We pride ourselves on our diverse portfolio of research, grounded in commitments to improving teaching and learning and promoting equality across educational settings.
Our research takes in long-established areas of international renown such as inclusive practice, creativity and dialogic approaches, as well as emerging areas like environmental education and mental health. We work with colleagues from across the University in transdisciplinary spaces and benefit from strong partnerships with local schools and colleges.
We are recognised for emphasising research with ‘real world’ impact. We develop and evaluate new practices in schools, advise governments and collaborate with practitioners to promote fairer access to higher education.
We have a rich and supportive community of over 40 researchers. Many are in the early stages of their careers and benefit from peer networks and advice from experienced colleagues. We welcome approaches from researchers who wish to join us on funded fellowships or as visiting scholars.
Read more from Professor Neil Harrison
Professor Neil Harrison
Director of Research and Impact
82% of our research is rated as ‘internationally excellent' (3* and 4* in REF2021)
Five vibrant research centres representing significant areas of research focus and expertise
Focus on research with ‘real world’ impact on education policy and practice – local, national and global
An ‘internationally excellent’ research environment, with wide-ranging support for doctoral and postdoctoral researcher (3* and 4* in REF2021)
Our research structure
The School of Education hosts four research centres that represent our areas of established expertise and international reputation. They are led by senior academics and built around long-term collaborative programmes of research spanning multiple studies. Research centres act as a focal point for sharing knowledge and developing new thinking through regular events and networking opportunities, underpinning a vibrant and supportive community for staff and doctoral students.
We also host several research groups that capture emerging areas of specialism and interest. These include the exciting interdisciplinary spaces that exist between our research centres, as well as bridging out to other departments across the University. Research groups offer a more informal forum for staff and doctoral students to discuss their current work and their ideas for the future, potentially leading to collaborative research projects.
- Creativity and Emergent Educational-futures Network (CEEN)
- Religion, Spirituality and Education Network
- Language and Education Network (LEN)
- Educational Policy, Societies and Change
Our staff and doctoral students are also active members of several of the University’s research networks, including:
- Children and Young People's Wellbeing @ Exeter
- Policy @ Exeter
- Routes @ Exeter: Migration, Mobility and Displacement