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School of Education

Past events

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14 February 20259:00

The Art and History of Nursing Exhibition

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28 January 202511:00

Guest Speaker: Ecopedagogy and Ecopedagogical Literacy by Dr. Greg Misiaszek

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13 November 202414:00

What difference does our work make to the wider world? For colleagues working in field of language education, applied linguistics, sociolinguistics and related areas.

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23 October 202416:30

Learning critical thinking through dialogic STEAM educational activities

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15 July 202413:00

Education Theory Reading Network

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15 July 20249:30

School of Education Lecture Series: Professor Daniel X. Harris (The Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology)

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9 July 2024TBC

Education Policies, Societies and Change - research group meeting

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8 July 202414:30

Music Network Group

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27 June 202414:00

Road-STEAMer online workshop

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20 June 202413:00

Education Theory Reading Network

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19 June 2024TBC

Doctoral Research Forum - Belinda (Dan) Li - The Impact of L2 Motivations on Career Choices Amongst Female Graduates of English in China

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14 June 20249:00

School of Education Annual Staff/Student Education Research Conference

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13 June 2024TBC

Creative Dialogues: Possibilities of learning in higher education through the art of Olafur Eliasson

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28 May 202412:15

Research ethics in a multilingual world: A guide to reflecting on language decisions in all disciplines

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24 May 202414:00

Centre for Research in Language & Literacy (Vocabularly strand) reading group

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24 May 20248:00

Langscape & ENROPE colloquium – Plurilingualism in Education

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22 May 202416:30

STEAM Education: Progressing from Primary through to Tertiary

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14 May 202416:30

School of Education Lecture Series: Professor Jonathan Glazzard (University of Hull)

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8 May 202413:00

Education Theory Reading Network

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3 May 202410:00

Doctoral Research Forum - Dr Nouf Alsaadi - The Complexity of Inclusion: Teachers' Attitudes towards Universal Design for Learning

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30 April 202413:00

Centre for Research in Language & Literacy

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24 April 202411:30

Schools Across the Ocean: A multilingual STEAM approach to climate education

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22 April 202414:30

Music Network Group

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10 April 202413:00

Education Theory Reading Network

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27 March 202410:00

Enhancing Policy Coordination for Sustainable Transitions

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26 March - 30 April 2024TBC

School of Education Annual Staff/Student Education Research Conference - CALL FOR ABSTRACTS

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25 March 202416:00

LEN End-of-term catch-up with language quiz.

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25 March 202411:00

Doctoral forum: Title: Ethics Education in teacher professional development

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12 March 202413:00

School of Education Lecture Series: Professor Emily Dawson (University College London)

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7 March 202414:00

SENCo South West Online Conference 2024

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6 March 202413:00

Education Policies, Societies and Change research group meeting

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28 February 202412:30

Centre for Research in Language and Literacy - Langauge Education Network Seminar: Chinese Reading Universality and Specificity: Evidence from Offline and Online Tasks

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13 February 202413:00

Education Theory Reading Network

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8 February 202414:00

Centre for Research in Language & Literacy - Vocabulary reading group

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6 February 202416:30

School of Education Lecture Series: Emeritus Professor Rosemary Deem (Royal Holloway University of London)

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5 February 2024TBC

Music Network Group

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26 January 2024TBC

Doctoral Research Forum - Norah Alhudaithy presenting Understanding Teachers’ Informal Professional Development in Virtual Communities of Practice in Saudi Arabia

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25 January 202413:00

Education Theory Reading Network

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24 January 202416:00

Centre for Research in Language & literacy - Language Education Network: Syntactic complexity and variation in the pre-field in fifth-grade elementary school children’s texts

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23 January 202413:00

Centre for Research in Language & Literacy - session focussed on analysis

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15 December 202314:00

Music Network

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15 December 202314:00

Centre for Research in Language & Literacy (Vocabularly strand) reading group

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5 December 202313:00

Education Theory Reading Network

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5 December 202310:30

Centre for Research in STEM Education (CRISTEME)

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21 November 202316:30

School of Education Lecture Series: Professor Kristiina Kumpulainen (University of British Columbia)

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21 November 202316:30

Creativity Collaboratives: Learning about teaching for creativity

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21 November 202310:00

Centre for Research in STEM Education (CRISTEME)

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16 November 202315:00

Music Network: Presentations from Sergio Sorcia Reyes & Nancy Katingima Day

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16 November 202313:00

Centre for Research in Language & Literacy (Vocabulary strand): Unraveling the dynamics of vocabulary learning: Investigating factors, techniques, and strategies

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15 November 202314:30

Centre for Research in Language & literacy - Language Education Network: Multilingualism and Education: ‘Languages Local to You’ (Roundtable event)

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13 November 202313:00

Education Theory Reading Network

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10 November 202314:00

Centre for Research in Language & Literacy (Vocabulary Strand) - reading group

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10 November 2023TBC

Centre for Reserch in Language & Literacy - Language Education Network: ‘Languages Local to You’: Exhibition

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7 November 202310:30

Centre for Research in STEM Education (CRISTEME)

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3 November 202312:30

Centre for Special Educational Needs, Disability and Inclusive Education (SENDIN) - bring and share lunch

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1 November 202310:00

Doctoral Research Forum: Wesal Maash - Preparation programme perceptions of novice Arabic language teachers

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31 October 202313:00

Education Policies, Societies and Change research group meeting

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27 October 202310:30

Centre for Research in STEM Education (CRISTEME): Mathematical flexibility: A promising focus for research and practice

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24 October 202313:00

Education Theory Reading Network

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24 October 202310:30

Centre for Research in STEM Education (CRISTEME)

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18 October 202316:30

School of Education Lecture Series - St Luke's Day Lecture: Professor Emerita Helen Gunter (University of Manchester)

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16 October 202316:30

Centre for Research in Language & Literacy - Language Education Network: sharing research and planning for 23/24

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16 October 202314:00

Music Network Group

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10 October 202313:00

Centre for Research in Language & Literacy

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10 October 202310:30

POSTPONED - Centre for Research in STEM Education (CRISTEME)

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5 October 202311:00

Centre for Research in Language & Literacy (Vocabularly strand) reading group

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3 October 202311:00

Centre for Special Educational Needs, Disability and Inclusive Education (SENDIN): visiting speaker seminar

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27 September 20239:30

Fostering belonging: The role of teaching practices in STEM

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26 September 202310:30

Centre for Research in STEM Education (CRISTEME)

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6 September 202313:00

Education Theory Reading Network

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17 - 18 August 20239:00

Digital Literacy of Second Language Teachers Symposium (hybrid event)

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26 July 2023TBC

Education Theory Reading Network

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17 July 202314:00

Language Education Network summer gathering

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10 July 202313:00

Centre for Special Educational Needs, Disability and Inclusive Education (SENDIN) - Richard Ingram presenting

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5 July 202315:00

Centre for Research in Language & Literacy: Literacies in Digital Contexts reading group

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5 July 202311:00

Transdisciplinary Pedagogy for Curriculum Change

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4 July 202314:00

Education Theory Reading Network

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3 July 202316:00

Music Network Group

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26 June 202311:00

CRISTEME Seminar: Digital Literacy with AI era and students' non-cognitive abilities

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21 - 23 June 2023TBC

9th International Art in Early Childhood Conference: ‘Nature and Nurture’

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19 June 202314:00

Centre for Research in Language and Literacy - Seminar with visiting scholar, Stine Heger

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19 June 202313:00

Centre for Research in Language & Literacy (Vocabularly strand) reading group

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15 June 202313:00

Centre for Research in Special Educational Needs, Disability & Inclusive Education - visiting speaker seminar with Elias Avramidis

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12 June 202315:30

BERA Creativities in Education SIG event incorporating the Anna Craft Memorial Lecture

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9 June 20239:00

School of Education student-staff Research Conference 2023

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7 June 202315:00

Centre for Research in Language and Literacy - Summer Reading Group - Literacies and Digital Contexts

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6 June 202313:00

** POSTPONED ** School of Education Lecture Series: Dr Rob Higham (University College London)

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30 May 202313:00

Education Theory Reading Network

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24 May 202317:00

Centre for Research in Language & Literacy (Vocabulary Studies) Seminar with external speaker Benjamin Kremmel (University of Innsbruck)

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22 May 202313:00

CEEN Seminar: The Promise of Queer Aesthetic Sensibility as a Cultivated Disposition

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16 May 2023TBC

Centre for Research in Special Educational Needs, Disability and Inclusive Education - Centre meeting

