, Martin H, Norwich B, Riviere H, et al (2016). Oral Presentations16–25 literacy assessment, labels and the law‘Pass the Parcel’. Are managed moves an effective intervention? is there a role for Educational Psychologists in facilitating the process?Phobic, fearful or refusing? Exploring adult constructions of children’s extended non-attendance and their impact on the child’s lifeworld‘We know what bullying really is’: Teacher constructions of the labelHelping secondary school teachers to strengthen relationships with studentsChild language brokering in school: Whose interests does it serve?The use of technical terms in exemplar EP reports and factors affecting trainee teachers’ and Newly Qualified Teachers’ (NQTs) access of the language usedPreparing for adulthoodAn educational bio-psycho-social model; what it can offer educational and child psychologists’ practiceExploring inclusive teaching through dialogue between pupils with special educational needs and their teachers: Sharing perspectives, enhancing practiceEffects of achievement goals and confidence on attention and affective responses in an education settingGender differences in the social motivation and friendship experiences of adolescents with and without autismLabels of SEN: Perceptions and experiences of Young People with a classification of BESDA pilot comparison of individuals with autism spectrum disorder performance during a standard false-belief task and a false-belief task adapted to their strengths, interest and areas of supportThe discrepancy between idealised and actualised provision: is provision for children with Speech Language and Communication Needs (SLCN) a mirage or oasis?The Nurtured Heart Approach: a pilot case study. DECP Debate, 1(159), 19-31.
Russell G, Ukoumunne O, Ryder D, Golding J, Norwich B (2016). Predictors of word reading ability in seven year olds: analysis of data from a UK cohort study. Journal of Research in Reading
Norwich B, Ylonen A (2015). A design-based trial of Lesson Study for assessment purposes: evaluating a new classroom based dynamic assessment approach. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 30(2), 253-273. Abstract.
Norwich B, Ylonen A (2015). A design-based trial of Lesson Study for assessment purposes: evaluating a new classroom based dynamic assessment approach. European Journal of Special Needs Education Abstract.
Russell G, Ryder D, Norwich B, Ford T (2015). Behavioural Difficulties That Co-occur with Specific Word Reading Difficulties: a UK Population-Based Cohort Study. Dyslexia, 21(2), 123-141. Abstract.  Author URL.
Russell G, Ryder D, Norwich B, Ford T (2015). Behavioural difficulties that co-occur with specific word reading difficulties: a UK population-based cohort study. Dyslexia, 21(2), 123-141. Abstract.
Norwich B (2015). Educational psychology, neuro-science and Lesson Study: how translating research knowledge into practice requires teacher research. Knowledge Culture, 3(2), 172-190.
Norwich B (2015). Inclusive education in Italy: a response to Anastasiou, Kauffman and Di Nuovo. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 30(4), 448-451.
Norwich B (2015). Inclusive education in Italy: a response to Anastasiou, Kauffman and Di Nuovo. European Journal of Special Needs Education
Norwich B, Eaton A (2015). The new special educational needs (SEN) legislation in England and implications for services for children and young people with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties. Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties, 20(2), 117-132. Abstract.
Norwich B, Black A (2015). The placement of secondary school students with Statements of special educational needs in the more diversified system of English secondary schooling. British Journal of Special Education, 42(2), 128-151. Abstract.
Hansford L, Sharkey S, Edwards V, Ukoumunne O, Byford S, Norwich B, Logan S, Ford T (2015). Understanding influences on teachers' uptake and use of behaviour management strategies within the STARS trial: process evaluation protocol for a randomised controlled trial. BMC Public Health, 15 Abstract.  Author URL.
Hansford L, Sharkey S, Edwards V, Ukoumunne O, Byford S, Norwich B, Logan S, Ford T (2015). Understanding influences on teachers' uptake and use of behaviour management strategies within the STARS trial: process evaluation protocol for a randomised controlled trial. BMC Public Health, 15 Abstract.  Author URL.
Marlow R, Norwich B, Ukoumunne OC, Hansford L, Sharkey S, Ford T (2014). A comparison of teacher assessment (APP) with standardised tests in primary literacy and numeracy (WIAT-II). Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy and Practice, 21(4), 412-426. Abstract.
Norwich B (2014). Changing policy and legislation and its effects on inclusive and special education: a perspective from England. British Journal of Special Education, 41(4), 403-425. Abstract.
Gray P, Norwich B (2014). Chapter 2. An overview of issues emerging as the policy context changes. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 14(2), 122-127.
Norwich B (2014). Chapter 2. Context, interests and methodologies. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 14(3), 193-196.
