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School of Education

Professor Debra Myhill

Professor Debra Myhill

Professor Emerita of Language and Literacy Education



My interests are in the teaching and research of language and literacy.  I am the former Director of the Centre for Research in Writing and my commitment is to the bringing together of teaching, teacher education and research so that children and young people's experience of learning to be literate enables them to be confident, articulate citizens of the future, able to use language and literature for personal fulfilment and economic well-being.

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Research interests

My research interests are principally in the field of language and literacy, with a particular focus upon the teaching of writing; gender and literacy; and talk. My research is conducted collaboratively with colleagues in the Centre for Research in Writing.  We have been interested in exploring all aspects of writing and becoming a writer, including:

  • the role of grammar in the teaching and learning of writing, with a focus on functionally-oriented grammar making links between language and meaning;
  • children's metalinguistic understanding of writing and making language choices;
  • the role of talk in supporting metalinguistic understanding about writing; 
  • composing processes in writing - children, young people and adults' understanding and management of the writing process;
  • teachers and children as writers.

Research projects

I have been involved in a large number of research projects, along with colleagues in the Centre for Research in Writing - all investigating writing and the teaching of writing. Please see below for a full list of all these research projects.

Research grants

  • 2012 Arts Council
    exetreme imagination 2013: festival of writing for children and by children
  • 2012 Pearson Education
    Struggling Writers
  • 2012 ESRC
    Development in Metalinguistic Understanding in Writing
  • 2012 Education Endowment Fund
    Choice and Control: supporting writing in year 6
  • 2012 EPSRC
    Empowering Partnerships, Enabling Engagement
  • 2011 ESRC
    Grammar for Writing: Follow on Funding
  • 2010 Arts Council
    A Festival of Literature for Children and Young People, celebrating writing for children and writing by children.
  • 2009 DCSF Department for Children, Schools and Families
    National Evaluation of 'Every Child a Writer'
  • 2007 DCSF Department for Children, Schools and Families
    Complex Expression in Secondary Writing: a Review of the Literature.
  • 2007 ESRC
    Grammar for Writing?
  • 2007 Economic and Social Research Council
    ESRC Grammar For Writing? Project studentship
  • 2004 Esmée Fairbairn Foundation
    From Talk to Text: Using Talk to Support Writing
  • 2004 OFSTED
    Research in English Teaching: A literature review
  • 2003 Economic and Social Research Council
    Children's Linguistic and Compositional Processes in Writing
  • 2003 DfEE
    Best Practice Research Scholarships 2003: 9 successful scholarships gained, of which
  • 2003 Torbay LEA
    ESRC Research Seminar Competition 2003: International Series of Seminars 'Reconceptualising Writing 5-16', in collaboration with Leeds University and London Institute of Education.
  • 2003 Qualifications and Curriculum Authority
    Technical Accuracy in A level examinations
  • 2002 DfEE
    Best Practice Research Scholarships 2002: 12 successful scholarships gained, with funding
  • 2001 DfEE
    Best Practice Research Scholarships 2001: 15 successful scholarships gained, with funding of £37,500, of which £12,750 comes to the School of Education
  • 1999 Economic and Social Research Council
    The Use of Talk to Scaffold Learning in Whole Class Teaching. Co-applicant Professor Neville Bennett Nov 2000-May 2003

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Myhill D (eds)(2020). Developing Writers Across the Primary and Secondary Years Growing into Writing. London, Routledge. Abstract.
Banerjee P (eds)(2019). Transitions from Vocational Qualifications to Higher Education: Examining Inequalities.  UK, Emerald Publishing Limited. Abstract.
Myhill D, Jones, Watson, Line (2016). Essential Primary Grammar. Abstract.
Cremin T, Myhill D (2013). Writing Voices, Creating communities of writers., Taylor & Francis.
Cremin TC, Myhill DA (2011). Writing Voices: Creating Communities of Writers. London, Routledge.
Fisher R, Jones S, Larkin S, Myhill D (2010). Using Talk to Support Writing. London, Sage.
Beard, R. Myhill DA, Riley, J. (2009). Handbook of Writing Development. London, Sage Publications.
Beard R, Myhill DA, Riley J, Nystrand M (2009). The SAGE Handbook of Writing Development. London.
Myhill DA, Jones S, Hopper R (2005). Talking, Listening, Learning. Effective Talk in the Primary Classroom., Open University Press.
Myhill, D.A. (2002). Consultant Editor for. Eames, K, Taylor, K and Trelawney-Ross, D. Writing: Steps to Success Levels 3-4+. London, Hodder and Stoughton.
Myhill, D.A. (2002). Consultant Editor for. Eames, K, Taylor, K and Trelawney-Ross, D. Writing: Steps to Success Levels 4-5+. London, Hodder and Stoughton.
Myhill, D.A. (2002). Consultant Editor for. Eames, K, Taylor, K and Trelawney-Ross, D. Writing: Steps to Success Levels 5-6+. London, Hodder and Stoughton.
Myhill, D.A. (2001). Better Writers. Westley, Courseware Publications.

