Durrant P, Siyanova-Chanturia A, Kremmel B, Sonbul S (2022). Research Methods in Vocabulary Studies., John Benjamins Publishing Company.
McCallum L, Durrant P (2022). Shaping Writing Grades., Cambridge University Press (CUP).
Durrant P, Brenchley M, McCallum L (2021). Understanding Development and Proficiency in Writing., Cambridge University Press (CUP).
Durrant P, Brenchley M, McCallum L (2021).
Understanding Development and Proficiency in Writing Quantitative Corpus Linguistic Approaches. Abstract.
Journal articles
Durrant P, Durrant A (In Press). Appropriateness as an aspect of lexical richness: what do quantitative measures tell us about children's writing?.
Assessing Writing Abstract.
Cangir H, Durrant P (In Press). Cross-linguistic Collocational Networks in the L1 Turkish - L2 English Mental Lexicon. Lingua
Durrant P, Brenchley M (In Press). Development of noun phrase complexity across genres in children's writing.
Applied Linguistics Abstract.
Durrant P (In Press). Studying children’s writing development with a corpus. Applied Corpus Linguistics
Durrant P, Brenchley M, Clarkson R (In Press). Syntactic development across genres in children's writing: the case of adverbial clauses. Journal of Writing Research
Durrant P, Moxley J, McCallum L (In Press). Vocabulary sophistication in first-year composition assignments. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics
Li Q, Yan J, Durrant P (2023). Corpus linguistics for writing development: a guide for research.
66 Author URL.
Durrant P (2023). Review of Deignan, Candarli, & Oxley (2023). The linguistic challenge of the transition to secondary school: a corpus study of academic language. Applied Corpus Linguistics, 3(2), 100049-100049.
Durrant P (2019). Vocabulary and English for Specific Purposes Research: Quantitative and Qualitative Perspectives.
53(1), 279-280.
Author URL.
Durrant P, Brenchley M (2018). Development of vocabulary sophistication across genres in English children's writing.
Reading and Writing,
32, 1927-1953.
Lu C, Durrant P (2017). A corpus-based lexical analysis of Chinese medicine research articles. asian journal of applied linguistics, 4, 3-15.
Cangır H, Büyükkantarcıoğlu N, Durrant P (2017). Investigating Collocational Priming in Turkish. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 13, 465-486.
McLaughlin J, Durrant P (2017). Student Learning Approaches in the UAE: the case for the achieving domain.
Higher Education Research and Development Abstract.
Durrant P (2016). To what extent is the Academic Vocabulary List relevant to university student writing?.
English for Specific Purposes,
43(3), 49-61.
Durrant P (2015). Lexical Bundles and Disciplinary Variation in University Students’ Writing: Mapping the Territories.
Applied Linguistics,
38(2), 165-193.
Durrant P (2014). Corpus frequency and second language learners' knowledge of collocations: a meta-analysis.
International Journal of Corpus Linguistics,
19(4), 443-477.
Durrant P (2014). Discipline and Level Specificity in University Students' Written Vocabulary.
Applied Linguistics,
3(35), 328-356.
Durrant P (2013). Formulaicity in an agglutinating language: the case of Turkish.
Corpus linguistics and linguistic theory,
9(1), 1-38.
Durrant P, Mathews-Aydinli J (2011). A function-first approach to identifying formulaic language in academic writing.
Journal of English for Specific Purposes,
30(1), 58-72.
Durrant P, Schmitt N (2010). Adult learners′ retention of collocations from exposure.
Second Language Research,
26(2), 163-188.
Durrant P (2010). Alison Wray, ″Formulaic language: Pushing the Boundaries“. Applied Linguistics, 31(1), 163-166.
Durrant P, Doherty A (2010). Are high-frequency collocations psychologically real? Investigating the thesis of collocational priming.
Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory,
6(2), 125-155.
Durrant P (2010). Formulaic Language: Pushing the Boundaries.
31(1), 163-166.
Author URL.
Durrant P (2009). Investigating the viability of a collocation list for students of English for Academic Purposes.
Journal of English for Specific Purposes,
28(3), 157-179.
Durrant P, Schmitt N (2009). To what extent do native and non-native writers make use of collocations?.
International Review of Applied Linguistics,
47(2), 157-177.
Durrant P (2007). Collocations in a learner corpus.
14(2), 251-261.
Author URL.
Durrant P (2007). Nadja Nesselhauf. Collocations in a learner corpus. Functions of Language, 14(2), 251-261.
Durrant P (2022). Formulaic language research in practice. In (Ed) Corpus Linguistics for Writing Development, Routledge, 157-180.
Durrant P (2022). Grammar research in practice. In (Ed) Corpus Linguistics for Writing Development, Routledge, 113-135.
Durrant P (2022). Learner corpus analysis in practice. In (Ed) Corpus Linguistics for Writing Development, Routledge, 15-32.
Durrant P (2022). Studying writing development with a corpus. In (Ed) Corpus Linguistics for Writing Development, Routledge, 3-14.
Durrant P (2022). Understanding formulaic language in learner writing. In (Ed) Corpus Linguistics for Writing Development, Routledge, 139-156.
Durrant P (2022). Understanding grammar in learner writing. In (Ed) Corpus Linguistics for Writing Development, Routledge, 95-112.
Durrant P (2022). Understanding vocabulary in learner writing. In (Ed) Corpus Linguistics for Writing Development, Routledge, 35-58.
Durrant P (2022). Vocabulary research in practice. In (Ed) Corpus Linguistics for Writing Development, Routledge, 59-91.
Gries ST, Durrant P (2019). Analyzing co-occurrence data. In Gries ST, Paquot M (Eds.)
A practical handbook of corpus linguistics, New York: Springer.
Durrant P (2019). Formulaic language in English for Academic Purposes. In Siyanova-Chanturia A, Pellicer-Sanchez A (Eds.) Understanding Formulaic Language: a Second Language Acquisition Perspective, Abingdon: Routledge.
Ardavani S, Durrant P (2015). How have political and socio-economic issues impacted on the motivation of Iranian university students to learn English?. In (Ed)
English language teaching i the Islamic Republic of Iran: Innovations, trends and challenges, London: British Council, 35-45.
Durrant P, Siyanova-Chanturia A (2015). Learner Corpora and Psycholinguistic Research. In Granger S, Gilquin G, Meunier F (Eds.)
The Cambridge Handbook of Learner Corpus Research, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Jones M, Durrant P (2010). What can a corpus tell us about vocabulary teaching materials?. In McCarthy M (Ed) The Routledge Handbook of Corpus Linguistics, London: Routledge, 387-400.