Rose J, Norwich B (2014). Collective commitment and collective efficacy: a theoretical model for understanding the motivational dynamics of dilemma resolution in inter-professional work. Cambridge Journal of Education, 44(1), 59-74. Abstract.
Norwich B (2014). How does the capability approach address current issues in special educational needs, disability and inclusive education field?. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 14(1), 16-21. Abstract.
Norwich B (2014). Improving learning through dynamic assessment: a practical classroom resource. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SPECIAL NEEDS EDUCATION, 29(2), 259-261.  Author URL.
Norwich B, Ylonen A (2014). Lesson study practices in the development of secondary teaching of students with moderate learning difficulties: a systematic qualitative analysis in relation to context and outcomes. British Educational Research Journal, 41(4), 629-649. Abstract.
Norwich B (2014). Recognising value tensions that underlie problems in inclusive education. Cambridge Journal of Education
Norwich B (2014). Recognising value tensions that underlie problems in inclusive education. Cambridge Journal of Education, 44(4), 495-510. Abstract.
Norwich B, Eaton A (2014). The new special educational needs (SEN) legislation in England and implications for services for children and young people with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties. Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties Abstract.
Norwich B, Dudley P, Ylonen A (2014). Using lesson study to assess pupils’ learning difficulties. International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies, 3(2), 192-207. Abstract.
Rose J, Norwich B (2013). Collective commitment and collective efficacy: a theoretical model for understanding the motivational dynamics of dilemma resolution in inter-professional work. Cambridge Journal of Education
Corbett J, Norwich B (2013). Common or specialized pedagogy?. , 13-30.
Norwich B, Ylonen A (2013). Design-based research to develop the teaching of pupils with moderate learning difficulties (MLD): evaluating Lesson Study in terms of pupil, teacher and school outcomes. Teaching and Teacher Education, 34, 162-173.
Norwich B (2013). Disavowed knowledge: psychoanalysis, education and teaching. HISTORY OF EDUCATION, 42(5), 680-684.  Author URL.
Ylonen A, Norwich B (2013). Professional learning of teachers through a lesson study process in England: Contexts, mechanisms and outcomes. International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies, 2(2), 137-154. Abstract.
Ylonen A, Norwich B (2013). The Lesson Study process: how it works and what it offers. Lessons from a development and research project in England’. International Journal of Lesson and Learning Study, 2 (2)
Norwich B (2013). Understanding the profession of educational psychology in England: Now and in the future. Australian Educational and Developmental Psychologist, 30(1), 36-53. Abstract.
Lawson HA, Norwich B, Nash T (2013). What trainees in England learn about teaching pupils with special educational needs/disabilities in their school based work: the contribution of planned activities in one year initial training courses. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 28(2), 136-155.
Russell G, Norwich B (2012). Dilemmas, diagnosis and de-stigmatization: parental perspectives on autistic spectrum disorders. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 2(17), 229-246.
Russell G, Norwich B (2012). Dilemmas, diagnosis and de-stigmatization: parental perspectives on the diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders. Clin Child Psychol Psychiatry, 17(2), 229-245. Abstract.  Author URL.
Norwich B (2012). Foreword. Leading on Inclusion: Dilemmas, Debates and New Perspectives
Norwich B, Ylonen A, Gwernan-Jones R (2012). Moderate learning difficulties: searching for clarity and understanding. Research Papers in Education
Norwich B, Ylonen, A, Gwernan-Jones, R (2012). Moderate learning difficulties: searching for clarity and understanding. Research Papers in Education
Russell G, Golding J, Norwich B, Emond J, Ford T, Steer C (2012). Social and behavioural outcomes in children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders: a longitudinal cohort study. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 7(53), 735-744.
Russell G, Golding J, Norwich B, Emond A, Ford T, Steer C (2012). Social and behavioural outcomes in children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders: a longitudinal cohort study. J Child Psychol Psychiatry, 53(7), 735-744. Abstract.  Author URL.
Ford T, Edwards V, Sharkey S, Ukoumunne OC, Byford S, Norwich B, Logan S (2012). Supporting teachers and children in schools: the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the Incredible Years teacher classroom management programme in primary school children: a cluster randomised controlled trial, with parallel economic and process evaluations. BMC Public Health, 12 Abstract.  Author URL.
