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School of Education

Professor Michael Winter OBE

Professor Michael Winter OBE

Glanely Professor of Agricultural Change


 Lazenby Building G.02


Lazenby House, Prince of Wales Road, Exeter, EX4 4PJ


Michael is a rural policy specialist and social scientist with particular interests in applying inter-disciplinary approaches to policy-relevant research and in direct engagement in the policy process.  His current research focuses on i. the historical and contemporary sociology of west country agriculture, ii. the governance of sustainable agro-food systems and food security, particularly in the context of learning lessons from the COVID pandemic.  

He chairs the Devon Local Nature Partnership.  He is a member of Natural England's Science Advisory Committee and chairs its Social Science Expert Panel.   

Previous appointments include: Board member of Natural England (2016 to March 2023), member of the UK JNCC,  Board member of Rothamsted Research and chair of the Board's Science Advisory Commitetee; Chair of North Devon UNESCO Biosphere Partnership, Visiting Programme Director in Food Security at Wilton Park (Foreign Office), member of Defra’s Panel of Agricultural & Environmental Economists, the National Ecosystem Assessment Expert Panel, & DEFRA’s Science Advisory Council, and a Commissioner for the Commission for Rural Communities from its inception in 2006 until its abolition in 2013. In 1999-2000, he was a member of the Committee of Inquiry into Hunting with Dogs in England and Wales chaired by Lord Burns. In 2008-09 he vice-chaired an inquiry into the future for the uplands reporting to the Prime Minister.  In 2018 he was a member of the Defra Bovine TB Strategy Review Panel chaired by Professor Sir Charles Godfray.    

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Research interests

  • Agricultural policy analysis and governance.
  • Sustainable agro-food systems and food security.
  • Sociology, politcal economy and history of agriculture.
  • Farmer environmental attitudes and decision-making.
  • Agricultural tenure and property rights in the UK.
  • Nature conservation, land management and ecosystem services.

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Winter DM (2022). The Land between the Moors. Beaford, Beaford Arts.
Brassley P, Harvey D, Lobley M, Winter DM (2021). The Real Agricultural Revolution. Woodbridge, Boydell and Brewer.
Lobley M, Winter D, Wheeler R (2018). The Changing World of Farming in Brexit UK. Abingdon, Routledge. Abstract.
Winter M, Lobley M (eds)(2009). What is Land For? the Food, Fuel and Climate Change Debate., Earthscan.