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15 May 202316:30

Music Network Group

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15 May 202312:00

Doctoral Research Forum - Amira Albebas - The Influence of International Postgraduate Programmes on Teaching Beliefs, Attitudes, and Intentions of Libyan English Teachers

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11 May 202316:00

Centre for Research in Language & Literacy (Vocabulary Studies) Seminar: Benefits of replication research: why we need replication studies to better understand the learning of L2 vocabulary, grammar and collocations

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9 May 202316:30

** POSTPONED ** School of Education Lecture Series: Associate Professor Dr Kristiina Kumpulainen (Simon Fraser University)

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4 May 202314:00

Centre for Research in Language and Literacy - Summer Reading Group - Vocabulary strand

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4 May 202312:30

Education Policy Societies and Change research seminar: with speakers Laura Guihen & Kristi Dingwall

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3 May 202313:30

Language & Education Network Seminar: Multilingualism in Vocational Education (m-voc)

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25 April 202313:00

Education Theory Reading Network

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28 March 202314:00

Centre for Research in Language & Literacy (Vocabulary Studies) Seminar: From input to output: Insights of vocabulary learning from developmental corpora of reading and writing

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27 March 202313:00

Education Theory Reading Network

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27 March 202312:30

Centre for Research in Language and Literacy - Spring Reading Group

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23 March 202316:00

Music Network Group

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23 March 202312:00

Joint CRISTEME/CEEN Seminar: Using complexity theory to understand the primary classroom

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23 March 202311:00

Language & Education Network - Bilingual Writers and Corpus Analysis: methodology and findings from the Zayed Arabic-English Bilingual Undergraduate Corpus

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23 March 202310:00

St Luke's Spring A-Long

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22 March 202313:00


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21 March - 5 May 2023TBC

Second Call for Papers - Annual School of Education Student-Staff Research Conference

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20 March 202316:00

Centre for Research in Language & Literacy (Vocabulary Studies) Workshop

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16 March 20239:00

South West SENCo Conference: The inclusive school: Using action research to support children and young people with SEND

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15 March 20239:00

Barriers for underrepresented Early Career Researchers in STEM

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14 March 202316:00

Centre for Research in Language & Literacy (Vocabulary Studies) Workshop: Extracting, and listing collocations is unpalatable: how it become the compass?

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14 March 202313:00

School of Education Lecture Series: Professor Katherine Runswick-Cole (University of Sheffield)

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8 March 202317:00

Centre for Research in Language and Literacy (Vocabulary Studies): Research Seminar - CIIP Models of Vocabulary: Knowledge and Acquisition

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8 March 202313:00

Education Theory Reading Network

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7 March 202314:30

Workshop on Multilingualism

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6 March 202314:00

Centre for Research in Language and Literacy: Research in Writing Event

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6 March 202313:00

Centre for Special Educational Needs, Disability and Inclusive Education (SENDIN)

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27 February 202312:30

Centre for Research in Language and Literacy - Spring Reading Group

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8 February 20238:30

Transdisciplinary Pedagogy - What capabilities are needed for transdisciplinary learning and work?

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7 February 20239:00

School of Education Lecture Series: Professor Neil Selwyn (Monash University)

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30 January 202312:30

Centre for Research in Language and Literacy - Spring Reading Group

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30 January 2023TBC

Centre for Special Educational Needs, Disability and Inclusive Education (SENDIN)

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14 December 202210:00

Language and Education Network - Seminar - Bibliometrics: Application to Language Education and Relevance to Postgraduate Research Projects

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8 December 202213:00

Doctoral Research Forum - Anfal Algharabally: EFL Teachers in Kuwait: Preparation, Challenges, and Traits of an Effective EFL Teacher

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1 December 202212:00

CEEN Seminar: There is no ‘safe space’ – a critical insight to frame conversations around social justice education

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28 November 202211:00

Language & Education Network Research Seminar - Investigating vocabulary in academic spoken English of Business lectures in China

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22 November 202213:00

School of Education Lecture Series - Professor Fiona Maine (University of Exeter)

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21 November 202210:00

Exploring Gender Equalities and English Language Teacher Training: A Systematic Review of Literature (2000-2022) - Prof Michael Thomas (Liverpool John Moores University)

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17 November 202216:30

Language & Education Network Research Seminar - The MULTIWRITE project – interaction between first, second and third languages

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14 November 202213:30

Education Theory Reading Network

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11 November 202210:30

Doctoral Research Forum - Tamara Al Khalil - Public and private education in Lebanon

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5 November 202212:00

‘Have you heard… Using Music as a Decolonising Tool’

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28 October 202214:00

Language & Education Network - publishing your research workshop

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24 October 202213:00

Education Theory Reading Network

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19 October 202214:00

CEEN Seminar: Working towards de/colonising educational relationships: The journey

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18 October 202216:30

School of Education Lecture Series: Professor Stephen Ball, University College London

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17 October 202213:00

Centre for Special Educational Needs, Disability and Inclusive Education (SENDIN): Centre Meeting

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5 October 202213:30

Language & Education Network Research Seminar - Multilingualism in Vocational Education (m-voc): Insights from technical apprentices in Switzerland

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3 October 202216:30

SoE Music Network reading group

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21 July 202217:00

Music Network Group

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18 - 19 July 2022TBC

BAAL Vocabulary SIG Annual Conference 2022

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14 July 202214:30

Seminar - African Ways of Knowing: Embodiment through Participatory Music Making

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14 July 20229:30

50 years of Educational Psychology training at the University of Exeter

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13 July 202213:00

** CANCELLED ** Education Theory Reading Network

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7 July 202210:00

** TALK POSTPONED ** Talk by Dr Andrew Wilkins (Goldsmiths, University of London)

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6 July 202213:00

GSE Lecture Series - Professor Liz Pellicano (University College London) - Reimagining Autistic education: Lessons learnt from remote learning during lockdown

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6 July 202211:30

Centre for Special Educational Needs, Disability and Inclusive Education (SENDIN) - Centre Social & Information Conversation with Professor Liz Pellicao

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4 July 20229:00

Workshop on Bilingualism, Deafness and Education

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23 June 202210:00

Centre for Research in STEM Education (CRISTEME) - Centre Meeting

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20 June 202217:00

Music Network Group

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17 June 202216:00

Research Seminar - Dr Paul Hart (University of Regina, Canada) - Post-qualitative inquiry: Toward immanence, new empiricism, new materialisms and posthumanisms in educational research

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16 June 202210:00

Centre for Research in STEM Education (CRISTEME) - Centre Meeting

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15 June 202213:00

Centre for Special Educational Needs, Disability and Inclusive Education (SENDIN)

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10 June 202211:30

Doctoral Research Forum - Riadh Ghemmour - Telling Stories of an Invisible Cohort: Exploring Algerian EFL Students’ Experiences, Challenges and Hopes of Learning about Research Methodology and Writing Dissertations at Master’s Level.

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9 June 202210:00

Centre for Research in STEM Education (CRISTEME) - Centre Meeting

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8 June 202213:00

Education Theory Reading Network

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7 June 202213:00

GSE Lecture Series - Professor Lee Elliot Major (University of Exeter)

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24 May 202217:30

Language and Education Network - Research Seminar - Davron Abdullaev (Urgench State University, Uzbekistan) - Using a Specialized Corpus of Food Science and Technology to develop ESP teaching materials

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19 May 202218:00

Language and Education Network - Research Seminar - Unni Soltun Andreassen (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)

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17 May 202215:00

Emerging Theories Reading Group

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17 May 202213:00

Centre for Special Educational Needs, Disability and Inclusive Education (SENDIN)

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12 May 202214:00

Music Network Group

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12 May 202210:00

Centre for Research in STEM Education (CRISTEME) - Centre Meeting

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9 May 202216:00

Inclusion in Higher Education webinar

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6 May 202213:00

Education Theory Reading Network

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6 May 202211:00

Using the CIPP Model to Explore English Language Teacher Training, Digital Literacies and Gender Inequalities

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3 May 202216:30

GSE Lecture Series - Professor Vanessa de Oliveira Andreotti (University of British Columbia)

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8 April 202211:30

Doctoral Research Forum - Emna Maazoun Zayani - Problematizing the Written Corrective Feedback literacy to feed-forward at the Tertiary Level Context in Tunisia

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4 April 202212:30

Education Theory Reading Network

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1 April 20229:00

GSE Annual Staff-Student Education Research Conference

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25 March 202211:00

Doctoral Research Forum - Abdelhamid Ahmed - Frame Markers in L1 Arabic and L2 English Argumentative Writing: Across Linguistic Corpus-based Study