Journal articles

Myhill D, Ahmed AM, Abdollahzadeh E, Rezk LM (2024). Qatari student writers’ metalinguistic understanding of transitions in L2 English written argument. Language Awareness, 33(2), 328-346.
Myhill D, Ahmed A, Rezk L (2023). Engaging with readers: Students’ metalinguistic understanding of the use of pronouns in building reader-writer relationships. Linguistics and Education, 75 Abstract.
Myhill D, Ahmed A, Abdollazadeh E (2023). Going meta: Bringing together an understanding of metadiscourse with students' metalinguistic understanding. Language Teaching, 56(1), 146-148.
Barton G, Khosronejad M, Ryan M, Kervin L, Myhill D (2023). Teaching creative writing in primary schools: a systematic review of the literature through the lens of reflexivity. AUSTRALIAN EDUCATIONAL RESEARCHER  Author URL.
Myhill D, Cremin T, Oliver L (2023). The impact of a changed writing environment on students' motivation to write. Frontiers in Psychology, 14
Myhill D, Cremin T, Oliver L (2023). Writing as a craft: Re-considering teacher subject content knowledge for teaching writing. RESEARCH PAPERS IN EDUCATION, 38(3), 403-425.  Author URL.
van Rijt J, Myhill D, De Maeyer S, Coppen P-A (2022). Linguistic metaconcepts can improve grammatical understanding in L1 education evidence from a Dutch quasi-experimental study. PLOS ONE, 17(2), e0263123-e0263123. Abstract.
Ryan M, Khosronejad M, Barton G, Myhill D, Kervin L (2022). Reflexive writing dialogues: Elementary students’ perceptions and performances as writers during classroom experiences. Assessing Writing, 51 Abstract.
Ryan M, Khosronejad M, Barton G, Kervin L, Myhill D (2021). A Reflexive Approach to Teaching Writing: Enablements and Constraints in Primary School Classrooms. Written Communication, 38(3), 417-446. Abstract.
Khosronejad M, Ryan M, Barton G, Myhill D, Kervin L (2021). Examining how classroom talk shapes students’ identities as reflexive writers in elementary classrooms. Classroom Discourse, 13(1), 64-82.
Myhill D (2021). Fostering critical reasoning: Developing argumentative competence in early and middle primary years. Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, 44, 46-61.
Myhill D (2021). Grammar re-imagined: foregrounding understanding of language choice in writing. ENGLISH IN EDUCATION, 55(3), 265-278.  Author URL.
Calil E, Myhill D (2020). Dialogue, erasure and spontaneous comments during textual composition: What students' metalinguistic talk reveals about newly-literate writers’ understanding of revision. Linguistics and Education, 60 Abstract.
Cremin T, Myhill D, Eyres I, Nash T, Wilson A, Oliver L (2020). Teachers as writers: learning together with others. Literacy, 54(2), 49-59. Abstract.
Myhill D, Watson A, Newman R (2020). Thinking differently about grammar and metalinguistic understanding in writing. Bellaterra Journal of Teaching & Learning Language & Literature, 13(2), e870-e870. Abstract.
Cremin T, Myhill D (2019). Creative Writers as Arts Educators. Abstract.
Myhill DA (2018). Grammar as a meaning-making resource for improving writing. . L1-Educational Studies in Language and Literature, 18, 1-21.
Myhill D, Jones S, Lines H (2018). Supporting less proficient writers through linguistically aware teaching. Language and Education, 32(4), 333-349. Abstract.
Myhill DA, Jones S, Lines H (2018). Texts that teach: Examining the efficacy of using texts as models. L1-Educational Studies in Language and Literature, 18, 1-24. Abstract.
Boivin MC, Fontich X, Funke R, García-Folgado MJ, Myhill D (2018). Working on grammar at school in L1 education: Empirical research across linguistic regions. Introduction to the special issue. L1 Educational Studies in Language and Literature, 18(Specialissue), 1-6. Abstract.