Journal articles

Jordon MW, Winter DM, Petrokofsky G (2023). Advantages, disadvantages, and reasons for non-adoption of rotational grazing, herbal leys, trees on farms and ley-arable rotations on English livestock farms. AGROECOLOGY AND SUSTAINABLE FOOD SYSTEMS, 47(3), 330-354.  Author URL.
Nye C, Winter M, Lobley M (2023). Farmers Supporting Farmers: Livestock Auctions as Spaces to Reconstruct Occupational Community and Counter Mental Health Issues. Journal of Agromedicine, 28(3), 401-414.
Christie AP, Downey H, Frick WF, Grainger M, O'Brien D, Tinsley-Marshall P, White TB, Winter M, Sutherland WJ (2022). A practical conservation tool to combine diverse types of evidence for transparent evidence-based decision-making. CONSERVATION SCIENCE AND PRACTICE, 4(1).  Author URL.
Nye C, Winter M, Lobley M (2022). The role of the livestock auction mart in promoting help-seeking behavior change among farmers in the UK. BMC PUBLIC HEALTH, 22(1).  Author URL.
Rose DC, Wheeler R, Winter M, Lobley M, Chivers CA (2021). Agriculture 4.0: Making it work for people, production, and the planet. Land Use Policy, 100 Abstract.
Pretty J, Attwood S, Bawden R, van den Berg H, Bharucha ZP, Dixon J, Flora CB, Gallagher K, Genskow K, Hartley SE, et al (2020). Assessment of the growth in social groups for sustainable agriculture and land management. Global Sustainability, 3 Abstract.
Kirsop-Taylor N, Russel D, Winter M (2020). The Contours of State Retreat from Collaborative Environmental Governance under Austerity. Sustainability, 12(7), 2761-2761. Abstract.
Wheeler R, Morris C, Lobley M, Winter D (2018). "The good guys are doing it anyway": the accommodation of environmental concern among English and Welsh farmers. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, 1
Pilgrim ES, Osborne J, Winter M (2018). Evaluating the multiple benefits of multi-layered agroforestry systems. International Journal of Agricultural Management, 7(2), 4-16. Abstract.
Lobley MN, Rose DC, Morris C, Winter D, Sutherland WJ, Dicks LV (2018). Exploring the spatialities of technological and user re-scripting: the case of decision support tools in UK agriculture. Geoforum
Dicks LV, Rose DC, Ang F, Aston S, Birch ANE, Boatman N, Bowles L, Chadwick D, Dinsdale A, Durham S, et al (2018). What agricultural practices are most likely to deliver ‘sustainable intensification’ in the UK?. TBC
Inman A, Winter DM, Wheeler R, Vrain E, Lovett A, Collins A, Jones I, Johnes P, Cleasby W (2017). An exploration of individual, social and material factors influencing water pollution mitigation behaviours within the farming community. Land Use Policy
Fish R, Church A, Winter M (2016). Conceptualising cultural ecosystem services: a novel framework for research and critical engagement. Ecosystem Services, 21, 208-217.
Rose DC, Sutherland WJ, Parker C, Lobley M, Winter M, Morris C, Twining S, Ffoulkes C, Amano T, Dicks LV, et al (2016). Decision support tools for agriculture: Towards effective design and delivery. Agricultural Systems, 149, 165-174. Abstract.
Gunton RM, Firbank LG, Inman A, Winter DM (2016). How scalable is sustainable intensification?. Nat Plants, 2(5).  Author URL.
Fish R, Church A, Willis C, Winter M, Tratalos JA, Haines-Young R, Potschin M (2016). Making space for cultural ecosystem services: Insights from a study of the UK nature improvement initiative. Ecosystem Services, 21, 329-343.
Hodgson CJ, Oliver DM, Fish RD, Bulmer NM, Heathwaite AL, Winter M, Chadwick DR (2016). Seasonal persistence of faecal indicator organisms in soil following dairy slurry application to land by surface broadcasting and shallow injection. J Environ Manage, 183, 325-332. Abstract.  Author URL.
Collins AL, Zhang YS, Winter M, Inman A, Jones JI, Johnes PJ, Cleasby W, Vrain E, Lovett A, Noble L, et al (2016). Tackling agricultural diffuse pollution: What might uptake of farmer-preferred measures deliver for emissions to water and air?. Science of the Total Environment, 547, 269-281. Abstract.
Mccracken ME, Woodcock BA, Lobley M, Pywell RF, Saratsi E, Swetnam RD, Mortimer SR, Harris SJ, Winter M, Hinsley S, et al (2015). Social and ecological drivers of success in agri-environment schemes: the roles of farmers and environmental context. Journal of Applied Ecology Abstract.
Fish RD, Lobley M, Winter DM (2013). A license to produce? Farmer interpretations of the new food security agenda. Journal of Rural Studies, 29
Brassley P, Harvey DC, Winter M, Lobley M (2013). Accounting for Agriculture: the Origins of the Farm Management Survey. Agricultural History Review
Brassley P, Harvey D, Lobley M, Winter M (2013). Accounting for agriculture: the origins of the Farm Management Survey origins of the farm management survey. Agricultural History Review, 61(1), 135-153. Abstract.
Fish R, Winter M, Oliver D, Chadwick D, Hodgson C, Heathwaite L (2013). Employing the citizens' jury technique to elicit reasoned public judgments about environmental risk: insights from an inquiry into the governance of microbial water pollution. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management
Warren M, Lobley M, Winter M (2013). Farmer attitudes to vaccination and culling of badgers in controlling bovine tuberculosis. Vet Rec, 173(2). Abstract.  Author URL.
Lobley M, Butler A, Winter M (2013). Local Organic Food for Local People? Organic Marketing Strategies in England and Wales. Regional Studies, 47(2), 216-228.
Gooday RD, Anthony SG, Chadwick DR, Newell-Price P, Harris D, Duethmann D, Fish R, Collins AL, Winter M (2013). Modelling the cost-effectiveness of mitigation methods for multiple pollutants at farm scale. Science of the Total Environment
Fish RD, Lobley M, Winter M (2013). Sustainable intensification and ecosystem services: new directions in agricultural governance. Policy Sciences: an international journal devoted to the improvement of policy making
Winter M, Fish R, Lobley M (2013). Sustainable intensification and ecosystem services: new directions in agricultural governance. Policy Sciences, 46(3).
Lobley M, Saratsi E, Winter M, Bullock J (2013). Training farmers in agri-environmental management: the case of Environmental Stewardship in lowland England. International Journal of Agricultural and Management, 3(1), 12-20. Abstract.
Coley D, Howard M, Winter M (2011). Food miles: time for a re-think?. British Food Journal, 113(7), 919-934. Abstract.
Lobley M, Butler A, Winter M (2011). Local food for local people? Producing food for local and national organic markets in England and Wales. Regional Studies, 1-13. Abstract.