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22 March 202213:00

Lesson Study Network

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22 March 202213:00

CEEN Seminar: Thinking-with whimsy as generative acts

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17 March 202212:00

Centre for Special Educational Needs, Disability and Inclusive Education (SENDIN)

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17 March 202210:00

Centre for Research in STEM Education (CRISTEME) - Centre Meeting

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15 March 202212:00

Education Theory Reading Network

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10 March 202210:00

Keynote Talk by Professor Matthew Clarke ( York St John University): The subordination of teacher identity: Ethical risks and potential lines of flight

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4 March 202211:00

Digital Literacy of Second/Foreign Language Teachers Seminar: What now? Transforming ‘techno-pedagogical’ skills to transglobal communicative competences

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3 March 202210:00

Centre for Research in STEM Education (CRISTEME) - Centre Meeting

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1 March 202213:00

Lesson Study Network

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1 March 202210:00

Joint Language Education Network and Centre for Research in STEM Education Centre Seminar: “I don't like English; I don't like writing!” A case study of EAL learner support in a secondary school in England

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28 February 202213:00

Centre for Special Educational Needs, Disability and Inclusive Education (SENDIN)

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17 February 202214:00

Music Network Group

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17 February 202210:00

Centre for Research in STEM Education (CRISTEME) - Centre Meeting

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14 February 202215:00

Emerging Theories Reading Group

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14 February 202212:00

Education Theory Reading Network

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3 February 202212:00

Lesson Study Network

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3 February 202210:00

Centre for Research in STEM Education (CRISTEME) - Centre Meeting

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1 February 202216:30

GSE Lecture Series - Professor Andreas Hadjar (University of Luxembourg)

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31 January 202213:00

Centre for Special Educational Needs, Disability and Inclusive Education (SENDIN)

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28 January 202210:00

Language and Education Network - Research Seminar - Maria González-Davies (FPCEE-Blanquerna University Ramon Llull, Barcelona) and Gabriela Meier (University of Exeter)

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20 January 202210:00

Centre for Research in STEM Education (CRISTEME) - Centre Meeting

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17 January 202212:00

Education Theory Reading Network

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11 January 202210:00

** POSTPONED ** Joint Language Education Network and Centre for Research in STEM Education Centre Seminar: “I don't like English; I don't like writing!” A case study of EAL learner support in a secondary school in England

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6 January 202210:00

Centre for Research in STEM Education (CRISTEME) - Centre Meeting

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16 December 202113:00

Centre for Special Educational Needs, Disability and Inclusive Education (SENDIN)

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14 December 202113:00

Lesson Study Network

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9 December 202110:00

Centre for Research in STEM Education (CRISTEME) - Centre Meeting

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6 December 202117:00

Language and Education Network - Research Seminar - Ana Frankenberg-Garcia (University of Surrey) Dictionary support for writing

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30 November 202112:00

Education Theory Reading Network

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25 November 202113:00

CEEN Seminar - “Please Hold”: Podcasting and data music as sonic methods for reembodying research during and after Covid-19

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25 November 202113:00

Exeter-Fudan Global Thought Network - Invited Talk - Dr Francesco Goglia (University of Exeter) - Onward migration from Italy to the UK: sociolinguistic implications

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25 November 202110:00

Centre for Research in STEM Education (CRISTEME) - Centre Meeting

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23 November 202113:00

GSE Lecture Series - Professor Martin Ubani (University of Eastern Finland)

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22 November 202117:00

Language and Education Network - Research Seminar - Danijela Trenkic (University of York) Pursuing university education in a foreign language: How difficult could it be?

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12 November 202111:00

Doctoral Research Forum - Rajaa Fallatah - Curriculum Development in Saudi Arabia: Saudi Primary EFL Teachers’ Perspectives on the Challenges of the Implementation of CLT into the English Curriculum in State Schools

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11 November 202110:00

Centre for Research in STEM Education (CRISTEME) - Centre Meeting

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9 November 202116:00

Centre for Research in Writing - Research Seminar - Writing in the Digital Age: Technology, Collaboration, and Multimodality

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9 November 202113:00

Centre for Special Educational Needs, Disability and Inclusive Education (SENDIN)

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8 November 202117:00

Language and Education Network - Research Seminar - Åsta Haukås (University of Bergen) Multilingual teenagers: Who are they and what are their beliefs about multilingualism? Insights from the Norwegian school context

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6 November 2021TBC

UKLA Student Conference: Getting to Grips with Grammar

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2 November 202115:00

Emerging Theories Reading Group

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28 October 202110:00

Centre for Research in STEM Education (CRISTEME) - Centre Meeting - Situated escape games as means for promoting knowledge and awareness about food and nutrition

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26 October 202113:00

Education Theory Reading Network

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22 October 202111:00

LEN Lounge: 5 short talks on language education by GSE colleagues

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21 October 202113:00

CEEN Workshop: Digital Diffractive Methodologies with Microsoft Sway

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18 October 202117:00

Language and Education Network - Research Seminar - Hildegunn Dirdal (University of Oslo) Diversification and L1 influence in the use of clause types: A case study of complexity development.

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18 October 202116:30

GSE Lecture Series - St Luke's Day Lecture - Professor Gemma Moss (Institute of Education, University College London)

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14 October 202110:00

THINK Network Café - Critical thinking in EAP: What’s so special?

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12 October 202113:00

Centre for Special Educational Needs, Disability and Inclusive Education (SENDIN)

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11 October 202117:00

Language & Education Network Research Seminar - Gabriela Meier - Languages and Social Cohesion: Insights from a New Book by Gabriela Meier and Simone Smala

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8 October 202110:00

Exeter-Fudan Global Thought Network Seminar: Multilingualism, language education and social participation

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5 October 202117:00

Democratising science: how Linguistics can help us understand citizen science communities

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24 September 202111:00

Doctoral Research Forum - Suaad Al Naabi - Pedagogies for teaching English as a Foreign Language to learners with Visual Impairments in Oman

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23 July 202111:00

Doctoral Research Forum - James Herst - A critical examination of the job satisfaction of expatriate English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers in an institution of higher education in the State of Qatar

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21 July 202113:00

Centre for Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

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20 July 202115:00

Education Theory Reading Network

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8 July 202116:00

Research Seminar: Can museums learn? Conceptualisations of itinerancy as crossing borders between science and society

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7 July 202112:30

GSE EDI Seminar Series: De/colonising Educational Relationships in Teacher Education

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29 June 202113:00

Centre for Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

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25 June 202111:00

Doctoral Research Forum - Doha Abusaud - An exploratory study into the daily lived experiences and emotional responses of EFL teachers in secondary public schools in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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22 June 202115:30

Anna Craft Memorial Lecture:Professor Howard Gardner of Harvard University

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22 June 202113:00

Creativity in 21st Century Education: Where, how and what next?

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21 June 202110:00

Centre for Research in STEM (CRISTEME) Seminar: Can museums learn? Conceptualisations of itinerancy as crossing borders between science and society.

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18 June 20219:00

Access to University and Home Education by Centre for Social Mobility

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17 June 202112:30

GSE EDI Seminar Series: De/colonising Educational Relationships in Teacher Education

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16 June 20219:00

Centre for Research in Writing Conference

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15 June 202113:00

Education Theory Reading Network

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14 June 202117:00

Language and Education Network - Research Seminar - Alex Ding (University of Leeds)

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8 June 202113:00

GSE Lecture Series - Professor Arathi Sriprakash (University of Bristol)

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7 June 202117:00

Language and Education Network - Research Seminar - Karen Forbes (University of Cambridge)

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2 June 202113:00

Centre for Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

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27 May 202113:00

Lesson Study Network

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21 May 202111:00

Doctoral Research Forum - Reine Azzi - Attitudes towards Teaching English in Lebanon: An Exercise in Critical Applied Linguistics

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17 May 202117:00

Language and Education Network - Research Seminar - Yen Dang (University of Leeds)

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13 May 202113:00

Education Theory Reading Network

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13 May 202112:30

GSE EDI Seminar Series: De/colonising Educational Relationships in Teacher Education

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12 May 202113:00

Centre for Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

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11 May 202115:00

CRPL Research Tea - Educators new to teaching in UK higher education during the COVID-19 pandemic: digital technologies, support, CPD, and career development

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10 May 202117:00

Language and Education Network - Research Seminar - Victoria Murphy (University of Oxford)

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5 May 202113:00

** POSTPONED ** GSE Community Cultural Programme: Paint Along Watercolours With Dr Geoff Teece

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4 May 202116:30

GSE Lecture Series - Associate Professor Sam Friedman (London School of Economics and Political Science)

