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School of Education

Dr Esmaeel Abdollahzadeh

Dr Esmaeel Abdollahzadeh

Senior Lecturer in Language Education


 +44 (0) 1392 724716

 Baring Court BC122


Baring Court, University of Exeter St Luke's Campus, Heavitree Road, Exeter, EX1 2LU, UK


I'm a researcher in language education. My main professional interests are in language education and language learning. Having taught and researched on language for over a decade, I got particularly interested in how different communities of practice use language for their own particular purposes in non/professional settings.

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Research interests

I've grown research interest in the following areas:

How learners approach learning and what strategies they employ

Task-based teaching and learning

Developing learners' intercultural competence

Intercultual/cross-cultural pragmatics

Academic reading and writing

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Abdollahzadeh E, Ahmed A, Myhill D (2024). Metadiscourse and Voice in Argument Writing. Abstract.

Journal articles

Abdollahzadeh E, Rajai M (In Press). English Language Learning Beliefs of Iranian High School Students. TESL-EJ: the Electronic Journal for English as a Second Language
Sanei, A, Abdollahzadeh E, Birjandi P, Nematii M (In Press). Raising EFL learners' pragmatic awareness of intercultural rhetoric in writing. The Journal of Teaching Language Skills
Abdollahzadeh E, Frsani M, Bekmohmadi M (In Press). Self-regulated Learning, Metacognitive Awareness, and Argumentative writing: a Structural Equation Modeling Approach. Writing and pedagogy
Abdollahzadeh E, Jabbarpoor S (In Press). Textual Enhancement across Linguistic Structures: EFL Learners' Acquisition of English Forms. Journal of Language and Translation
Abdollahzadeh E, Mesgrshar A (In Press). The impact of teaching communication strategies on EFL learners’ Willingness to Communicate. Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching
Myhill D, Ahmed AM, Abdollahzadeh E, Rezk LM (2024). Qatari student writers’ metalinguistic understanding of transitions in L2 English written argument. Language Awareness, 33(2), 328-346.
Farsani MA, Abdollahzadeh E, Hashemi BSM (2023). A Primer on Authorial Voice-Promoting Pedagogy in an Academic Argumentative EFL Context : an Innovative Mixed-Methods Research Approach. The Journal of AsiaTEFL, 20(2), 261-285.
Myhill D, Ahmed A, Abdollazadeh E (2023). Going meta: Bringing together an understanding of metadiscourse with students' metalinguistic understanding. Language Teaching, 56(1), 146-148.
Pearson WS, Abdollahzadeh E (2023). Metadiscourse in academic writing: a systematic review. Lingua, 293 Abstract.
Esmaili F, Abdollahzadeh E (2023). Negotiating academic conflict in discussion sections of doctoral dissertations. Pragmatics and Society
Abdollahzadeh E, Farsani MA, Zandi M (2022). The relationship between L2 motivation and transformative engagement in academic reading among EAP learners: Implications for reading self-regulation. Frontiers in Psychology, 13
Abdollahzadeh E (2019). A cross-cultural study of hedging in discussion sections by junior and senior academic writers. Iberica, 2019(38), 177-202. Abstract.
Farsani MA, Abdollahzadeh E, Beikmohammadi M (2019). Self-regulated learning, metacognitive awareness, and argumentative writing: a structural equation modeling approach. Writing and Pedagogy, 11(2), 195-222. Abstract.
Abdollahzadeh E (2018). Inferring logical relations by male and female EFL learners. International Journal of Language Studies., 12(3), 109-130. Abstract.
Abdollahzadeh E, Farsani M, Beikmohammadi M (2017). Argumentative Writing Behavior of Graduate EFL Learners. Argumentation, 31(4), 641-661. Abstract.
Saniei A, Birjandi P, Abdollahzadeh E (2015). On the practicality of group dynamic assessment: a seminal enterprise deserving closer scrutiny. International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature, 4(2), 39-46. Abstract.
Abdollahzadeh E, Salarvand H (2013). Book prefaces in basic, applied and social sciences: a genre-based study. World Applied Sciences Journal, 28(11), 1618-1626. Abstract.
Papi M, Abdollahzadeh E (2012). Teacher Motivational Practice, Student Motivation, and Possible L2 Selves: an Examination in the Iranian EFL Context. Language Learning, 62(2), 571-594. Abstract.
Abdollahzadeh E (2011). Poring over the findings: Interpersonal authorial engagement in applied linguistics papers. Journal of Pragmatics, 43(1), 288-297. Abstract.
Abdollahzadeh E (2010). Undergraduate Iranian EFL Learners’ Use of Writing Strategies. Writing & Pedagogy, 2(1), 65-90.
Karbassi AR, Abduli MA, Mahin Abdollahzadeh E (2007). Sustainability of energy production and use in Iran. Energy Policy, 35(10), 5171-5180. Abstract.


Abdollahzadeh E (In Press). Academic uncertainty in graduate student writing.
Abdollahzadeh E, Tavafian N (In Press). An investigation into the patterns of use of hedging markers in English and Iranian writers’ abstracts.
Abdollahzadeh E, Rahimkhani M (In Press). Degree of EFL learners’ intercultural competence from teachers’, learners and observers’ perspectives.
Abdollahzadeh E (In Press). Dissertation writing practices of native and non-native graduate students.
Abdollahzadeh E (In Press). Hedging in graduate student theses: a cross-cultural corpus study.
Abdollahzadeh E, Taak M (In Press). Planning Time and Writing Quality in Expository Writing. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences.
Abdollahzadeh E (In Press). Uncovering English Language Learners’ Beliefs.
Abdollahzadeh E, Amini N (In Press). investigating the role of focused and unfocused written corrective feedback on learner’s acquisition of simple past tense verbs.

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I've been teaching the following postgraduate courses:

Discourse and Language Education

Language Teaching Methodology

Principles of  Language Learning



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