Oliver DM, Fish RD, Winter M, Hodgson CJ, Heathwaite AL, Chadwick DR (2011). Valuing local knowledge as a source of expert data: Farmer engagement and the design of decision support systems. Environmental Modelling and Software, 36, 76-85.
Winter M, Oliver DM, Heathwaite L, Fish R, Chadwick D, Hodgson C (2010). Catchments, sub-catchments and private spaces: scale and process in managing microbial pollution from source to sea. Environmental Science and Policy Abstract.
Oliver DM, Page T, Hodgson CJ, Heathwaite AL, Chadwick DR, Fish RD, Winter M (2010). Development and testing of a risk indexing framework to determine field-scale critical source areas of faecal bacteria on grassland. ENVIRON MODELL SOFTW, 25(4), 503-512. Abstract.
Selfa T, Fish RD, Winter DM (2010). Farming livelihoods and landscapes:. tensions in rural development and environmental regulation. Landscape Research, 35(6). Abstract.
West J, Bailey I, Winter M (2010). Renewable energy policy and public perceptions of renewable energy: a cultural theory approach. Energy Policy, 38(10), 5739-5748. Abstract.
Oliver DM, Fish RD, Hodgson CJ, Heathwaite AL, Chadwick DR, Winter M (2009). A cross-disciplinary toolkit to assess the risk of faecal indicator loss from grassland farm systems to surface waters. AGR ECOSYST ENVIRON, 129(4), 401-412. Abstract.
Winter M (2009). Agricultural land use in the era of climate change: the challenge of finding 'Fit for Purpose' data. Land Use Policy, 26(SUPPL. 1). Abstract.
Winter M, Lobley M (2009). Conclusions: the emerging contours of the new land debate. , 319-330.
Hodgson C, Bulmer N, Chadwick D, Oliver D, Heathwaite AL, Fish RD, Winter M (2009). Establishing relative release kinetics of faecal indicator organisms from different faecal matrices. Letters in Applied Microbiology, 49, 124-130. Abstract.
Coley D, Howard M, Winter M (2009). Local food, food miles and carbon emissions: a comparison of farm shop and mass distribution approaches. Food Policy, 34, 150-155.
Oliver D, Heathwaite AL, Fish RD, Chadwick DR, Butler A, Hodgson C, Winter DM (2009). Scale appropriate modelling of diffuse microbial pollution from agriculture. Progress in Physical Geography, 33(3), 1-20. Abstract.
Oliver DM, Heathwaite AL, Fish RD, Chadwick DR, Hodgson CJ, Winter M, Butler AJ (2009). Scale appropriate modelling of diffuse microbial pollution from agriculture. PROG PHYS GEOG, 33(3), 358-377. Abstract.
Fish R, Winter M, Oliver, DM, Chadwick D, Selfa T, Heathwaite L, Hodgson CJ (2009). Unruly pathogens: eliciting values for environmental risk in the context of heterogeneous expert knowledge. Environmental Science and Policy., 12(3), 281-296. Abstract.
Lobley M, Winter M (2009). “Born out of crisis”: assessing the legacy of the Exmoor moorland management agreements. Rural History, 20 (2), 229-247. Abstract.
Selfa T, Jussaume RA, Winter M (2008). Envisioning agricultural sustainability from field to plate: Comparing producer and consumer attitudes and practices toward 'environmentally friendly' food and farming in Washington State, USA. Journal of Rural Studies, 24(3), 262-276. Abstract.
Chadwick DC, Fish RD, Oliver DM, Heathwaite AL, Hodgson C, Winter M (2008). Management of livestock and their manure to reduce the risk of microbial transfers to water - the case for an interdisciplinary approach. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 19, 240-247.
Winter M (2008). We need rural development policies [2]. EuroChoices, 7(1).
Winter M (2006). Rescaling rurality: Multilevel governance of the agro-food sector. Political Geography, 25(7), 735-751. Abstract.
Winter M (2005). Geographies of food: Agro-food geographies - Food, nature, farmers and agency. Progress in Human Geography, 29(5), 609-617.
Winter DM (2005). Who will mow the grass? bringing farmers into the sustainability framework. Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society
Winter M (2004). Geographies of food: Agro-food geographies - Farming, food and politics. Progress in Human Geography, 28(5), 664-670.
dmw001 (2003). Embeddedness, the new food economy and defensive localism. Journal of Rural Studies, 19(1), 23-32.
Winter M (2003). Geographies of food: Agro-food geographies - Making reconnections. Progress in Human Geography, 27(4), 505-513.
Evans, N. Gaskell, P. (2003). Re-assessing agrarian policy and practice in local environmental management: the case of beef cattle. Land Use Policy, 20(3), 231-242.
Winter M (2003). Responding to the Crisis: the Policy Impact of the Foot-and-Mouth Epidemic. Political Quarterly, 74(1), 47-56.
Winter DM, Carey P, Short D, Morris C, Hunt C, Priscott J, Davis A, Finch M, Curry C, Little N, et al (2003). The multi-disciplinary evaluation of a national agri-environment scheme. Journal of Environmental Management, 69(1), 71-91.
Carey PD, Short C, Morris C, Hunt J, Priscott A, Davis M, Finch C, Curry N, Little W, Winter M, et al (2003). The multi-disciplinary evaluation of a national agri-environment scheme. J Environ Manage, 69(1), 71-91. Abstract.  Author URL.
dmw001, Morris C (2002). Barn owls, bumble bees and beetles: UK agriculture, biodiversity and biodiversity action planning. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 45(5), 653-671.
dmw001, Evans N, Morris C (2002). Conceptualizing agriculture: a critique of post-productivism as the new orthodoxy. Progress in Human Geography, 26(3), 313-332.
Morris C, Winter M (1999). Integrated farming systems: the third way for European agriculture?. LAND USE POLICY, 16(4), 193-205.  Author URL.
Baldock D, Cox G, Lowe P, Winter M (1990). Environmentally sensitive areas: Incrementalism or reform?. Journal of Rural Studies, 6(2), 143-162. Abstract.
Cox G, Lowe P, Winter M (1988). Private rights and public responsibilities: the prospects for agricultural and environmental controls. Journal of Rural Studies, 4(4), 323-337. Abstract.
Winter M (1985). Administering land-use policies for agriculture: a possible rôle for county agriculture and conservation committees. Agricultural Administration, 18(4), 235-249. Abstract.
Winter M (1985). County agricultural committees: a good idea for conservation?. Journal of Rural Studies, 1(3), 205-209. Abstract.
Cox G, Lowe P, Winter M (1985). Land use conflict after the wildlife and countryside act 1981: the role of the farming and wildlife advisory group. Journal of Rural Studies, 1(2), 173-183. Abstract.
WINTER M (1984). CORPORATISM a N D AGRICULTURE IN THE U.K.: THE CASE OF THE MILK MARKETING BOARD. Sociologia Ruralis, 24(2), 106-119. Abstract.
Winter DM (1981). The articulation of modes of production. European Review of Agricultural Economics, 8(1), 111-113.