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30 April 202118:00

Decolonisation as Democratisation: Book Launch and Panel Discussion

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22 April 202110:00

CRPL Research Methods Seminar Series - Janice - Hoang Huong (Exeter)

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20 April 202115:00

** POSTPONED** CRPL Research Tea - Understanding Teachers’ Professional Development in Virtual Communities of Practice in Saudi Arabia

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15 April 202112:30

** CANCELLED ** GSE EDI Seminar Series: De/colonising Educational Relationships in Teacher Education

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8 April 202110:00

CRPL Research Methods Seminar Series - Richard Cocks D'Souza (Exeter) - Organisational Health in the Primary School: A Framework for New Headteachers

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5 April 202113:00

Doctoral Research Forum - Chaima Mennai - Pasts, Presents and Possible Futures in an Expanding Postgraduate Landscape: Gender, Remote Residency and Transitions to Postgraduate Education in Algeria

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25 March 202110:00

CRPL Research Methods Seminar Series - Alison Pearson (Exeter) - Teacher Resilience in Secondary Schools

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24 March 202118:00

GSE Community Cultural Programme: Vegetarian Tikka Masala Cooking Class

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19 March 202111:30

Doctoral Research Forum - Hayam Mohamed - Critical Language Awareness in Modern Times. Educators’ Views and Related Issues: An Exploratory Study

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17 March 202113:00

Centre for Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

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16 March 202112:30

GSE EDI Seminar Series: De/colonising Educational Relationships in Teacher Education

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15 March 202117:00

Language and Education Network Research Seminar - Luke Harding (Lancaster University) - Language assessment in the digital age: Ethics and consequences

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15 March 202116:00

Lesson Study Network

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11 March 202110:00

CRPL Research Methods Seminar Series - Lauriane Suyin Chalmin-Pui (Sheffield) - Front gardens and human health and well-being

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10 March 202112:00

Education Theory Reading Network

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9 March 202113:00

GSE Lecture Series - Dr Heather Ellis (University of Sheffield)

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8 March 202117:00

Language and Education Network - Research Seminar - Louise Palmer Overstepping the mark or knowing the score?: Rater decision making in EAP oral presentation assessments and the role of insider knowledge

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2 March 202115:00

CRPL Research Tea - Typologies of education and training pathways for general practitioners: a scoping review

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25 February 202110:00

CRPL Research Methods Seminar Series - Tom Martell (Durham)

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24 February 202113:00

Centre for Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

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24 February 202113:00

GSE Community Cultural Programme: Anthony Wilson - Lifesaving Poems

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22 February 202117:00

Language and Education Network Research Seminar - Pascual Perez-Paredes (Universidad de Murcia – Cambridge Language Sciences): Extending corpus linguistics methods to education research

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16 February 202112:30

GSE EDI Seminar Series: De/colonising Educational Relationships in Teacher Education

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15 February 202117:00

Language & Education Network Research Seminar - Kate Graham: What are the academic essay writing experiences of MIS undertaking a full-time taught Master’s degree at a university in the West of England?

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11 February 202113:00

Education Theory Reading Network

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11 February 202110:00

CRPL Research Methods Seminar Series - Vicky Yiran Zhao (Cambridge) - COVID-19 and Children’s Play

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8 February 202117:00

Language & Education Network Research Seminar - Beatriz Gonzalez-Fernandez (University of Sheffield) -

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5 February 2021TBC

International Seminar: Mediation at the Heart of Learning Grammar

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3 February 202113:00

Centre for Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

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2 February 202116:30

GSE Lecture Series - Professor Franziska Felder, University of Vienna)

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1 February 202112:30

Creativity and Emergent Educational-futures Network (CEEN) Research Seminar: Dramatherapy: An Empowering and Healing Creative Therapy

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29 January 202111:00

Doctoral Research Forum - Mubina Rauf - Critical Thinking and Academic Writing: A Case of Pakistani University Students

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28 January 202111:00

Centre for Research in Writing - Research Seminar - The Writing Conversation interviews in Writing Research

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28 January 202110:00

CRPL Research Methods Seminar Series - Ben Weidmann (Harvard): Missing Presumed Different

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25 January 202117:00

Language & Education Network Research Seminar - Mike Byram: Ethical Issues in Teaching Intercultural Citizenship in Foreign Language Education

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21 January 202113:00

Education Theory Reading Network

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19 January 202111:00

Centre for Research in Writing - Research Seminar - Undertaking meta-analysis of writing research

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14 January 202116:00

Centre for Research in Writing - Research Seminar - Creating a Publication Strategy

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14 January 202112:30

GSE EDI Seminar Series: De/colonising Educational Relationships in Teacher Education

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14 January 202110:00

CRPL Research Methods Seminar Series - Lydia Speyer, Edinburgh University - Making Sense of Developmental Relations using ALT-SR and GVAR models

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7 January 202116:00

Centre for Research in Writing - Research Seminar - Paradigms in Writing Research: A Panel Discussion

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17 December 202016:00

CRPL Research Methods Seminar Series - Joe Brassington - Using children's picture books to build empathy

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17 December 202010:00

CRPL Research Methods Seminar Series - Kitty Parker (University of Exeter)

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16 December 202017:00

Language and Education Network - End of Term Quiz and Social

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11 December 202011:00

Doctoral Research Forum - Nazanin Dehdary - Is There any Space for Critical Literacy? English Language Teachers’ Perceptions, Views, and Perceived Challenges

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10 December 202016:00

Lesson Study Network

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10 December 202013:00

Education Theory Reading Network

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10 December 202010:00

SciCulture Transdisciplinary Teaching Toolkit Trialling Workshop

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9 December 202013:00

Centre for Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

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9 December 202012:30

GSE Community Cultural Programme: The Art of Celebration - Crafting A Christmas Bauble

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8 December 202012:30

GSE EDI Seminar Series: De/colonising Educational Relationships in Teacher Education

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8 December 202011:00

Centre for Research in Writing - Research Seminar - The Writing Conversation interviews in Writing Research

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7 December 202010:00

Centre for Research in STEM (CRISTEME) - Research Brunch

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2 December 202012:30

GSE Community Cultural Programme: Crafting A Conversation

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30 November 202012:30

Creativity and Emergent Educational-futures Network (CEEN) Research Workshop: Touch and Entanglement in this Time of Coronavirus

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25 November 202015:00

Music Research Network (Online meeting

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24 November 202013:00

GSE Lecture Series - Professor Joe Elliott (Principal of Collingwood College, Durham University)

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24 November 2020TBC

GSE Community Cultural Programme: A Virtual Tea Party

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23 November 202017:00

Language and Education Network - Research Seminar - Lee McCallum - Understanding Relationships between Collocations and Writing Quality

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23 November 202010:00

Centre for Research in STEM (CRISTEME) - Research Brunch

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20 November 202011:00

Doctoral Research Forum - Huda Alateeq - Critical Pedagogy among EFL Writing Teachers at a University College in Saudi Arabia: A Step from Theory to Practice

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18 November 202012:30

GSE Community Cultural Programme: A Mindulness Taster Session

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17 November 202012:30

GSE EDI Seminar Series: De/colonising Educational Relationships in Teacher Education

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17 November 202011:00

Centre for Research in Writing - Research Seminar - Creating a Publication Strategy

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16 November 202017:00

Language and Education Network - Research Seminar - Prof Alice Deignan - Using corpus linguistic methods to study the language of school in England

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16 November 202012:00

Lesson Study Network

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12 November 202013:00

Education Theory Reading Network

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11 November 202013:30

Centre for Research in Professional Learning - Autumn Term Meeting

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11 November 202013:00

Centre for Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

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9 November 202017:00

Language and Education Network Research Seminar - Britta Viebrock: Specific aspects of English language teachers‘ professional development: transcultural awareness and transcultural competences

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9 November 202010:00

Centre for Research in STEM (CRISTEME) - Research Brunch

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3 November 202015:00

CRPL Research Tea - What can we learn from a review of research into Professional Learning?