Ylonen A, Norwich B (2012). Using Lesson Study to develop teaching approaches for secondary school pupils with moderate learning difficulties: Teachers' concepts, attitudes and pedagogic strategies. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 27(3), 301-317.
Ylonen A, Norwich B (2012). Using lesson Study to develop teaching approaches for secondary school pupils with moderate learning difficulties: teachers’ concepts, attitudes and pedagogic strategies. European Journal of Special Needs Education(3), 301-318.
Russell G, Norwich B, Gwernan-Jones RC (2012). When diagnosis is uncertain: Variation in conclusions after psychological assessment of a six year old child. Early Child Development and Care, 1575-1592.
Russell G, Norwich B, Gwernan-Jones R (2012). When diagnosis is uncertain: Variation in conclusions after psychological assessment of a six year old child. Early Child Development and Care, 17(2), 229-245.
Norwich B, Nash T (2011). Preparing teachers to teach children with special educational needs and disabilities: the significance of a national PGCE development and evaluation project for inclusive teacher education. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs
Norwich B, Nash T (2011). Preparing teachers to teach children with special educational needs and disabilities: the significance of a national PGCE development and evaluation project for inclusive teacher education. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 11(1), 2-11.
Boyle C, Topping K, Jindal-Snape D, Norwich B (2011). The importance of peer-support for teaching staff when including children with special educational needs. School Psychology International (in press)
Norwich B (2010). Can we envisage the end of special educational needs? has special educational needs outlived its usefulness?. The Psychology of Education Review, 34 (2), 13-21.
Norwich B (2010). Dilemmas of difference, curriculum and disability: international perspectives. Comparative Education, 46, 2, 113-135.
Norwich B, Richards A, Nash T (2010). Educational Psychologists and children in care: practices and issues. Educational Psychology in Practice, 4(26), 375-390.
Nash T, Norwich B (2010). The initial training of teachers to teach children with special educational needs: a national survey of English Post Graduate Certificate of Education programmes. Teaching and Teacher Education, 26, 1471-1481.
Nash T, Norwich B (2010). The initial training of teachers to teach children with special educational needs: a national survey of English Post Graduate Certificate of Education programmes. Teaching and Teacher Education, 1471-1481.
Roberts W, Norwich B (2010). Using precision teaching to enhance the word reading skills and academic self-concept of secondary school students: a role for professional educational psychologists. Educational Psychology in Practice, 26(3), 279-298. Abstract.
Roberts W, Norwich B (2010). Using precision teaching to enhance the word reading skills and academic self-concept of secondary school students: a role for professional educational psychologists. Educational Psychology in Practice, 3(26), 279-298.
Roberts W, Norwich B (2010). Using precision teaching to enhance the word reading skills and academic self-concept of secondary school students: a role for professional educational psychologists. Educational Psychology in Practice, 3(26), 279-298.
Norwich, B. (2009). Dilemmas of difference and the identification of special educational needs / disability: international perspectives. British Educational Research Journal, 35(3), 447-468.
Norwich B (2009). Dilemmas of difference and the identification of special educational needs / disability: international perspectives. British Educational Research Journal, 35 (3), 447-467.
Norwich B (2009). Dilemmas of difference and the identification of special educational needs/disability: international perspectives. BRITISH EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH JOURNAL, 35(3), 447-467.  Author URL.
Williams T, Lamb B, Norwich B, Peterson L (2009). Introduction to Policy Paper. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 9(3), 199-217.
Norwich B (2009). Learning Disabilities: What are they? Helping Teachers and Parents Understand the Characteristics. BRITISH JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL STUDIES, 57(4), 446-448.  Author URL.
Norwich B (2009). Second proposer. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 9(3), 208-212.
Norwich B (2009). Special options. British Association of teachers of the Deaf Magazine(May), 6-8.
Norwich B (2009). Summary of discussion and vote. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 9(3), 215-217.
Norwich B (2008). Chapter 5. Summary of discussion and conclusions. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 8(3), 181-182.
Norwich, B. (2008). Dilemmas of difference, inclusion and disability: international perspectives on placement. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 23(4), 287-304.
Jones, G. Hack, E. Riddell, S. (2008). Individual budgets and direct payments: issues, challenges and future implications for the strategic management of SEN. Journal of Research in Special Educational, 8(3), 124-139.