Wilkinson T, Winter D (2022). The land between the moors: a place betwixt and between. In Winter D, Wilkinson T, Lobley M, Fish R (Eds.) The Land Between the Moors: Essays in Culture, Environment and Agricultural Change, Beaford.
Winter DM (2019). Farming tales: narratives of farming and food security in mid-twentieth century Britain. In Mukherjee A (Ed) A Cultural History of Famine, London: Routledge, 151-166.
Harvey DC, Brassley P, Lobley M, Winter M (2019). The heritage of agricultural innovation and technical change in post-war Britain: Heroic narratives, hidden histories and stories from below. In  (Ed) Creating Heritage: Unrecognised Pasts and Rejected Futures, 191-206. Abstract.
Winter M (2013). Environmental issues in agriculture: farming systems and ecosystem, services. In Belasco W, Murcott A, Jackson P (Eds.) The Handbook of Food Research, Berg Publishers, 192-208.
Coley D, Winter M, Howard M (2013). National and International Food Distribution: Do Food Miles Really Matter?. In  (Ed) Sustainable Food Processing, 497-520. Abstract.
Winter M (2013). Quicke, Sir John Godolphin (1922–2009). In Goldman L (Ed) Oxford Dictionary of National Biography 2005-2008, Oxford University Press.
Winter M (2012). The land and human well-being. In Smith A, Hopkinson J (Eds.) Faith and the Future of the Countryside, Hymns Ancient and Modern Ltd, 24-44.
Coley D, Winter M, Howard M (2012). The question of food miles: Thinking locally. In  (Ed) Food Storage, 25-37. Abstract.
Winter M (2011). Farming continuities and change. In Curry N, Moseley M (Eds.) A Quarter Century of Change in Rural Britain and Europe: reflections to mark 25 years of the Countryside and Community Research Institute, the Countryside & Community Press, 130-143.
Coley D, Winter M, Howard M (2011). The question of food miles: Thinking locally. In  (Ed) Food Storage, 25-38. Abstract.
Lobley M, Winter M (2009). Introduction: Knowing the Land. In Winter M, Lobley M (Eds.) What is Land For? the Food, Fuel and Climate Change Debate, Earthscan, 1-22.
Dunlop CA (2009). Regulating Land Use Technologies: How Does Government Juggle the Risks?. In Winter M, Lobley M (Eds.) What is Land For? the Food, Fuel and Climate Change Debate, Earthscan, 263-292. Abstract.  Author URL.
Winter M (2009). Sharefarming at the turn of the 21st century. In Griffiths E, Overton M (Eds.) Farming to Halves: the Hidden History of Sharefarming in England from Medieval to Modern Times, Palgrave Macmillan, 180-193.
Winter DM, Winter M (2008). The Foot and Mouth Crisis. In Woods M (Ed) New Labour’s Countryside: Rural Policy in Britain since 1997, Policy Press.
Winter DM (2007). Revisiting landownership and property rights. In Clout H (Ed) Contemporary Rural Geographies, Land, Property and Resources in Britain: Essay in Honour of Richard Munton, London: UCL Press, 72-83.
Winter DM, Lobley M (2005). An introduction to contemporary rural economies. In Soffe R (Ed) The Countryside Notebook, Oxford: Blackwell, 15-20.
Winter DM (2005). Political geography. In PLoeg JDVD, Wiskerke H (Eds.) Het Landbouwpolitieke Gebeuren, Wageningen: Wageningen.
Winter DM (2002). Organic farming and the environment. In Munn T (Ed) Encyclopedia of Global Environmental Change, Chichester: John Wiley, 532-535.