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3 November 20209:30

GSE Staff Research Workshop: Engaging with policy makers

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27 October 202013:00

Creativity and Emergent Educational-futures Network (CEEN) Research Workshop - Thinking-with water: engaging with flows

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26 October 202017:00

Language & Education Network Research Seminar - Anna Pellicer-Sanchez: Vocabulary learning from reading: Insights from eye-tracking studies

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26 October 202010:00

** CANCELLED ** Centre for Research in STEM (CRISTEME) - Research Brunch

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22 October 202013:00

Education Theory Reading Network

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20 October 2020TBC

Music Research Network reading group

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15 October 202016:30

GSE Lecture Series - St Luke's Day Lecture - Professor Becky Francis (Chief Executive Officer, Education Endowment Foundation)

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15 October 202012:30

GSE EDI Seminar Series: De/colonising Educational Relationships in Teacher Education

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14 October 202013:00

Centre for Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

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12 October 202010:00

Centre for Research in STEM (CRISTEME) - Research Brunch

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30 September 202011:15

Creativity and Emergent Educational-futures Network (CEEN)

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28 September 202010:00

Centre for Research in STEM (CRISTEME) - Research Brunch

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16 July 202015:30

Music Network Reading group (Online meeting)

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16 July 20209:30

GSE Staff Research Workshop

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15 July 20209:30

Director of Research Advisory Group (DoRAG)

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9 July 202013:00

Education Theory Reading Network

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7 July 202012:00

GSE All Staff Meeting

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30 June 202010:00

Centre for Research in Writing - Doctoral Research Student ‘Findings Forum’

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24 June 2020TBC

National Writing Day: Do the #247 challenge

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11 June 202014:00

Centre for Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

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10 June 202011:30

Research Review Group

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9 June 202013:00

** CANCELLED ** Lecture by Dr Sam Friedman (The London School of Economics and Political Science)

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9 June 202010:00

** CANCELLED** GSE Staff Research Workshop

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4 June 202012:00

Education Theory Reading Network

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2 June 202013:00

GSE All Staff Meeting

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20 May 20209:30

Director of Research Advisory Group (DoRAG)

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13 May 202012:00

Education Theory Reading Network

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13 May 202010:00

Dr Katriona O'Sullivan, Maynooth University: Foundation years as an engine for social mobility? A comparison between Ireland and England.

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7 May 202011:00

Religion, Spirituality and Education Network

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5 May 202016:30

** CANCELLED ** Lecture by Dr Aratha Sriprakash (Cambridge University)

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5 May 202010:00

Centre for Research in Writing - Research Seminar

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5 May 202010:00

Centre for Research in Writing - Research Seminar

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29 April 202011:30

Research Review Group

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17 - 19 April 2020TBC

Federation of Children's Book Groups Conference 2020

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20 March 20209:30

** CANCELLED ** Lecture by Professor Joe Elliott (Durham University): "The dyslexia debate"

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20 March 20209:00

** CANCELLED ** GSE Annual Education Research Conference

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18 March 202017:00

** CANCELLED ** Research Seminar: Ana Pellicer-Sánchez

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18 March 202013:00

** CANCELLED ** Education Theory Reading Network

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18 March 20209:30

** CANCELLED ** Director of Research Advisory Group (DoRAG)

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17 March 202010:00

Centre for Research in Writing - Research Seminar

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12 March 202011:00

Religion, Spirituality and Education Network

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11 March 202017:00

Language and Education Network - Research Seminar

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11 March 202012:30

Craft @ Lunch

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10 March 202013:00

** CANCELLED ** Lecture by Dr Franziska Felder (University of Zurich) - The ethics of inclusion, or: why we still need to talk about what inclusion means

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4 March 202015:45

The Book Keepers

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4 March 202012:45

Centre for Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

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2 March 202012:30

POSTPONED Research Seminar: Britta Vierbrock

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27 February 202012:30

GSE All Staff Meeting

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26 February 202013:00

POSTPONED - Education Theory Reading Network

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26 February 202012:30

Craft @ Lunch

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26 February 202011:30

Research Review Group

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19 February 202017:30

Research Seminar: Soo Yim

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18 February 202010:00

Centre for Research in Writing - Research Seminar

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17 February 202013:00

THINK Network - Informal Seminar with Alessandra Imperio (University of Bolzano, Italy)

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14 February 202010:00

Workshop: Salah Troudi

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12 February 202018:00

Film Screening: Être et Avoir

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12 February 202012:45

Centre for Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

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5 February 202010:30

Centre for Social Mobility Seminar series: Professor Steven Jones, University of Manchester

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4 February 202016:30

Lecture by Dr Antonio Olmedo (University of Bristol) New landscapes and logics of competition in education: geography, demography and equity in English education policy

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4 February 202015:00

CRPL Research Tea: Professionals with ADHD- what do we know?

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4 February 202010:00

Centre for Research in Writing - Research Seminar

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3 February 202017:00

Language and Education Network - Research Seminar

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29 January 202012:45

Centre for Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

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29 January 202012:30

Craft @ Lunch

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29 January 202011:30

Director of Research Advisory Group (DoRAG)

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27 January 202017:00

Language and Education Network - Research Seminar

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22 January 202013:00

Education Theory Reading Network

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14 January 202010:00

Centre for Research in Writing - Research Seminar

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9 January 202012:30

Craft @ Lunch

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16 December 201910:00

St Luke's Academic Showcase

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11 December 201914:30

Beauty and the Beast

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11 December 20199:30

Research Review Group

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9 December 201911:30

Considering a PhD in Education? Dedicated information session for students on studying a PhD with the Graduate School of Education

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4 December 201915:45

Special Educational Needs and Disability Centre - Research Seminar

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4 December 201912:30

Craft @ Lunch

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2 December 201913:00

Education Theory Reading Network

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2 December 201912:30

Language and Education Network - Research Lunch

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27 November 201912:30

Craft @ Lunch

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26 November 201914:30

GSE Staff Research Workshop

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25 November 201913:00

Language and Education Network - Research Workshop

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19 November 201918:00

Film Screening: Être et Avoir

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19 November 201917:00

Language and Education Network - Research Seminar

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13 November 201913:00

Lesson Study Network

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13 November 20199:30

Director of Research Advisory Group (DoRAG)

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11 November 201910:30

Centre for Research in Writing - Seminar

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6 November 201912:30

Centre for Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

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5 November 201912:30

Language and Education Network - Research Lunch

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4 November 201913:00

Education Theory Reading Network

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1 November 201910:00

The Doctoral Research Forum

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31 October 201912:30

GSE All Staff Meeting

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30 October 201913:00

Creativity and Emergent Educational-futures Network (CEEN) Research Seminar

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29 October 201914:00

Centre for Research in Writing - Research Seminar

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29 October 201910:00

Religion, Spirituality and Education Network

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25 October 201910:00

Language and Education Network - Research Workshop

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24 October 201911:30

Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra @ St Luke's

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21 October 201917:00

Language and Education Network - Research Seminar

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21 October 201912:30

Centre for Research in Writing - Research Workshop

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18 October 201915:00

St Luke's Day Lecture by Professor Daniel Muijs (Head of Research at Ofsted)

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16 October 201913:00

Lesson Study Network

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16 October 201912:30

Craft @ Lunch

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16 October 201912:30

SWDTP Information Session

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16 October 20199:30

Research Review Group

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15 October 2019 - 21 July 202012:30

Singing @ St Luke's

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14 October 201912:30

Language and Education Network - Research Lunch

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14 October 2019TBC

Centre for Research in Writing - Research Seminar

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8 October 201910:00

Centre for Research in Writing - Research workshop

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7 October 201913:00

Education Theory Reading Network

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2 October 201912:45

Centre for Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

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18 September 20199:30

Director of Research Advisory Group (DoRAG)

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17 July 201913:00

Education Theory Reading Network

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10 July 20199:30

GSE Research Review Group

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9 July 201913:30

Working for Excellence for Equity in Higher Education

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3 July 201912:45

CANCELLED - Centre for Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

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3 July 2019TBC

PGCE Primary Seminar Day

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2 July 2019TBC

PGCE Secondary Seminar Day

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24 June 20199:00

Disentangling and Debating Creativity in Education: Methodologies, Research and Assessment

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24 June 2019TBC

BERA Conference: Disentangling and Debating Creativity in Education: Methodologies, Research and Assessment

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13 June 201912:00

Interactive seminar on Creative Pedagogy, Digital Innovation and Project Based Learning

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13 June 201910:00

GW4 Doctoral Student Training Workshop

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12 June 201912:30

GSE Staff Research Workshop

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12 June 20199:30

GSE Director of Research Advisory Group (DoRAG)

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11 June 201913:00

Lecture by Professor Neil Humphrey (University of Manchester) Are the kids alright? Examining the intersection between education and mental health

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10 June 201912:30

Lesson Study Network

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6 June 2019TBC

Raising Student Engagement in Higher Education Conference (Inside Government), London

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5 June 201912:45

Centre for Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

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4 June 201916:00

Education Theory Reading Network

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4 June 201915:00

CRPL Research Tea - Leadership and mental health in schools

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24 May 2019TBC

PGCE Secondary Seminar Day

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23 May 201912:30

GSE All Staff Meeting

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20 May 201912:00

Lesson Study Network

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16 May 201918:00

An Inaugural Lecture by Professor Justin Dillon

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16 May 201912:00

Creative research methods interactive semimar

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15 May 20199:30

GSE Research Review Group

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14 May 201916:30

Exeter Society for Curriculum Studies Book Launch: 'Just Education'