Chen H, Myhill D (2016). Children talking about writing: Investigating metalinguistic understanding. Linguistics and Education, 35, 100-108. Abstract.
Jesson R, Fontich X, Myhill D (2016). Creating dialogic spaces: Talk as a mediational tool in becoming a writer. International Journal of Educational Research, 80, 155-163.
Myhill D, Newman R (2016). Metatalk: Enabling metalinguistic discussion about writing. International Journal of Educational Research, 80, 177-187. Abstract.
Ahmed A, Myhill D (2016). The impact of the socio-cultural context on L2 English writing of Egyptian university students. LEARNING CULTURE AND SOCIAL INTERACTION, 11, 117-129.  Author URL.
Myhill DA (2016). Writing Conversations: Metalinguistic Talk about Writing. Bulletin Vals-ASLA,, 103, 153-166.
Myhill DA, Jones SM, Wilson AC (2016). Writing conversations: fostering metalinguistic discussion about writing. Research Papers in Education, 31(1), 23-44. Abstract.
Myhill DA, Jones SM (2015). Conceptualizing metalinguistic understanding in writing / Conceptualización de la competencia metalingüística en la escritura. Cultura y Educacion, 27(4), 839-867. Abstract.
Janks H, Myhill D, Ryan M (2015). Editorial. English Teaching Practice & Critique, 14(3).
Myhill D, Watson A (2014). The role of grammar in the writing curriculum: a review of the literature. Child Language Teaching and Therapy, 30(1), 41-62. Abstract.
Honan E, Myhill D (2013). Editorial: 2103 non-themed issue. English Teaching, 12(3), 1-4.
Jones SM, Myhill DA, Bailey T (2013). Grammar for Writing? an investigation into the effect of Contextualised Grammar Teaching on Student Writing. Reading and Writing, 26(8), 1241-1263. Abstract.
Myhill D, Jones S, Watson A (2013). Grammar matters: How teachers' grammatical knowledge impacts on the teaching of writing. Teaching and Teacher Education, 36, 77-91. Abstract.
Myhill D, Jones S, Watson A, Lines H (2013). Playful explicitness with grammar: a pedagogy for writing. Literacy, 47(2), 103-111. Abstract.
Myhill DA, Wilson AC (2013). Playing it Safe: teachers’ views of creativity in poetry writing. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 10, 101-111.
Lines HE, Myhill DA (2012). Any English Questions?. Classroom, 16, 54-56.
Myhill D (2012). Developing Writers: Teaching and Learning in the Digital Age. ENGLISH IN EDUCATION, 46(1), 106-108.  Author URL.
Myhill D (2012). Editorial. English in Education, 46(1), 1-5.
Lines HE, Myhill DA (2012). Grammar for Writing:. Sentences under the Spotlight. Classroom, 16, 4-7.
Myhill DA, Lines HE (2012). Grammar for writing: Using knowledge for grammar to improve writing. Classroom, 18, 45-48.
Lines HE, Myhill DA (2012). Grammar for writing: discovering what Year 8 students know about language. Classroom, 17, 35-38.
Myhill DA, Jones SM, Lines HE, Watson A (2012). Knowledge about Language Revisited: the Impact of Teachers’ Linguistic Subject Knowledge on the Teaching of Writing. English Drama Media, 23, 43-48.
Myhill D, Lines H, Watson A (2012). Making meaning with grammar: a repertoire of possibilities. English in Australia, 47(3), 29-38.
Myhill DA, Jones SM, Lines H, Watson A (2012). Re-thinking grammar: the impact of embedded grammar teaching on students' writing and students' metalinguistic understanding. Research Papers in Education, 27(2), 139-166. Abstract.
Myhill DA (2012). Rethinking Grammar as a Resource for Writing. English Drama Media, 22, 47-52.
Wilson AC, Myhill D (2012). Ways with Words:. Teachers’ Personal Epistemologies of the Role of Metalanguage in the Teaching of Poetry Writing. Language and Education, 26(6), 553-568. Abstract.
Myhill DA, Jones SM, Lines HE, Watson A (2011). Explaining how Language Works: is there a place for terminology?. Literacy Today, 67, 25-27.