Norwich B (2008). Open Dialogue peer review: a response to Tymms, Merrell & Coe. Psychology of Education Review, 32(2), 17-19.
Norwich B, Nash T (2008). Preparing teachers to teach children with SEN disabilities: Challenges and developments in England. JOURNAL OF INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY RESEARCH, 52, 687-687.  Author URL.
Norwich, B. (2008). What future for special schools and inclusion? conceptual and professional perspectives.\r. British Journal of Special Education, 35(3), 136-144.
FJMacleod, Macmillan P, Norwich B (2007). 'Listening to Myself': Improving Oracy and Literacy Among Children who Fall Behind. Early Child Development and Care, 177(6), 633-644.
Macleod FJ, Macmillan P, Norwich B (2007). 'Listening to myself': Improving oracy and literacy among children who fall behind. Early Child Development and Care, 177(6-7), 633-644. Abstract.
Norwich B (2007). Dilemmas of difference inclusion and disability: International perspectives and future directions. Dilemmas of Difference Inclusion and Disability: International Perspectives and Future Directions, 1-228. Abstract.
Norwich, B. (2007). Evaluating the reliability and validity of learning styles inventory : a classroom-based study. Educational Researcher, 49(1), 51-63.
Macleod F, MacMillan P, Norwich B (2007). Giving psychology away: Helping pupils at risk of reading failure by means of a self-voice feedback programme. School Psychology International, 28(5), 555-573.
Norwich B (2007). Handbook of competence and motivation. BRITISH JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY, 77, 744-745.  Author URL.
Norwich B, Lewis A (2007). How specialised is teaching children with disabilities and difficulties?. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 39(2), 127-150.
Norwich, B. (2007). Special Teaching for Special Children? Pedagogies for Inclusion\r. Division of Education and Child psychology (BPS) Papers, 24(3), 54-67.
Norwich, B. (2007). Special schools: what does the future hold?. Into Teaching, 17, 3-9.
Norwich, B. Ma A (2007). Triangulation and Theoretical Understanding. Journal of Social Research Methodology: Theory and Practice, 10(3), 211-226.
McLaughlin MJ, Dyson A, Nagle K, Thurlow M, Rouse M, Hardman M, Norwich B, Burke PJ, Perlin M (2006). Cross-cultural perspectives on the classification of children with disabilities: Part II. Implementing classification systems in schools. Journal of Special Education, 40(1), 46-58. Abstract.
Dyson, A. Nagle, K. Thurlow, M. (2006). Cross-cultural perspectives on the classification of children with disabilities: part II, Implementing classification in schools. Journal of Special Education, 40(1), 36-46.
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Kelly, N. (2004). Pupils’ views on inclusion: moderate learning difficulties \r and bullying in mainstream and special schools\r. British Educational Research Journal, 30(1), 43-65.
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Cooper, P. Maras, P. (2002). Attentional and activity difficulties: findings from a national study. Support for learning, 17(4), 182-187.
Norwich B (2002). Education, inclusion and individual differences : recognising and resolving dilemmas. British Journal of Educational Studies, 50(4), 482-502.
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Avramidis E, Norwich, B. (2002). Teachers' attitudes towards integration/ inclusion: a review of the literature. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 17(2), 129-147.
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Norwich B (2022). INCLUSIVE EDUCATION TRENDS AND PRACTICES: Recognising and addressing issues positively and realistically. In  (Ed) The Inclusion Dialogue: Debating Issues, Challenges and Tension with Global Experts, 116-130. Abstract.
Linzarini A, Budgen S, Merkley R, Gaab N, Siegel L, Aldersey H, Anderson J, Araya BM, Barnes, Binks-Cantrell E, et al (2022). Identifying and supporting children with learning disabilities. In Budgen S, Borst G (Eds.) Education and the Learning Experience in Reimagining Education: the International Science and Evidence based Education Assessment, New Delhi: UNESCO MGIEP. Abstract.
Norwich B (2022). Inclusive Education Trends and Practices. In  (Ed) The Inclusion Dialogue, Taylor & Francis, 116-130.
Norwich B, Koutsouris G (2019). An inclusive model of targeting literacy teaching for 7-8 year old children who are struggling to learn to read: the Integrated Group reading (IGR) approach. In Boyle C, Mavropoulou S, Anderson J, Paige A (Eds.) Inclusive Education: Global Issues and Controversies, Sense Publishers.
Norwich B (2019). The case for a broader policy framework for special needs and inclusive education. In  (Ed) Including Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities in Learning and Life, Taylor & Francis, 71-76.
Evans J, Lunt I, Norwich B, Steedman J, Wedell K (2018). Clusters: a collaborative approach to meeting special educational needs. In  (Ed) Special Educational Needs Policy in the 1990s, Taylor & Francis, 92-112.
Norwich B (2018). Has ‘special educational needs outlived its usefulness?. In  (Ed) Special Education in Britain after Warnock, 43-58. Abstract.