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10 May 2019TBC

PGCE Primary Seminar Day

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7 May 201916:30

A lecture by Professor Elizabeth de Freitas (Manchester Metropolitan University: Affect, sympathy and the felt experience of form

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7 May 201915:00

CRPL Research Tea - The Case for Faculty Development & A Comparison of Workforce Retention Issues in Teaching and Medicine

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1 May 201912:45

Centre for Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

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29 April 201912:30

Lesson Study Network

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24 April 201911:30

GSE Director of Research Advisory Group (DoRAG)

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11 April 201917:30

The LEN Talk - Dr. Martin Lamb (University of Leeds) "When Motivation research motivates"

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2 April 201910:00

BERA ECR Network Symposium Series 2019: 'Analytical Approaches in Educational Research'

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2 April 201910:00

BERA ECR Network Symposium Series 2019: 'Analytical Approaches in Educational Research'

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28 March 2019TBC

Disentangling and Debating Creativity in Education: Methodologies, Research and Assessment

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26 March 201912:30

GSE Staff Research Workshop

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22 March 2019TBC

GSE Annual Education Research Conference

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22 March 2019TBC

PGCE Secondary Seminar Day

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21 March 201918:30

The LEN Lounge - Plurilingualism in Education

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20 March 201913:30

Professor Debby Cotton: Widening Participation, Retention and Student Success

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20 March 201913:00

Education Theory Reading Network

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20 March 20199:30

GSE Research Review Group

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19 March 201912:30

Creativity and Emergent Educational-Futures Network (CEEN) Seminar - Professor Patricia McCormack (Anglia Ruskin University)

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15 March 2019TBC

PGCE Primary Seminar Day

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12 March 201913:00

A lecture by Professor Cathy Burnett (Sheffield Hallam University), The messiness of literacy: unsettling simple accounts of literacy through a baroque perspective on virtual play

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12 March 2019TBC

BERA Symposium - English in Education: Curriculum and Assessment

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7 March 201915:00

CRPL Research Tea - What can RCTs in education tell us about educational research?

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6 March 201912:45

Centre for Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

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1 March 2019TBC

PGCE Secondary Seminar Day

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28 February 201914:00

Multilingual socialisation in education

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25 February 201912:30

GSE All Staff Meeting

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20 February 20199:30

GSE Director of Research Advisory Group (DoRAG)

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19 February 201913:00

Education Theory Reading Network

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15 February 2019TBC

PGCE Primary Seminar Day

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7 February 201912:45

Centre for Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

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5 February 201916:30

Lecture by Professor Wasyl Cajkler (University of Leicester), Lesson Study and Growth of Pedagogic Literacy in Initial Teacher Education (ITE)

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5 February 201915:00

CRPL Research Tea - Using timelines: What sustains teachers?

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5 - 22 February 2019TBC

First Call for Papers - GSE Annual Research Conference

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25 January 2019TBC

PGCE Primary Seminar Day

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23 January 201913:00

Education Theory Reading Network

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23 January 20199:30

GSE Research Review Group

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18 January 20199:00

Language teacher cognition research: theoretical stances and methodological choices

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18 January 2019TBC

PGCE Secondary Seminar Day

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16 January 201912:45

Centre for Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

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12 December 201813:00

Education Theory Reading Network

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12 December 20189:30

GSE Director of Research Advisory Group (DoRAG)

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12 December 2018TBC

CRISTEME meeting

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4 December 201815:00

CRPL Research Tea (Jackie Bagnall: Building resilience strategies in to the development of professionals)

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3 December 201816:45

More Fun or More Phonics? The Power of Story and Games in Integrated Group Reading: a targeted teaching intervention for Year 2 and 3 pupils who are delayed in reading

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3 December 201814:00

Centre for Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

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30 November 201812:30

Lesson Study Network

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28 November 201814:30

CRISTEME meeting

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27 November 201813:00

GSE Lecture Series - Introduction to Research in the Centre for Social Mobility

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23 November 201818:00

Special Guest Lecture and Book launch by Dr Lee Elliot Major

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21 November 201817:00

Language and Education Network Research Talk

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15 November 201814:00

Exploring Pluri-Logicality - ‘The Literature Review’ Seminar

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14 November 2018TBC

GSE Research Review Group

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7 November 201814:30

CRISTEME meeting

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7 November 201812:45

Centre for Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

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6 November 201815:00

CRPL Research Tea (Daniele Carrieri: Care under pressure)

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30 October 201812:30

GSE All Staff Meeting

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24 October 201814:30

CRISTEME meeting

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23 October 201816:00

Education Theory Reading Network

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22 October 201813:00

Lesson Study Network

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18 October 201816:30

Lecture by Professor Michael W. Apple (University of Wisconsin), Can Education Change Society?

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17 October 201813:30

Speaker series: Associate Professor Neil Harrison, UWE

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17 October 201810:00

GSE Director of Research Advisory Group (DoRAG)

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10 October 201814:30

CRISTEME meeting

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10 October 201812:45

Centre for Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

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1 - 5 October 2018TBC

PGCE Secondary Programme Induction Week

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26 September 201810:00

CRISTEME seminar

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24 - 28 September 2018TBC

PGCE Primary Programme Induction Week

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20 September 201812:00


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19 September 201814:30

CRISTEME meeting

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17 - 28 September 2018TBC

GSE Welcome and Induction Weeks for taught and research students

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4 September 201815:30

POSTPONED - CRPL Research Tea (Dr Lauren Stentiford: HE pedagogy, disciplinary cultures and equalities cultures: Emerging research ideas)

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31 July 201812:00

STEM Centre meeting

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25 July 201818:00

Seminar by Dr Phil Durrant (University of Exeter) Language development in children's writing from six to sixteen

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23 July 201817:00

The impact of the use of English as a medium of instruction on Arab students’ Modern Standard Arabic proficiency and Arab identity at higher education in the United Arab Emirates.

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20 July 201813:00

Exploring PluriLogicality

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18 July 201810:00

GSE Director of Research Advisory Group (DoRAG)

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16 July 201811:00

Lesson Study Network

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13 July 201811:00

CRPL Research Away Day

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11 July 201811:00

STEM Centre Seminar - Group thinking and mathematical reasoning/proving

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5 July 201812:30

Education Theory Reading Network

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3 July 201815:30

CRPL Research Tea - Factors in Professional Learning: using ‘Diamond 9’ ranking as a tool to explore what practitioners think is important

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3 July 2018TBC

Post-Structural Reading Group (PSRG)

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2 July 201812:30

Centre for Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) -Visiting Speaker - Silvia Lopez-Larrosa

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27 June 201814:00

GSE Research Review Group

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26 June 201813:00

Seminar by Emeritus Professor Ian Menter (University of Oxford) Teacher education and government: a tale of two countries

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26 June 2018TBC

STEM Centre meeting

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21 June 201812:30

CRPL - Centre Meeting

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19 June 201810:00

Centre for Research in Writing - Centre meeting

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18 June 201812:30

Special Education Needs and Disability Research Centre meeting

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12 June 20189:30

Social Mobility Conference

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7 June 201812:30

Education Theory Reading Network

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6 June 201812:30

Lesson Study Network

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5 June 201817:00

Seminar by Dr Laura Black (University of Manchester) Deepening Engagement in Mathematical Learning: A question of ‘identity’?

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5 June 201813:30

Post-Structural Reading Group (PSRG)

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5 June 201810:00

Centre for Research in Writing - Centre meeting

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5 June 2018TBC

CRPL Research Tea (Theme: ProTEACH)

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29 May 201812:00

STEM Centre meeting

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23 May 201810:00

GSE Director of Research Advisory Group (DoRAG)

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22 May 201813:00

Seminar by Professor Dongbo Zhang (University of Exeter) Cross-linguistic Perspectives on Reading Development

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22 May 201810:00

Centre for Research in Writing - Centre meeting

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21 May 201812:30

Centre for Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

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17 May 201812:30

CRPL - Centre Meeting

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9 May 201812:00

Language hub lunch

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8 May 201817:00

Seminar by Dr Joanne Pearce (University College London) From Anthroposophy to non-confessional preparation for spirituality?

