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School of Education

Dr Emily Selove

Dr Emily Selove



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Selove E (2023). The Donkey King Asinine Symbology in Ancient and Medieval Magic., Cambridge University Press. Abstract.
Selove EJ, van Gelder GJ (eds)(2021). THE PORTRAIT OF ABŪ L-QĀSIM AL-BAGHDĀDĪ AL-TAMĪMĪ (ḤIKĀYAT ABĪ L-QĀSIM AL-BAGHDĀDĪ AL-TAMĪMĪ) by Abū l-Muṭahhar al-Azdī (5th/11th c.)., Gibb Memorial Trust.
Selove EJ, van Gelder GJ (eds)(2021). THE PORTRAIT OF ABŪ L-QĀSIM AL-BAGHDĀDĪ AL-TAMĪMĪ (ḤIKĀYAT ABĪ L-QĀSIM AL-BAGHDĀDĪ AL-TAMĪMĪ) by Abū l-Muṭahhar al-Azdī (5th/11th c.)., Gibb Memorial Trust.
Selove E (2016). The Hikayat Abu Al-qasim a Literary Banquet. Abstract.
Al-Baghdadi A-K, Selove E (2012). Selections from the art of party crashing in medieval Iraq.

Journal articles

Selove EJ (In Press). Review of the Sultan's Sex Potions, Arab Aphrodisiacs in the Middle Ages, Nasir al-Din al-Tusi, ed. and trans Daniel L. Newman. Bulletin of the School of Abbasid Studies
Selove E (2020). Magic as poetry, poetry as magic: a fragment of Arabic spells. Magic, Ritual, and Witchcraft, 15(1), 33-57.
Selove E (2019). A Hundred and One Nights. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ORIENTAL SOCIETY, 139(1), 253-255.  Author URL.
Selove EJ, Turner J (2019). Heretics and Party-Crashers: Al-Khāṭīb al-Baghdādī’s Kitāb al-Taṭfīl. Journal of Abbasid Studies
Selove EJ, Pormann P (2017). Two New Texts on Medicine and Natural Philosophy by Abū Bakr al-Rāzī. Journal of the American Oriental Society
Selove EJ (2015). Medicine, Mujūn, and Microcosm in Ḥikāyat Abī l-Qāsim al-Baghdādī. Journal of Abbasid Studies, 2(2), 107-118. Abstract.
Selove E (2015). Naṣīr Al-Dīn Al-Ṭūsī (ed. and trans. Daniel L. Newman): the Sultan's Sex Potions: Arab Aphrodisiacs in the Middle Ages. 208 pp. (English), 72 pp. (Arabic). London: Saqi Books, 2014. £17.99. ISBN 978 086356 747 6. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 78(1), 201-202.
Selove EJ, Batten R (2014). Making Men and Women: Arabic Commentaries on the Hippocratic Gynaecological Aphorisms in Context. Annales Islamologiques, 48(1), 239-262.
Selove EJ (2014). Review of Al-Qāḍī al-Quḍā‘ī, a Treasury of Virtues: Sayings, Sermons and Teachings of 'Ali, with the One Hundred Proverbs Attributed to Al-Jahiz, ed. and trans. Tahera Qutbuddin. Speculum: a journal of Medieval studies
Selove EJ (2013). Review of the Performing Arts in Medieval Islam: Shadow Play and Popular Poetry in Ibn Dāniyāl’s Mamluk Cairo. Journal of Islamic Studies  Author URL.
Selove EJ (2013). “Who Invited the Microcosm?”. Abbasid Studies: Occasional Papers of the School of Abbasid Studies  Author URL.


Selove E, Sanad M (2023). The Sorcerer Scholar: Sirāj al-Dīn al-Sakkākī between. Grammar and Grimoire. In Rizvi S, Morimoto K (Eds.) Knowledge and Power in Muslim Societies Approaches in Intellectual History, Gerlach Press. Abstract.
Selove EJ (2014). Mujūn is a Crazy Game: the chess game in Ḥikāyat Abī al-Qāsim. In Talib A, Hammond M, Schippers A (Eds.) The Rude, the Bad and the Bawdy. Abstract.
Selove EJ, Wanberg K (2012). Authorizing the Authorless: a Classical Arabic Dream Interpretation Forgery. In Martínez J (Ed) Mundus vult decipi, Ediciones Clásicas.

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