Lines HE, Myhill DA (2011). Focusing Fiction. Classroom, 15, 23-25.
Myhill DA (2011). Language as Putty: Thinking Creatively about Grammar. English in Aotearoa, 74, 13-20.
Myhill DA, Lines HE, Watson A (2011). Making Meaning with Grammar: a Repertoire of Possibilities. mETAphor, 2, 1-10.
Preece P, Myhill D (2011). TLRP's ten principles. Research Papers in Education, 26(3).
Locke T, Myhill D, Fecho B (2010). Editorial: Non-themed issue: 2010. English Teaching, 9(3), 1-7.
Myhill D, Fisher R (2010). Editorial: Writing development: cognitive, sociocultural, linguistic perspectives. JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN READING, 33(1), 1-3.  Author URL.
Myhill DA (2010). Harnessing Grammar: Weaving Words and Shaping Texts. Better: Evidence-Based Education, 2010(Winter), 12-13.
Myhill DA (2010). The best words in the best order’: grammar as a creative tool for literacy. English Teaching Online, 1(Autumn).
Myhill, D.A. (2009). Children’s Patterns of Composition and their Reflections on their Composing Processes. British Educational Research Journal, 1(35), 47-64.
Myhill DA (2009). Developmental Trajectories in Mastery of Paragraphing: Towards a Model of Development. Written Language and Literacy, 12(1), 26-51. Abstract.
Myhill DA (2009). From Talking to Writing:. Linguistic Development in Writing. British Journal of Educational Psychology Monograph Series 11, 6, 27-44. Abstract.
Myhill DA (2009). From Talking to Writing:. Linguistic Development in Writing. British Journal of Educational Psychology Monograph Series 11, 6, 27-44. Abstract.
Myhill DA, Jones SM (2009). How Talk Becomes Text: investigating the concept of oral rehearsal in early years’ classrooms. British Journal of Educational Studies, 57(3), 265-284. Abstract.
Myhill DA (2009). Shaping Futures: Literacy Policy in the Twenty-First Century. Research Papers in Education, 24(2).
Myhill DA (2009). Shaping Futures: Literacy Policy in the Twenty-First Century. Research Papers in Education, 24(2), 129-133.
Myhill DA (2008). Towards a Linguistic Model of Sentence Development in Writing. Language and Education, 22(5), 271-288.
Myhill DA, Locke T (2007). Composition in the English/Literacy Classroom. English Teaching: Practice and Critique, 6(1), 1-10.
Myhill, D.A. (2007). Designs on writing (3). Secondary English Magazine, 11(1), 25-28.
SJones, Myhill DA (2007). Discourses of Difference? Questioning Gender Difference in Linguistic Characteristics of Writing. Canadian Journal of Education, 30(2), 456-482.
Southgate CCB (2007). Editorial. Reviews in Science and Religion, 50
Myhill DA, Jones SM (2007). More than just Error Correction: Children’s Reflections on their Revision Processes. Written Communication, 24(4), 323-343.
Myhill DA, Jones, S. (2007). More than just error correction. Students' perspectives on their revision processes during writing. Written Communication, 24(4), 323-343.
Myhill DA, Jones SM (2007). What Works? Engaging in research to shape policy: the case of grammar. English Teaching: Practice and Critique, 6(7), 61-75.
Myhill D, Jones S (2007). What Works? Engaging in research to shape policy: the case of grammar. ENGLISH TEACHING-PRACTICE AND CRITIQUE, 6(3), 61-75.  Author URL.
Myhill, D.A. Jones SM (2006). 'She doesn't shout at no girls'. Cambridge Journal of Education, 36(1), 63-77.
Myhill D, Jones S (2006). 'She doesn't shout at no girls': Pupils' perceptions of gender equity in the classroom. Cambridge Journal of Education, 36(1), 99-113. Abstract.
Myhill, D.A. (2006). Designs on Writing (1). Secondary English Magazine, 10(2), 23-28.
Myhill DA (2006). Talk, Talk, Talk: Teaching and Learning in Whole Class Discourse. Research Papers in Education, 21(1), 19-41.