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8 May 201810:30

Centre for Research in Writing - Centre meeting

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3 May 201812:30

Education Theory Reading Network

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2 May 201812:30

Lesson Study Network

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1 May 201815:30


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1 May 201813:30

Post-Structural Reading Group (PSRG)

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1 May 201812:30

Centre for Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

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25 April 201814:00

GSE Research Review Group

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24 April 201812:00

STEM Centre meeting

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19 April 201812:30

CRPL - Centre Meeting

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27 March 201812:00

STEM Centre meeting

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26 March 201812:30

Centre for Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) (rescheduled from 12 March 2018)

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23 March 20189:30

2018 Education Research Conference

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21 March 201810:00

GSE Director of Research Advisory Group (DoRAG)

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20 March 201812:30

Lesson Study Network

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20 March 201810:30

Centre for Research in Writing - Centre meeting

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15 March 201812:30

CRPL - Centre Meeting

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8 March 201813:30

Religion, Spirituality and Education Network meeting

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8 March 201812:20

Education Theory Reading Network

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7 March 201812:00

Language hub lunch

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6 March 201815:30

CRPL Research Tea - Professions as Politics: the Medical Profession and its End in the United States, 1783-1860

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6 March 201813:30

Post-Structural Reading Group (PSRG)

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6 March 201810:00

Centre for Research in Writing - Centre meeting

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28 February 201812:30

Lesson Study Network

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27 February 201812:00

STEM Centre meeting

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21 February 201814:00

GSE Research Review Group

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20 February 201810:00

Centre for Research in Writing - Centre meeting

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15 February 201812:30

CRPL - Centre Meeting

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12 February 201812:30

Centre for Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

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7 February 201812:30

Lesson Study Network

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6 February 201817:00

Seminar by Dr Marcello Giovanelli (Aston University) Text World Theory and teacher-oriented grammatics: Facilitating creativity, reading and writing in the classroom

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6 February 201815:30

CRPL Research Tea: Relating models of expertise to academics’ professional learning

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6 February 201813:30

Post-Structural Reading Group (PSRG)

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6 February 201810:30

Centre for Research in Writing - Centre meeting

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1 February 201812:30

Education Theory Reading Network

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30 January 201812:00

STEM Centre meeting

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30 January 201810:00

Centre for Research in Writing - Centre meeting

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24 January 201814:30

A comparative analysis of Anglophone and Chinese conceptualizations of intercultural communicative competence (ICC).

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24 January 201810:00

GSE Director of Research Advisory Group (DoRAG)

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18 January 201812:30

CRPL - Centre Meeting

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16 January 201817:00

Seminar by Professor Andrew Martin (University of New South Wales) Growth Approaches to Academic Motivation, Engagement, and Achievement

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16 January 201812:30

SEND visiting speaker seminar - Achievement in the Classroom: Towards a Better Understanding of Academically ‘Typical’ and ‘At-risk’ (ADHD) Students

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16 January 201810:30

Centre for Research in Writing - Centre meeting

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15 January 201812:30

Centre for Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

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10 January 201812:30

Post-Structural Reading Group (PSRG)

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10 January 201812:00

Language hub lunch

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14 December 201712:30

Research Talk by Enjo Xuying Fan (University of Exeter) How do language teachers define thinking skills, and can thinking skills be promoted in language classrooms? Insights from Chinese primary teachers’ practices.

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14 December 201710:30

Religion, Spirituality and Education Network meeting

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13 December 201714:00

GSE Research Review Group

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12 December 201710:00

Centre for Research in Writing - Centre meeting

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8 December 2017 - 2 March 2018TBC

2018 Education Research Conference: First Call for Papers

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7 December 201712:30

Education Theory Reading Network

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6 December 201717:00

Research talk by Dr Li Li (University of Exeter) Researching Teacher Cognition - A Discursive Approach

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5 December 201715:30

The Educational Role of Professional Bodies

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5 December 201713:00

Seminar by Dr Steven Jones (University of Manchester) Value-For-Money Discourses in English Higher Education

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4 December 201712:30

Centre for Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

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30 November 201713:30

Lesson Study Network

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28 November 201716:00

South West Excellence in Education for Teachers (SWEET) Launch

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28 November 201712:00

STEM Centre meeting

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28 November 201710:30

Centre for Research in Writing - Centre meeting

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22 November 201710:00

GSE Director of Research Advisory Group (DoRAG)

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21 November 201717:00

Seminar by Professor Carol Taylor (Sheffield Hallam University) Posthumanist/ new material feminist imaginaries for higher education research and pedagogy

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17 November 201713:30

Post-Structural Reading Group (PSRG)

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16 November 201715:30

Multilingual theme for GSE conference: working group

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16 November 201712:30

CRPL - Centre Meeting

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14 November 201710:30

Centre for Research in Writing - Centre meeting

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13 November 201712:00

Language and Education Network Research Talk

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7 November 201715:30

Medical Student’s View of Science

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7 November 201713:00

Seminar by Professor David Hall (University of Exeter) Education professionals and the permanent revolution of public service reform

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6 November 201712:30

Centre for Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

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2 November 201712:30

Education Theory Reading Network

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1 November 201712:00

Language hub lunch

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31 October 201712:00

STEM Centre meeting

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31 October 201710:00

Centre for Research in Writing - Centre meeting

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24 October 201717:00

Seminar by Dr Colin Foster (University of Nottingham) Developing mathematical fluency: exercises or rich tasks?

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19 October 201712:30

CRPL - Centre Meeting

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18 October 201714:00

GSE Research Review Group

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18 October 201713:00

Lesson Study Network

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17 October 201710:30

Centre for Research in Writing - Centre meeting

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16 October 201712:30

Centre for Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

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3 October 201715:30

Preparing healthcare scientists for team work

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13 June 201717:00

Seminar by Professor Judy Sebba (University of Oxford) 'The educational progress of looked after children: linking care and educational data'

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23 May 201717:00

CANCELLED Seminar by Professor Keri Facer (University of Bristol)

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9 May 201717:00

CANCELLED Seminar by Dr Laura Black (University of Manchester)

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4 May 201712:00

CRPL Research Seminar - Dr Michelle Lazarus (Monash University) & Professor Lynn Monrouxe (Chang Gung Medical Education Research Centre (CG-MERC))

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2 May 201715:30

Reducing teacher workload - what can we learn from the medical profession about how clinicians collect and analyse data

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28 March 201715:30

The use of Activity Theory to Investigate Professional Learning

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21 March 201713:00

Seminar by Professor Linda Woodhead (Lancaster University) 'Religion in Schools: cultural change in Britain and the need for reform'

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17 March 2017TBC

GSE Staff and Student Research Conference

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10 - 11 March 20179:00

Decolonizing Teacher Education

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10 - 11 March 2017TBC

Decolonizing Teacher Education

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7 March 201717:00

Seminar by Professor Graeme Douglas (University of Birmingham) 'Including pupils with special educational needs and disability in national assessment: Comparison of international practice through an Inclusive Assessment Framework'

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7 March 201715:30

‘Religious Education and the Mary Whitehouse Experience’…

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6 March 201716:30

What are the benefits of carrying out Research using Ethnographic Methods and how can it be used effectively?

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21 February 201713:00

Seminar by Professor Debra Myhill (University of Exeter) 'Do you know your adverbs from your articles? What place for grammar in the Curriculum?'

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20 February 201713:00

Problematizing the MA Dissertation (Looking at Feedback to Feedforward)

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10 February 20179:00


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7 February 201717:00

Seminar by Professor Tim Oates (Cambridge Assessment) 'Why should we care about what children think? Using assessment gain insights into the mental life of children'

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7 February 201715:30

Using video-debrief to prevent prescribing errors in newly qualified doctors

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20 January 201714:00

ESRC SWDTP Studentships Info Day

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20 January 201714:00

ESRC SWDTP Studentships Info Day

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17 January 201713:00

Seminar by Paul Warwick (University of Cambridge) 'Digitalised Dialogues Across the Curriculum (DiDiAC): Enhancing classroom dialogue by using Talkwall to 'Think Together''

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11 January 201717:00

Community of Inquiry as a framework for practice

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10 January 201713:00

Culture, Narrative and Dialogue: Constructing Civic Identity (Speaker: Professor Helen Haste)

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6 December 201613:00

Seminar by Professor Jane Oakhill (University of Sussex) 'Children’s difficulties with text comprehension: From research to practice'

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6 December 201612:00

Teacher Recruitment Fair 2016

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1 December 201613:00

Paradoxes of the Academization Process: A Sociological Exploration of the History of Foreign and Classical Language Education since 1864

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30 November 201616:00

Anna Craft’s Legacy: The importance of creativity to teaching and learning and its role in resisting and challenging performativity. Reflections on a creative partnership. (Speark: Bob Jeffrey, University of Exeter)

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30 November 201616:00

Anna Craft’s Legacy: The importance of creativity to teaching and learning and its role in resisting and challenging performativity. Reflections on a creative partnership. (Speaker: Bob Jeffrey, University of Exeter)

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23 November 201613:00

Video-based Classroom Research and the Development of Professional Vision in Language Teacher Education (Speaker: Professor Dr Britta Viebrock, Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt)

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22 November 201617:00

Seminar by Dr James Hall (University of Exeter) 'National evidence of how Sure Start Children's Centres combat disadvantage in the early years'

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10 November 201612:30

Professional learning in teacher centres – current and historical perspectives

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8 November 201613:00

Seminar by Dr Pallavi Banerjee (University of Exeter) "Do STEM schemes work?"