Kirsop-Taylor NA, Winter DM, Russel D (2019). The conflicted role of the state in collaborative landscape-scale governance under austerity. Royal Geographic Society. 28th - 30th Aug 2019.
Brassley P, Harvey D, Lobley M, Winter M (2013). Technical change in agriculture 1935-85:. using Farm Management Survey data from south-west England to explore processes of technical change. British Agricultural History Society.
Brassley P, Winter M, Harvey D, Lobley M, Butler A (2012). European agriculture since World War II : technical change in south-west England, 1940-1985. European Social Science History Conference.
Harvey D, Brassley A, Lobley M, Winter M (2012). Farmers feeding the nation : processes of technical change and agricultural innovation in South West England (1937-1985).
Brassley P (2011). From laboratory science to farmyard practice : new agricultural technology in mid-twentieth century Britain. British Society for the History of Science annual conference.
Brassley P (2011). Intensive livestock in the UK agricultural economy since 1920. a conference on the historical development of livestock production in the twentieth century.
Brassley P, Butler A, Harvey D, Lobley M, Winter M (2010). Increased output in UK agriculture 1935-85: using Farm Management Survey data from south-west England to explore processes. Rural History 2010. 13th - 16th Sep 2010.
Brassley P (2010). Sources of increased output in UK agriculture 1935-85 : using farm management survey accounts to identify technical change. European Social Science History Conference.
Brassley P, Harvey D, Lobley M, Winter M (2009). The origins of the farm management survey of England and Wales. Agricultural Economics in the first half of the 20th Century.
Saratsi E, Lobley M, Winter D (2009). “Habitat is just another crop”: Training and advice for agri-environmental management. British Ornithologists' Union, Lowland Farmland Birds Conference. 1st - 1st Apr 2009. Abstract.
Oliver D, Fish R, Hodgson C, Heathwaite L, Chadwick, D, Winter D (2008). Building integrated natural and social science solutions to assess the risk of FIO loss from land to water: a cross-disciplinary toolkit, pp103-108 in. Land Management in a Changing Environment. 26th - 27th Mar 2008.