Myhill DA, Dunkin, F. (2005). Questioning Learning?. Language in Education, 19(5), 415-427.
Myhill DA, Warren, P. (2005). Scaffolds or Straitjackets?. Critical Moments in Classroom Discourse. Educational Review, 57(1), 55-69.
Myhill, D.A. (2005). Tense Times. Secondary English Magazine, 9(1), 27-30.
Myhill, D.A. (2005). Testing Times: the impact of prior knowledge on written genres produced in examination settings. Assessment in Education, 12(3), 289-300.
Myhill, D. (2005). Texts as Design, writers as designers. English in Education, 39(2), 5-21.
Myhill, D.A. (2005). Ways of Knowing:. Writing with Grammar in Mind. English Teaching: Practice and Critique, 4(3), 77-96.
SJones, Myhill DA (2004). 'Troublesome Boys' and 'Compliant Girls': Gender identity and perceptions of achievement and underachievement . British Journal of Sociology of Education, 25(5), 557-571.
Myhill, D.A. (2004). All about the Passive. Primary English Magazine, 9(5), 29-32.
Myhill, D.A. (2004). Inactive or Interactive?. A consideration of the nature of interaction in whole class teaching. Cambridge Journal of Education, 34(1), 35-49.
Burns C, Myhill D (2004). Interactive or inactive? a consideration of the nature of interaction in whole class teaching. Cambridge Journal of Education, 34(1), 35-49. Abstract.
Myhill, D.A. (2004). Making Connections: Grammar and Meaning. Secondary English Magazine, 8(1), 23-26.
Myhill DA, Brackley M (2004). Making Connections:Teachers' Use of Children's Prior Knowledge in Whole Class Discourse. British Journal of Educational Studies, 52(3), 263-275.
Myhill DA, Jones, S. (2004). Noisy boys and Compliant Girls?. Literacy Today, 41, 20-21.
Jones SM, Myhill, D.A. (2004). Seeing Things differently: Boys as Underachievers. Gender and Education, 16(4), 531-546.
SJones, Myhill DA (2004). Seeing things differently: teachers' constructions of underachievement . Gender and Education, 16(4), 531-546.
Amer, E. (2004). The Impact of Invention Techniques upon Students Compositional Writing in EFL. The English Teacher: an International Journal, 7(1), 1-8.
Jones SM, Myhill, D.A. (2004). Troublesome Boys and Compliant Girls. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 25(5), 557-571.
Myhill, D.A. (2003). Principled Understanding? Teaching the Active and Passive Voice. Language and Education, 15(5), 355-370.
Myhill D (2003). Principled understanding? Teaching the active and passive voice. Language and Education, 17(5), 355-370. Abstract.
Myhill, D.A. (2002). Bad Boys and Good Girls?. Patterns of Interaction and Response in Whole Class Teaching. British Educational Research Journal, 28(3), 339-352.
Dunkin, F. (2002). Thats a Good Question. Literacy Today, 33, 8-9.
Myhill D (2001). Professional experience and the investigative imagination - the ART of reflective writing. BRITISH JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY, 71, 179-180.  Author URL.
Myhill, D.A. (2001). Why shaping and crafting matter. Secondary English Magazine, 5(1), 15-19.
Myhill, D.A. (2001). Writing: Creating and Crafting. English in Education, 35(3), 13-20.
Myhill D (2000). Misconceptions and difficulties in the acquisition of metalinguistic knowledge. Language and Education, 14(3), 151-163. Abstract.
Myhill D, Pearson J (1999). Book Reviews. Teacher Development, 3(2), 301-308.
Myhill D (1999). Writing matters: Linguistic characteristics of writing in GCSE english examinations. English in Education, 33(3), 70-81. Abstract.
Harland F, Myhill D (1997). The use of reflective journals in initial teacher training. English in Education, 31(1), 4-11. Abstract.
Myhill D (1993). Choice and Diversity: the Politics of Culture. English in Education, 27(3), 17-23.


