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School of Education

Meet our team

The Partnership Office


Tel: 01392 724841

Based at St Luke's Campus, the Partnership Office deals with all sorts of work related to Initial Teacher Education and the partnerships between the School of Education and schools.

Partnership Office work includes:

  • Placing all trainee teachers on the university-based course for their school-based work in partner schools throughout the South West.
  • We deal with administration for PGCE and School Direct training routes.
  • Support school and university staff in the training of PGCE trainees
  • Support other School of Education courses with work related placements
  • We work (with other colleagues) to provide Continuing Professional Development for Education professionals offering various routes in to M level qualifications and beyond.

The Partnership team

Corinne Greaves

Partnership Director As Partnership Director, Corinne is responsible for overseeing the partnerships with schools. She is responsible for the formation and quality of the partnerships, the provision of the induction and support of mentors and for the assessment and moderation of trainees. Corinne represents the University of Exeter's strategic partnership with Teaching Schools.
Lisa Fripp ITE Programme Manager Lisa manages the university-facing elements of the PGCE programmes such as admissions, registration, quality assurance and examination boards. She also produces programme data and supports the PGCE programme team in being ready for an Ofsted inspection at any time.
Gini Williams Partnership Relations Manager Gini places trainees into partnership schools; supports teachers through an extensive programme of partnership induction and ongoing support; deals with trainees' questions and concerns about school-based work, and is also responsible for supporting University Visiting Tutors when they undertake their visits to trainees in schools.
Fiona Bosley Partnership Relations Manager

Fiona places trainees into partnership schools; supports teachers through an extensive programme of partnership induction and ongoing support; deals with trainees' questions and concerns about school-based work, and is also responsible for supporting University Visiting Tutors when they undertake their visits to trainees in schools.

Heidi Long Partnership Relations Manager

Heidi works with Lead Schools on the School Direct Programme; supports teachers through an extensive programme of partnership induction and ongoing support; deals with trainees' questions and concerns about school-based work, and is also responsible for supporting University Visiting Tutors when they undertake their visits to trainees in schools.

Jon Vague Senior Administrator

Jon is responsible for a wide variety of administrative tasks such as processing and approving expense claims, school payments and UVT pay claims and also organises the external examiner visits. He is also responsible for the Data Analysis and Quality Assurance for the Partnership aspects of the PGCE programme.

Jon is also a primary point of contact for School Direct lead schools, answering queries and also ensuring that all placement and training information is up to date.

Lucie Baker Partnership Office Co-ordinator Lucie coordinates the Partnership Office and manages the administration team’s workload. She is responsible for the trainee’s Individual Development Portfolios (IDP) and Communications to schools and trainees. Along with Kathryn and Eileen, she deals with enquiries through the Exeter Partner inbox and phone.
Kathryn Fyfe & Eileen Pye Administrative Assistants Kathryn and Eileen provide administrative support for the Primary, Secondary and School Direct programmes. They deal with enquiries through the Exeter Partner inbox and phone, as well as tracking induction and mentor training and supporting schools and trainees with all aspects of the IDP. 

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