Norwich B, Koutsouris G (2017). Addressing Dilemmas and Tensions in Inclusive Education. In Noblit G (Ed) Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education, Oxford University Press, 1-22. Abstract.
Norwich B (2014). Categories of Special educational needs. In Florian L (Ed) The Sage Handbook of Special education. Vol.1, London: Sage, 55-73.
Ylonen A, Norwich B (2014). How Lesson Study helps teachers of pupils with specific needs or difficulties. In  (Ed) Lesson Study: Professional Learning for Our Time, 86-106.
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Norwich, B (2013). Antisocial behaviour; what contribution for psychology?. In Maras P (Ed) Psychology and antisocial behaviour in schools, Leicester: BPS, 9-15.
Creese A, Norwich B, Daniels H (2013). Evaluating Teacher Support Teams in secondary schools: Supporting teachers for SEN and other needs. In  (Ed) Addressing Pupil's Behaviour: Responses at District, School and Individual Levels, 126-143. Abstract.
Lawson HA, Norwich B, Nash T (2013). Teacher trainee learning about inclusive practice in initial teacher education in England: ‘Insider’ perspectives from within school placement. In Jones P (Ed) Bringing insider perspectives into inclusive teacher learning: Potentials and challenges for educational professionals, London: Routledge.
Norwich B, Corbett J (2013). The Contribution of Special Education to Our Understanding of Values, Schooling and the Curriculum. In  (Ed) Education for Values: Morals, Ethics and Citizenship in Contemporary Teaching, Taylor & Francis, 96-108.
Norwich B, Corbett J (2013). The contribution of special education to our understanding of values, schooling and the curriculum. In  (Ed) Education for Values: Morals, Ethics and Citizenship in Contemporary Teaching, 96-108. Abstract.
Norwich B (2012). How inclusion policy works in the UK (England): successes and issues. In Boyle, C, Topping K (Eds.) What works in inclusion?, Maidenhead: Open University Press.
Norwich B, Avramidis E (2012). SEN: the state of research – compromise, consensus or disarray?. In Peer L, Reid G (Eds.) Special educational needs: a guide for inclusive practice, London: Sage.
Norwich B (2010). What implications do changing practices and concepts have for the role of SEN Coordinator?. In Hallett F, Hallett G (Eds.) Transforming the role of the SENCO,, Maidenhead: Open University Press.
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Norwich B (2008). How compatible is the recognition of dyslexia with inclusive education?. In Reid G (Ed) The Routledge Dyslexia Handbook, London: Routledge, 177-194.
Macmillan, P. Norwich, B. (2008). Improving oracy and literacy among children who fall behind. In Evans R, Jones D (Eds.) Metacognitive Approaches to Developing Oracy, London: Routledge, Taylor and Francis, 65-76.
Norwich, B. (2008). Inclusive and effective schools: challenges and tensions. In Hick P, Kershner R, Farrell P (Eds.) Psychology for inclusive education: new directions in theory and practice, London: Routledge, 96-107.
Norwich B (2008). Perspectives and purposes of disability classification systems: implications for teachers and curriculum and pedagogy. In Florian L, McClaughlin M (Eds.) Classification in Special Education, Thousand Oaks, CA.: Corwin Press, 131-149.
Norwich B (2007). Categories of Special Educational Needs. In  (Ed) The SAGE Handbook of Special Education, SAGE Publications, 56-67.
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Norwich, B. (2006). Dilemmas in inclusive education. In Cigman R (Ed) Included or excluded? the challenge of the mainstream for some children with SEN, London: Routledge.
Norwich, B. (2005). Common or specialised pedagogy. In Nind M, Rix J, Sheehy K, Simmons K (Eds.) Curriculum and pedagogy in inclusive education : values into practice, London: Routledge/Falmer, 34-47.
Norwich, B. (2004). Education, inclusion, and individual differences: recognising and resolving dilemmas. In Mitchell D (Ed) Special educational needs and inclusive education; Major themes in education. Vol. 4, London:.
Norwich, B. (2004). Is there a distinctive pedagogy for learning difficulties?. In Mitchell D (Ed) Special educational needs and inclusive education; Major themes in education. Vol. 4, London, New York: Falmer/Routledge.
Avramidis E, Norwich, B. (2003). Promoting inclusive education: a review of literature on teachers' attitudes towards integration and inclusion. In Poulson L, Wallace M (Eds.) Learning to read critically in teaching and learning, London: Sage Publications, 201-222.
Norwich, B. (2002). Is there a distinctive pedagogy for learning difficulties?. In Galloway D (Ed) Children with SEN: a response to the new Code of Practice, London: Association of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 25-37.
Daniels, H. (2001). Teacher support teams for special educational needs in primary schools. In Wearmouth J (Ed) Special Educational Provision in the context of Inclusion: policy and practice in schools, Open University Press, 149-168.
Corbett J, Norwich B (1999). Learners with Special Educational Needs. In  (Ed) Understanding Pedagogy and its Impact on Learning, SAGE Publications, 115-136.