Myhill D (2023). Grammar as a Resource for Developing Metalinguistic Understanding About Writing. In  (Ed) Development of Writing Skills in Children in Diverse Cultural Contexts, Springer International Publishing, 43-64.
Myhill D, Clarkson R (2021). School writing in England. In  (Ed) International Perspectives on Writing Curricula and Development: a Cross-Case Comparison, 147-168.
Myhill D (2020). Living language, live debates: Grammar and standard english. In  (Ed) Debates in English Teaching, 118-130.
Myhill D (2019). Rethinking Grammar as a tool for learning. In Alden Och K, Bigestans A (Eds.) Literraciter och flerspråkighet, Stockholm: Nationellt Centrum för svenska som andraspråk vid Instituionen för språkdidaktik. 69-79.
Lines H, Myhill D, Jones S (2019). The Relationship between Metalinguistic Understanding, Student Writing and Teaching. In Bazerman C, Pinzon BYG, Russell E, Rogers P, Pena LB, Narvaez E, Carlino P, Tapia-Ladino MCM (Eds.) Knowing Writing: Research across Borders, Bogota: Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 115-134.
Lines H, Myhill D, Jones S (2019). The Relationship between Metalinguistic Understanding, Student Writing and Teaching. In  (Ed) Conocer la Escritura: Investigaci�n M�s All� de las Frontera | Knowing Writing: Writing Research Across Borders, the WAC Clearinghouse, 113-131.
Myhill DA, Newman R (2019). Writing talk: Developing metalinguistic understanding through dialogic teaching. In Mercer N, Wegerif R, Mercer L (Eds.) Routledge International Handbook of Research on Dialogic Education, London: Routledge, 360-372. Abstract.
Myhill DA, Jones SM, Lines HE (2018). Writing like a reader: developing metalinguistic understanding to support reading-writing connections. In Alves R (Ed) Reading Writing Connections. Abstract.
Cremin T, Lillis T, Myhill DA, Eyres I (2017). Professional Writers’ identities: the perceived influence of formal education and early reading. In Cremin T, Locke T (Eds.) Writer Identity and the Teaching and Learning of Writing, London: Routledge, 19-36.
Myhill D, Watson A, Newman R (2017). Re-thinking grammar in the curriculum. In Egeland B, Olin-Scheller C, Tanner M, Tengberg M (Eds.) Tolfte nationella konferensen I svenska med didaktisk inriktning Textkulturer, 25-44-25-44.
Myhill DA (2017). ‘The Dress of Thought’:. Analysing Literature through a Linguistic Lens. In Goodwyn AC, Reid L, Scherff L (Eds.) International Perspectives on the Teaching of Literature in Schools Global Principles and Practices, Routledge, 18-28. Abstract.
Myhill DA (2016). The effectiveness of explicit language teaching: Evidence from the research. In Giovanelli M, Clayton D (Eds.) Linguistics and the Secondary English Classroom, London: Routledge, 36-49.
Myhill DA (2015). Playing with language: grammar as a resource for writers. In Nestlog EB (Ed) Svenska ett Inkluderande Amne, Malmo: Svensklararforeningen, 135-155.
Myhill DA, Watson AM (2013). Creating a Language-Rich Classroom. In Capel S, Leask M, Turner T (Eds.) Learning to Teach in the Secondary School: a Companion to School Experience, London: Routledge, 403-413.
Myhill D, Jones S (2013). Language as putty: Framing a relationship between grammar and writing. In  (Ed) International Perspectives on Teaching English in a Globalised World, 144-155.
Myhill DA (2013). Weaving Words: Students' Metalinguistic Understanding of Poetry Writing. In Dymoke S, Lambirth A, Wilson AC (Eds.) Making Poetry Matter: international research on poetry pedagogy, London: Bloomsbury Academic.
Myhill DA (2012). Children’s Patterns of Composition and their Reflections on their Composing Processes. In  (Ed) Literacy Teaching and Education, London: Sage.
Myhill DA (2011). Grammar for Designers: How Grammar Supports the Development of Writing. In Ellis S, McCartney E, Bourne J (Eds.) Insight and Impact:. Applied Linguistics and the Primary School, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 81-92.
