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This page is updated with Teacher Education News, details of research along with any teaching events being run by our partner schools. It also has details of all the upcoming 'important' dates for your calendars.
Perceptions of Primary Teachers using ChatGPT in Education
Faye Fulton is looking for participants for a MSc Psychology research project.
The study seeks to identify the perceptions of primary teachers towards the use of ChatGPT tools in Education and is separated into two parts. The first quantitatively seeks to identify existing perceptions of ChatGPT in Education through the completion of a questionnaire. This questionnaire also provides the opportunity to participate in a further qualitative study. The second part of the study will ask participants to use a ChatGPT agent referred to as 'The Bright Minds Buddy' to aid teaching practice (although not in a live classroom scenario).
The research is funded by Exeter University and will reimburse teachers for a month's subscription to ChatGPT 4 that will enable access to the educational tool. After two weeks experimenting with the technology, and supported with various online materials, participants will be requested to attend an interview to role-play a classroom scenario and to share their perceptions of the tool within the context of primary education. In total the qualitative study is funded for eight primary teachers.
A short video with further details can be found here.
If this would be of interest to you please contact Faye on
Research into Secondary School Food and Pupil Wellbeing
We have a PhD student investigating the relationship between school food within secondary schools and its effect on psychological wellbeing, attention and behaviour of pupils.
As part of this he is keen to conduct some PPIE work within secondary schools and talk to some teachers, SENCOs and any other school staff or pupils so that they can get their opinions to shape their systematic review question and primary data collection project.
Should you be able/happy to assist please do contact them directly on
Delphi Study into high-quality ITE
You are invited to participate in a study on what constitutes high-quality Initial Teacher Education (ITE). This project is hosted by the Department of Education at the University of Oxford and is a response to the increasing government regulation of ITE in England.
Since 2021, the DfE has undertaken significant reforms including institutional re-accreditation, mandated curricula, and prescriptions for teacher educators' practice. For a long time now the Russell Group universities that provide ITE in England have voiced concerns about the government's policies - especially their implications for teacher quality and supply. However, there has been no collective response from the teacher education profession in England concerning the purpose, structure, and content of high-quality ITE. Accordingly, the present study seeks to articulate a consensus amongst the Russell Group partnerships on what constitutes high-quality ITE in England.
This is an opportunity to contribute to the teacher education profession's collective response to ongoing government regulation. We are inviting you to participate because we value your knowledge and experience. The findings of this project will be disseminated through seminars and used to publish a position paper outlining the teacher education profession's vision for high-quality ITE. Through this project, we aim to create meaningful change in government policies, and move towards reclaiming accountability in teacher education.
Here is the link to the survey:
1. Before you begin the actual survey you will be given more information about the study's rationale and method.
2. If you choose to participate, you can proceed to the survey by completing the consent form.
If you have any queries or concerns at any point please email
Language Centre - Courses for Sixth Form Students
The University of Exeter’s Language Centre offers a number of evening language courses - If you teach students aged 16-18, please complete our short form to let us know which courses your students may be interested in.
Survey for Secondary School/FE College Leadership and Safeguarding Staff
If you are a Headteacher, SENCO, or Safeguarding lead, we would greatly appreciate your participation in this 20 minute online survey.
This piece of research, carried out by 16 universities, is helping us to understand the current prevention and intervention strategies for self-harm and suicide utilised by secondary school and FE staff across the UK. By completing this survey, you will help us gain valuable information about the current policies, processes and programmes of support provided to young people and to staff supporting them. Your response will help us to identify what schools need and will inform recommendations for government and local policy. For further information about the study please go to the 4S webpage
Your input is invaluable to our research!
Please note: we have ethical approval for our research. All responses will be kept confidential (GDPR-compliant) and used for research purposes only.
MA Education for teacher at the University of Exeter
Did you know that, as well as PGCE, we also offer two part-time Masters courses designed specifically for teachers and others involved in education?
Many of our PGCE students go on to complete one of our two programmes - either MA Education or MA Language and Literacy in Education.
The MA Education builds on PGCE study by encouraging students to take a critical and questioning approach to big issues in education, introducing you to key research, policies and theories relating to these issues. Like the MA Language and Literacy in Education, the flexibility of the course is ideal for busy professionals wishing to extend their expertise. Further information about the course can be found here:
The MA Language and Literacy in Education explores the fundamental role of language and literacy in education: for learning in every subject, for democratic empowerment and for understanding self and world. A distinctive feature of the course is that the core modules also focus on personal development, through reading for pleasure and creative writing. The course involves critical enquiry intended to improve the outcomes of learners in reading and writing. Further information about the course can be found here:
For any questions about the courses, you can also contact Ruth, the Programme Lead: