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Articles about Exeter’s research findings and pedagogy

Grammar for Writing? An investigation into the effect of Contextualised Grammar Teaching on Student Writing
Jones, S.M.,  Myhill, D.A. and Bailey, T.C.  (2013), Reading and Writing   26 (8) 1241-1263

Re-Thinking Grammar: the Impact of Embedded Grammar Teaching on Students’ Writing and Students’ Metalinguistic Understanding
Myhill, D.A., Jones, S.M., Lines, H. and Watson A.  (2012), Research Papers in Education  27 (2) 139-166 
Download‌ the article here

Making Meaning with Grammar: A repertoire of possibilities
Debra Myhill, Helen Lines and Annabel Watson (2012), mETAphor  2: 1-10
Download the article here

Playful Explicitness with Grammar:  A Pedagogy for Writing
Jones, S. M., Myhill, D.A., Watson, A and Lines, H.E. (2013), Literacy  47 (2) 103-111

Grammar Matters: How Teachers’ Grammatical Subject Knowledge Impacts on the Teaching of Writing
Myhill, D.A.,  Jones, S.M. and Watson, A. (2013), Teaching and Teacher Education  36:77-91  

‘Knowledge About Language’ Revisited: The Impact of Teachers’ Linguistic Subject Knowledge on the Teaching of Writing
Debra Myhill, Susan Jones, Helen Lines and Annabel Watson, A. (2012), EnglishDramaMedia, 23: 43-48
Download‌ the article here.

Navigating ‘the pit of doom’: Affective responses to teaching ‘grammar’
Watson, A. (2012), English in Education 46 (1) 22- 37

Grammar at GCSE technical report - Edexcel Annabel Watson and Ruth Newman

Publications to support teachers’ subject knowledge

Essential Primary Grammar
Myhill, D.A  Jones, S  Lines, H and Watson, A (2016)

No Nonsense Grammar: Babcock LDP Literacy Team,  Raintree (2016)

Grammar for Writing - UK Government Web Archive

Useful websites website designed for trainee teachers of English at the Graduate School of Education, University of Exeter; support for grammar knowledge, including self-test facility. NATE members can download without charge the grammar for writing schemes of work for Year 8 on Narrative Fiction, Argument and Poetry that formed a very successful research intervention with schools in 2008-09, and a number of schemes developed by teachers in a follow-up project, under the title: Shaping Policy and Practice. The NATE site has details of how non-members can access these schemes.

Resources from the Primary Literacy team at Babcock LDP, a leading UK education support and improvement service based in Devon:  A comprehensive series of videos designed to strengthen teachers’ grammar subject knowledge. Each video links to texts in Key Stages 1 and 2 that are helpful for teaching the grammar point in context, and to examples of teaching sequences.  Lists of texts in Key Stages 1 and 2 for which detailed teaching sequences are available. Developed by a team from University College London (UCL), this website aims to be a complete online resource for teaching English grammar at Key Stages 1-5 in UK schools. As well as grammar subject knowledge, it has lesson plans and activities which can be accessed through a simple registration process.  This website is particularly useful for second language or EAL writers to self-check whether they have made any errors