Joining the Partnership
Applying to work in Partnership
This website contains information about Joining our Partnership.
If your school would like to join our ITE Partnership please complete this Microsoft Form.
The Partnership Office will then contact the school to discuss placements they may wish to offer. This offer will not be a final commitment until a school has signed the Memorandum of Understanding, which is sent to all schools that have agreed to receive trainees once placements are allocated.
If you would like to make any placement offers for the current academic year or need any further information please contact the Partnership Office directly at
Fast response and support
- A dedicated Partnership Relations Manager and Partnership Office team offering a rapid response to support you throughout your journey with us.
Long established success of The Exeter Model
- A commitment to high-quality, research-inspired teacher education
- A structured training programme using the highly regarded Exeter Model of Initial Teacher Education – providing structured guidance for Mentors
Access to high quality ECTs
- Support with staff recruitment including a free vacancy advertising service
- Access to the most employable ECTs, many of which gain teaching positions in their placement schools and continue their careers in the South West
High quality, personalised Mentor training
- A personalised hybrid Mentor training programme
- Access to Mentor Meets – gaining knowledge about current research in education
Member of our Community of Practice
- University staff and school staff join an active Community of Practice – providing support and development for all members
- Work with University Subject Curriculum experts to gain knowledge of up to date research led teaching practice
- Share your knowledge and experience of current teaching practices with our university staff to allow us to continually evolve and develop our courses
Opportunities to feed into course development
- Opportunities to co-design the PGCE curriculum, ensuring schools are fully involved in creating teachers to meet the needs of their schools
Benefits for pupil learning
- Benefit from the skills, energy and fresh ideas from our exceptional trainees, bringing subject specialist learning into the classroom
Link to wider university
- Invitations to academic lectures and to become involved in educational research - our partners are part of our research community
- Mentors have access to one of the largest Education libraries in the UK
We offer the following PGCE courses which include 60 Masters level credits:
Primary PGCE courses
Secondary PGCE courses
- Secondary English
- Secondary Geography
- Secondary History
- Secondary Mathematics
- Secondary Modern Foreign Languages
- Secondary Physical Education
- Secondary Science (Biology)
- Secondary Science (Chemistry)
- Secondary Science (Physics)
- Secondary Science (Biology with Physical Education)
Our courses are front loaded with most of the taught course taking place over the Autumn term. The taught courses are delivered on the St Luke’s Campus in Exeter.
Details of all our courses and hubs can be found on our Teacher Training web pages.
ITE programmes are taught in close association with our Partner Schools across the South West. Trainees spend a significant period of their programme in Partner Schools learning to teach alongside experienced teachers, who share this training responsibility with university tutors.
Placement locations
Our Partnership area covers Devon, Cornwall, Dorset and Somerset with a small number of school two primary placements in London.
Autumn term placement
Trainees spend four weeks in their school one placement. Trainees will also spend time in school through the Intensive Training and Practice elements in this term. This allows trainees to begin their teaching practice in a scaffolded and supported way.
Spring and Summer term placements
Trainees return to their school one placement in January, then move to their second school placement in March. They remain in this second school placement until the end of the course. The school placements are chosen so that trainees have contrasting experiences across their training year.
Primary Placement dates 2024/25
School 1 provisional dates (dates will be confirmed in the placement offer communications)
11 November to 29 November 2024 (3 weeks)
05 December (1 day during ITAP week)
06 January to 28 February 2025
06 March (1 day during ITAP week)
School 2:
10 March to 09 July 2025
Secondary Placement dates
School 1:
11 November to 06 December 2024
06 January to 07 March 2025
School 2:
10 March to 10 July 2025
School payments 2024/25
Placement fee - £700.00 per trainee per placement
Mentor training fees - paid directly to schools by the DfE for 24/25
We will ask schools to complete a bank details form. Payments for trainees are made once the placement has begun and when we have received your signed Memorandum of Understanding
Placement dates 2025/26
School 1 provisional dates (dates will be confirmed in the placement offer communications)
10 November to 04 December 2025
05 January to 05 March 2026
School 2
09 March to 09 July 2026
School 1 provisional dates (dates will be confirmed in the placement offer communications)
10 November to 04 December 2025
05 January to 06 March 2026
School 2
09 March to 09 July 2026
School payments 2025/26
Placement fee - £700.00 per trainee per placement
We will ask schools to complete a bank details form. Payments for trainees are made once the placement has begun and when we have received your signed Memorandum of Understanding
Roles and responsibilities are outlined here (full details are contained within the MoU):
School responsibilities
University responsibilities
Make placement offers and commit to those offers, where possible
Place trainees with schools who have made offers, where possible
Display University of Exeter logo on school website and provide school logo to be shared by University of Exeter
Share University of Exeter logo with schools
Mentors to complete Mentor Training (DfE requirement)
Provide high quality Mentor Curriculum
Provide ITE Coordinator who will quality assure programme in school and select appropriate Mentors
Advertise ECT vacancies to PGCE trainees
Support and train the trainee in line with the Exeter Model of ITE guidance
Ensure schools are fully aware of their duties under all relevant legislation
Meet all relevant legislation when training and assessing trainees
Invite Partnership Schools to events with the university and involve Partnership Schools in current research projects
Market course to attract trainees across the South West Partnership area
All ITE Mentors, both in schools and at the university use the Exeter Model of ITE as a shared framework for their work with trainees. Click here for more information.
All ITE Mentors working with PGCE trainees must undertake a minimum number of training hours set by the DfE. To achieve this the University of Exeter has a flexible, hybrid Mentoring Curriculum.
Further information on The Exeter Mentor Curriculum can be found here.
ITE Coordinator
Each partner school designates a teacher as ITE Coordinator who manages the ITE partnership in schools. The ITE Coordinator is responsible for identifying, briefing and monitoring all school-based personnel working in the partnership, and for overseeing all training in school. They support trainees to reflect on their development as a teacher.
Mentors are experienced teachers who can provide models of good practice in their subject and phase. They assist trainees by working as partners in the classroom, demonstrating teaching, jointly planning, carrying out focused observation of trainees’ teaching and providing feedback and advice.
University Lead Mentor
University Lead Mentors are specialists in the wider context of education and as teachers and researchers can provide insights in their special fields. During school-based work each trainee is allocated a University Lead Mentor who supports and advises both trainee and school personnel. The University Lead Mentor is also responsible for monitoring trainee progress and school provision through the partnership.