Guilbert S, Winter D, Lobley M, Wilkinson T (2022). Covid-19 and the UK Food System: Learning Lessons and Building Back Better. Transforming UK Food Systems SPF Programme.
Lobley M, Winter (2016). Is there a future for the small family farm?.
Lobley M, Winter D, Winter H, Millard N, Butler A (2012). Making land available for woodland creation. Abstract.
Winter M, Butler A (2008). Agricultural Tenure 2007. RICS,  Exeter, CRPR.
Fish R, Winter M (2008). Contemporary Livestock Farming and Watercourse Pollution: a Citizens' Jury Perspective. Defra.
Lobley M, Winter M (2008). Is Devon's Agriculture fit for purpose in an era of climate change? a report on a stakeholder jury for Devon County Council. Devon County Council,  Exeter, CRPR.
Winter M, Butler A (2008). Trends in Agricultural Tenure in England and Wales 1990-2007. RICS,  London, FIBRE (Findings in Built and Rural Environment).
Winter DM, Lobley M, Johnson G, Reed M, Little J (2004). Rural Stress Review. RSIN, Rural Solution.
Winter DM, Lobley M, Bulter A, Barr A, Turner M, Fogerty M (2003). The State of Agriculture in Devon. Devon County Council, CRR.
Winter DM, Buller H, Morris C, Powell J, Dwyer J, Hjerp P (2002). An Enhanced Role for Forestry in Sustainable Rural Development., University of Gloucestershire and Institute of European Environmental Policy.
Winter DM, Turner M, Palmer M, Whitehead I, Millard N (2002). Desk Research on Developments in Farming Policy and Practice 1967 – 2002. Cabinet Office Foot & Mouth Lessons Learned Inquiry,  Exeter, CRR.
Winter DM, Reed M, Lobley M, Chndler J (2002). Family Farmers on the Edge: Adaptability and Change in Farm Households. Countryside Agency, University of Plymouth and University of Exeter.
Winter DM, Turner M, Barr D, Fogerty M, Errington A, Lobley M, Reed M (2002). Farm Diversification Activities: Benchmarking Study. DEFRA,  Exeter, CRR.
Winter DM, Hopkins A, Fuller M (2002). Knowledge Transfer Initiative on Impacts and Adaptation to Climate Change in Agriculture. DEFRA, IGER.
Winter DM (2002). Modulation and Agri-Environment Schemes: Potential Impacts on the South West, a South West Perspective on the Report of the Policy Commission on the Future of Farming and Food. South West Regional Development Agency and the Regional Assembly,  Exeter, CRR.
Winter DM, Morris C (2002). Monitoring of technology transfer in BEAM Project. BEAM Management Group and DEFRA,  Exeter, CRR.
Winter DM (2002). Research and Knowledge Transfer, a South West Perspective on the Report of the Policy Commission on the Future of Farming and Food. South West Regional Development Agency and the Regional Assembly,  Exeter, CRR.
Winter DM (2002). Rural Policy: New Directions and New Challenges. South West Regional Development Agency and the Regional Assembly,  Exeter, CRR.
Winter DM, Turner M, Barr M, Butler A, Fogerty M (2002). The State of Farming on Dartmoor. Dartmoor National Park Authority,  2002, CRR.
Winter DM, Milbourne P, Mitra B (2001). Agriculture and Rural Society: Complementarities and conflicts between farming and incomers to the countryside in England and Wales. MAFF, CRR.
Winter DM, Dampney P, Jones D (2001). Communication Methods to Persuade Agricultural Land Managers to Adopt Practices that will Benefit Environmental Protection and Conservation Management (AgriComms). DEFRA, ADAS.
Winter DM, Morris C, Hopkins A (2001). Comparison of the Social, Economic and Environmental Effects of Organic, ICM and Conventional Farming. Countryside Agency, CRR.
Winter DM (2001). Desk Study of UK Research on Multifunctionality in Agriculture. OECD/MAFF.
Winter DM, Clark M, Milbourne P (2001). Forest of Bere Project Evaluation. Hampshire County Council,  Exeter, CRR.
Winter DM, Mills J, Lobley M, Winter H (2001). Knowledge for Sustainable Agriculture. WWF,  2001.
Winter DM (2001). The Implications for Countryside Based Businesses of Different Foot & Mouth Containment Policies. Countryside Agency.

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