Myhill DA (2011). Living Language, Live Debates: Grammar and Standard English. In Davison J, Daly C, Moss J (Eds.) Debates in English Teaching, London: Routledge, 63-77.
Jones SM, Myhill DA (2011). Policing Grammar: the Place of Grammar in Literacy Policy. In Goodwyn A, Fuller C (Eds.) The Literacy Game, London: Routledge, 45-62.
Myhill DA (2011). ‘The Ordeal of Deliberate Choice’: Metalinguistic Development in Secondary Writers. In Berninger V (Ed) Past, present, and future contributions of cognitive writing research to cognitive psychology, Psychology Press/Taylor Francis Group, 247-274.
Jones S, Myhill D (2010). 'Troublesome boys' and 'compliant girls': gender identity and perceptions of achievement and underachievement. In Capel S, Leask M, Turner T (Eds.) Readings for Learning to Teach in the Secondary School, London: Routledge, 289-301.
Myhill DA (2010). Changing Classroom Pedagogies. In  (Ed) Linguistics at School: Language Awareness in Primary and Secondary Education, Cambridge University Press, 92-106.
Myhill D (2010). Learning to write. In  (Ed) Using Talk to Support Writing, 1-19.
Myhill D (2010). Linguistic development in children’s writing: Changing classroom pedagogies. In  (Ed) Linguistics at School: Language Awareness in Primary and Secondary Education, 106-122. Abstract.
Myhill DA, Myhill DA (2010). Rhythm and Blues: Making Textual Music with Grammar and Punctuation. In Wyse D, Andrews R, Hoffman J (Eds.) The International Handbook of English, Language and Literacy Teaching, London: Routledge, 170-181.
Myhill DA, Myhill DA (2010). Understanding Language Development. In Wyse D, Andrews R, Hoffman J (Eds.) The International Handbook of English, Language and Literacy Teaching, London: Routledge, 216-227.
Myhill DA (2010). Ways of Knowing: Grammar as a Tool for Developing Writing. In Locke T (Ed) Beyond the grammar wars: a resource for teachers and students on developing language knowledge in the English/literacy classroom, London: Routledge, 129-148.
Myhill D, Milsom R (2010). Writing aloud – the role of oral rehearsal. In  (Ed) Using Talk to Support Writing, 64-81.
Myhill DA (2009). Becoming a Designer: Trajectories of Linguistic Development. In Beard R, Myhill DA, Riley J, Nystrand M (Eds.) The SAGE Handbook of Writing Development, London: SAGE, 402-414.
Myhill, D.A. (2009). Becoming a Designer: Trajectories of Linguistic Development. In Beard R, Myhill D (Eds.) Handbook of Writing Development, London: Sage Publications.
Myhill DA (2009). Talk about it!. Participatory Talk for Learning Classrooms. In Boorer D, Quintus Perera JSH, Wood K, Piew LS, Sithamparam S (Eds.) Evolving Pedagogies, Brunei: University of Brunei.
Myhill, D.A. (2007). Reading the World:. Using Children’s Literature to teach Controversial Issues. In Claire H, Holden C (Eds.) Teaching Controversial Issues in Democratic Societies.
Myhill DA (2005). Prior knowledge and the (re)production of school written genres. In Kostouli T (Ed) Writing in context: Textual Practices and Learning Processes in Sociocultural Settings, Springer, 117-136.
Myhill, D.A. (2005). Writing Creatively. In Wilson AC (Ed) Creativity in Primary Education, Exeter: Learning Matters Ltd, 58-69.
Myhill, D.A. (2004). Classroom Observation Schedule. In Lankshear C, Knobel M (Eds.) Handbook of Teacher Research, Open University Press.
Myhill, D.A. (2003). Postgraduate Student Difficulties in Learning Grammar. In Neather EJ (Ed) Getting to Grips with Grammar, London: CILT, 79-82.
Myhill, D.A. (2003). The Communicative Approach in Egypt: digging into the Pyramids. In Gollin J, Ferguson G, Trappes-Lomax H (Eds.) Symposium for Language Teacher Educators, Edinburgh: IALS, University of Edinburgh.