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3 November 201613:00

Supporting content and language learning through collaborative drawing (exploratory research)… (Presenters: Dr Gabriela Meier & Dr Emese Hall)

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31 October 201616:00

Researching creative intersubjectivities – a journey from language-based collaborations to embodied dialogues

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18 October 201617:00

Seminar by Professor Adam Dinham & Martha Shaw (Goldsmith University) "RE for Real: Towards a religiously literate curriculum"

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17 October 201613:00

What’s up on WhatsApp?

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13 October 201617:00

Academic attitudes towards becoming educational leaders

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12 October 201613:00

‘Influence of an American initial teacher education program on pre-service and in-service teachers’

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11 October 201613:00

Dr Phil Durrant (University of Exeter) "Growth in Grammar: A multi-dimensional analysis of student writing between five and sixteen"

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12 September 201613:00

“There was probably a tear in my eye”: emotion regulation as an individual and interpersonal phenomenon

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6 September 201615:30

Longitudinal audio diaries in healthcare education research: What, why and how (Professor Lynn Monrouze)

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3 - 5 September 2016TBC

World Association of Lesson Studies (WALS) International Conference

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1 September 201613:00

Design-Based Research and Collective Intelligence

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14 July 201616:30

ITE Networking Event - Centre for Research in Professional Learning - ExPLAIN Network

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8 July 201610:00

Making CenCSE, Moving Forward

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5 July 201615:30

Grounded Practice: Putting the 'self' back into self-evaluation

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9 June 201616:00

Issues impacting the motivation of Iranian university students to learn English

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7 June 201615:30

Co-construction, co-design and collaboration: developing a professional learning community in schools

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31 May 201617:00

Seminar by Professor Angela Creese (University of Birmingham) 'Using linguistic ethnography to investigate the multilingual classroom'

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17 May 201613:00

Seminar by Professor Karen Mattick (University of Exeter) 'Educational interventions to improve junior doctor prescribing'

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9 May 201616:30

The 'Dyslexia Debate' (Professor Joe Elliott, University of Durham)

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3 May 201617:00

Seminar by Dr Kristine Black-Hawkins (University of Cambridge) 'Achievement and inclusion in Schools'

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3 May 201615:30

Centre for Research in Professional Learning - Research Tea

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22 March 201617:00

Seminar by Professor Tara Fenwick (University of Stirling) 'Professional responsibility and professionalism: a sociomaterial examination'

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23 February 201617:00

**CANCELLED** Seminar by Professor Victoria Carrington (University of East Anglia) 'How we live now: “I don’t think there’s such a thing as being offline'

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23 February 201616:00

Enjoying ethnographic writing

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22 February 201616:00

Creative Learning in the Primary School

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9 February 201613:00

Seminar by David Aldridge (Oxford Brookes University) 'Instructional triangles, belonging, and the knowledge-led curriculum'

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2 February 201615:30

Centre for Research in Professional Learning - Research Tea

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26 January 201617:00

Seminar by Professor Michael Young (Institute of Education) 'Researching the Curriculum: from 'Knowledge of the powerful' to 'powerful knowledge’

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21 January 201613:00

THINK research centre seminar: Play and Learning in Finnish Education Policy and Practice

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11 January 201613:00

Language and Education Network Seminar - Dr Simone Smala (University of Queensland, Australia)

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8 December 201513:00

CANCELLED:Seminar by Dr Tamara Bibby (Institute of Education) ‘The Creative Self? School? Classroom?’

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1 December 201517:00

CANCELLED: Seminar by Professor Ian Abrahams (University of Lincoln) 'Conceptions about international misconceptions'

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19 November 201512:00

Language and Education Network seminar with Dr Salah Troudi (University of Exeter)

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17 November 201513:00

Seminar by Dr Julia Ipgrave (University of Warwick) 'Young People's Attitudes to Religious Diversity: perspectives from across the UK'

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4 November 201517:00

Language and Education Network workshop with Yi-Mei Chen (University of Exeter)

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3 November 201517:00

Seminar by Dr Nigel Harwood (University of Sheffield) 'Experiencing master’s dissertation supervision: two supervisors’ perspectives'

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21 October 201517:00

Language and Education Network seminar with Steven Kurowski (University of Exeter)

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20 October 201513:00

Seminar by Dr Shelia Trahar (University of Bristol) ‘The Path is made by Walking On It’: Ethical Complexities in Supervising International Doctoral Researchers Using Narrative Approaches?

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18 June 201513:00

The Dynamics of Non-Convergent Learning with a Conflicting Other: Internally Persuasive Discourse as a Framework for Articulating Successful Collaborative Learning

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16 June 201517:00

Seminar by Dr Julia Davies (University of Sheffield) '(Im)Material girls living in (im)material worlds: identity curation through time and space'

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19 May 201513:00

Seminar by Professor Jim Ryder (University of Leeds) 'Being professional: Accountability and authority in teachers’ responses to curriculum reform'

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12 May 201516:00

**WORKSHOP POSTPONED** Understanding and designing communicative activities - a workshop with Yi-Mei Chen

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5 May 201513:00

Reading, writing, talking and doing science - a seminar with Professor Paul Webb (Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University)

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30 April 201517:00

Self-concept in second or foreign language reading in a higher education context

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28 April 201517:00

Seminar /Key note speech Dr Julia Gillen (Lancaster University)

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28 April 201517:00

*CANCELLED*Seminar by Professor Gill Valentine (University of Sheffield)

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14 - 18 April 2015TBC

RIME (Research in Music Education) Conference

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24 March 201513:00

'The Creative Self? School? Classroom?' - Seminar by Dr Tamara Bibby (University of London)

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10 March 201514:00

CREATE Workshop with Bob Jeffrey and Margo Greenwood (University of Exeter)

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5 March 201517:00

Anna Craft Memorial Lecture

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3 March 201517:00

'Problematising 'Diversity' and 'Integration' discourses and practices: what are the alternatives?' - Seminar by Professor Floya Anthias (University of East London)

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10 February 201513:00

'Re-conceptualising Validity in High Stakes Testing' - Seminar by Professor Barry O'Sullivan (British Council)

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27 January 201517:00

'Creative action: some reflctions on classroom behaviour, teachers and centralism, imposed research programmes, ...and REF games' Speaker: Professor Andrew Pollard (University of Bristol)

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20 January 201517:00

Exploring the context Putting us all in-the-picture Speaker: Jonathan Rix (Open University)

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9 December 201413:00

‘Back to the Future’? Curriculum Development through Pedagogical Inquiry - Speaker: Professor Vivienne Baumfield (University of Glasgow)

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3 December 201417:00

CREATE Workshop Debate: Cultures of Encounter: How not to get steam rollered by the system and create a new one......

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25 November 201417:00

Professor Ann-Marie Bathmaker (University of Birmingham) - 'Who wants to be an engineer? UTCs, vocational diversification and the experience of girls and boys from different social class backgrounds in England'

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24 November 201417:00

The multilingual turn and multilingual integrated curricula (Dr Gabriela Meier, University of Exeter)

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18 November 201417:00

Managing performative imperatives and creative teaching and learning and the implications for professional identity

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11 November 201413:00

Disabled Children's Childhood Studies: informing research and practice? Speaker: Dr Katherine Runswick-Cole (Manchester Metropolitan University)

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4 November 201417:00

Dr Phyllis Jones (University of South Florida), Insider Perspectives: Research dilemmas and contributions to inclusive teacher education

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28 October 201417:00

'Developmental writing difficulties: assessing writing products and writing processes' Speaker: Professor Julie Dockrell (University of London)

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15 October 201417:00

CREATE (Creativity Research in Education AT Exeter) Research Group Seminar with Malcolm Ross

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14 October 201413:00

Seminar by Dr Esmaeel Abodallahzadeh (University of Exeter)

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8 October 201417:00

CREATE Research Group Virtual Seminar with Dr Keith Sawyer (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)

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