Ganguli P, Ford T, Edwards V, Sharkey S, Ukoumunne OC, Norwich B, Logan S, Byford S (2017). Methods for Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of a School-Based Intervention: Evaluating the Incredible Years Teacher Classroom Management Programme.  Author URL.


Timimi S, Hutchinson J, McKay N (2020). Trends in SEN identification: contexts, causes and consequences. Abstract.
Norwich B, Koutsouris G, Bessudnov A (2018). An innovative classroom reading intervention for Year 2 and 3 pupils who are struggling to learn to read: Evaluating the Integrated Group Reading Programme.
Richards, A. Nash, T. (2008). Children in care and the multi-disciplinary work of educational psychologists.
Endler, L. Rose, J.R. & Norwich, B. (2008). How do practitioners in the early years use the Common Assessment framework: an evaluation.
Kelly, N. Proykov, T. Norwich, B. (2005). An evaluation of the Devon Children's Fund. Exeter, School of Education and Lifelong Learning, University of Exeter.
Kelly, N. et, al (2004). A study of promising practices of pupil participation in SEN procedures in south-west mainstream schools.  Exeter, University of Exeter, School of Education and Lifelong Learning.
Richards, A. Norwich, B. (2002). Eliciting children's views in resolving disagreements between LEAs, professionals and parents: an exploratory project.  Exeter. School of Education and Lifelong Learning, University of Exeter.

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External Engagement and Impact

Advice to Government, Parliament, devolved and English regional administrations, other national, international, regional or local agencies; advice to non-government organisations and to private practice

Contributed recently to Department for Education consultation groups; working group for Welsh Government on assessment programme, consultative meetings about SEN and disability education policy. Previously been on Government research steering committees member, witness to House of Commons Select Committee on Special Educational Needs, member of reference group for Government Inquiry into SEN and represented England on European Agency for Special Needs education development projects.

External doctoral examining nationally and internationally

previously been external examiner for Masters and PhDs nationally: Universities of Cardiff, Cambridge, Manchester, Warwick, Bradford, Hull, Institute of Education, Leicester, Dundee and London University

Keynote addresses or prestigious public lectures given in international forums

Invited speaker at academic and professional conferences (e.g European Conference of Educational Research and UK specialist professional conferences).

Major awards, Prizes and Honorary degrees, including election to national and international learned societies

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