Fisher R, Myhill DA, Twist L (2011). Evaluation of Every child a Writer report 2: teaching and writing in ECAW classes. Department for Education,  London.
Myhill DA, Fisher R, Jones S, Lines H (2008). Effective Ways of Teaching Complex Expression in Writing. A Literature Review of Evidence from the Secondary School Phase. The Department for Children, Schools and Families. the Department for Children, Schools and Families.  Author URL.

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External Engagement and Impact

Advice to Government, Parliament, devolved and English regional administrations, other national, international, regional or local agencies; advice to non-government organisations and to private practice

Member of ITE Expert Group for English

Led the writing of the grammar strand of the revised National Curriculum for English in 2012/13 and has given advice to the Minister for Schools on Primary and Secondary English (2012/13).

Research consultant to the National Strategies English team for several projects between 2005 and 2011, including the Improving Writing support materials, and the DVD Teaching Speaking and Listening, distributed to all secondary schools.

2006 Invited participant in House of Commons seminar on research in post-16 writing, chaired by Barry Steerman, MP

2001 National Literacy Strategy conference: 'Myths, Muddles and Misconceptions in learning Grammar', Keynote speaker.

Evidence of impact on policy and professional practice

2004: wrote Literature Review for OFSTED Review of Inspection Findings in English (published 2005) in recognition of my understanding of the research field (with Ros Fisher)

2005: keynote speaker at national conference on the future of English at the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority; alongside Andrew Motion, the poet laureate.

ESRC-funded 'TALK' project cited on DfES website and GTC website:
July 2006:

GTC Research of the Month Sept 2006:

2000-2003: University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate: supporting research methodology for the national evaluation of the 1999 Key Stage 1, 2 and 3 English tests in writing; consultancy repeated in 2000, 2001, 2002 and 2003.   The evidence from this evaluation was used to produce the Annual Standards Reports sent to all state schools

2003: Research consultant to National Key Stage 3 Strategy (English) developing Improving Writing materials, sent to all schools in 2003.

Member of the ITE Expert Group for English

2003: Annual Conference of the National Association of Advisers in English – Progress in English?  Keynote speaker.

External doctoral examining nationally and internationally

2006  EdD External Examiner: Jane Donati - Open University

2006 PhD External Examiner: Claire Mackay - Warwick University

2004 EdD External Examiner: Nora McCarthy - Open University

2007  EdD External Examiner Nabileh Haraty Brunel university

International recognition, such as international research collaborations, visiting research posts in overseas institutions, involvement at senior levels in international research associations, acting as referee for national and international research councils.

Executive committee member (Secretary and Treasurer) of the European Association for Learning and Instruction (EARLI)

2007: hosting international conference of the International Association for Instruction in the Mother Tongue Education (IAIMTE)

Journal and book series Editorships and Editorial board membership

Joint Editor of Research Papers in Education

Major awards, Prizes and Honorary degrees, including election to national and international learned societies

Academician of the Academy of Social Sciences

Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

Research-based contributions to practitioner and academic conferences

2005: Hong Kong (English Schools' Federation) leading in-servce training in English teaching based on research.

2006: keynote speaker at research strand of the National Association for the Teaching of English annual conference in February 2006

2006: keynote speaker at the annual conference of the United Kingdom Literacy Association (June 2006)

2002: London Institute of Education Research seminar: invited speaker on Writing.

2002: Gloucester Deputy Heads Conference – Research Findings on boys’ underachievement. Keynote speaker.

2002: Cornwall Heads of English Conference - the NLS Framework. Keynote speaker.

2002: Hampshire Heads of English conference - Improving Writing.  Keynote speaker.

2002: National Literacy Strategy Conference - Whole Class Interaction in the Literacy Hour.

2002: West Midlands NATE – Creative Teaching, Creative Writing.  Keynote speaker. 

2001 National Literacy Strategy ‘Creativity’ conference: ‘Crafting and Creating’.  Keynote speaker. 

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